9/11 (7 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Almost a quarter of a century on today.

The world changed for the worse that day as we all know. One of them days that you always remember where you were.

So, where were you and what are your memories of it?

For me I remember coming home from school (had just started secondary) looked at the TV and said to my mum "what film is this?"

She responded "it's not a film mate. It's happening now". Will always remember that


Well-Known Member
I was working in an accountants and one of the partners came into the office saying 'have you heard the news!" As Strachan had been sacked the day before we thought it was about a new manager. Instead he said a plane had just crashed into the WTC.

A bit later I went to the shop for milk (I was the office junior) and as I walked into the shop everyone was staring silently at the TV they had in there as about a minute before the second plane had gone in and everyone was just realising this was a deliberate attack.

My nan was on holiday in Canada at the time and to say her flight home was tense is an understatement.


Well-Known Member
Watching the planes hit the towers still leaves me in a state of shock. I prefer to commend the real life heroes on flight United 93 who knew they were ultimately going to die and did their best to tackle the highjackers.


Well-Known Member
At work. Lots discuss this and they were in many places, some at school, some not even born, when I point to say I was there .. at a desk about 10 metres from where I am now, the response is somewhere between humor, ridicule, not moved on much and fek I must be getting old!


Well-Known Member
Watching the planes hit the towers still leaves me in a state of shock. I prefer to commend the real life heroes on flight United 93 who knew they were ultimately going to die and did their best to tackle the highjackers.
I agree with first part, I hope the second is true. I'm not normally one for conspiracy theories, but I do think that was just a nice story and it was taken out by the US government.


Well-Known Member
Was at work in Leamington, we all gathered round an old b/w tv that was at the back of the office. Utter shock as those planes crashed, no work was done for the rest of the day, just chatting and trying to comprehend what had just happened


Well-Known Member
Just got home from (primary) school and have a really vivid memory of the live news report on TV as it was happening, but I was probably too young at the time to realise the severity and impact of what had just happened


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Well-Known Member
I was working an early shift at hereward college, and was on one of the residential blocks when it came on the news . Visited the world trade centre museum last year and found it a very emotional experience, I couldn't believe how quite it was around there


Well-Known Member
Was at work up Westwood Business Park and my Dad rang me (landline to landline of course) and told me.

Up until that point nobody had heard anything and then the rest of the afternoon was just left watching in disbelief. Can remember the BBC website going down as it couldn’t handle the traffic.

Completely surreal day and watching those poor fuckers just to jump to their death rather than burn alive has lived with me since. Can’t even begin to imagine that thought process.

And some of those phone calls and answer phone messages……😢


Well-Known Member
Heading to Peterborough for the game, changed from tape to radio and thought WTF. Got friends there so caught the 2nd tower going down on the TV. Watching the match was pretty surreal. Drove home past B'ham airport and they'd got a temporary speed limit on, when the speed cameras flashed I almost crapped myself, thought they'd hit there too.


Well-Known Member
Coming home from work and was on the bus home, where I heard two ladies talking about it. It being that "something" had happened, but they were very cloudy on the issue." This was very, very early on into the incident . I think it had just happened.

Rushed home and then stayed glued to the TV for something like 14 hours non-stop

Just knocked the stuffing out of me and left me stunned. It was so surreal.

Vowed to live each day as if it was to be my last from that point on and still live by that ethos now.


Well-Known Member
Just woke up from my night shift at the Jag, put my ntl box on sky and wow saw the second plane going in!!😟


Well-Known Member
Just woke up from my night shift at the Jag, put my ntl box on sky and wow saw the second plane going in!!😟
Until we saw that second one going in, I wasnt even sure what had happened. Never been to NY so couldnt comprehend the size and thought it was a small plane that had hit the first one and by accident. Still hard to imagine something so vast and also to bring down the towers even now seems weird. In fact if they did it in a movie before then, you'd be thinking that's unrealistic.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Until we saw that second one going in, I wasnt even sure what had happened. Never been to NY so couldnt comprehend the size and thought it was a small plane that had hit the first one and by accident. Still hard to imagine something so vast and also to bring down the towers even now seems weird. In fact if they did it in a movie before then, you'd be thinking that's unrealistic.
Yep that live was the moment when the world changed
You almost have to admire the creativity of an attack using airplanes in that way and then pulling it off
Sickening and life changing


Well-Known Member
Was playing football at the park with mates and then went to my friends for a drink of water and his little bro ran out saying world war 3 has begun excitedly.

Glued to his TV and then quickly mine for rest of day

The next day I was called bin laden by someone in street which was first racism I had experienced in a very long time at that point. So defo made the world worse in many different ways.


Well-Known Member
I was at work (jaguar) listening to marc and lard on radio one, they stopped there normal
afternoon show and just played sombre music saying something terrible has happened in the usa.
Never forgotten it .

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I’d just started Year 7, didn’t hear anything until my dad picked me up and explained everything.

The footage of George W Bush being told the news while on a school visit is pretty striking


Well-Known Member
Yep that live was the moment when the world changed
You almost have to admire the creativity of an attack using airplanes in that way and then pulling it off
Sickening and life changing
Yep-it was an absolute masterclass from the “people” behind it. The planning that must have went on for year’s previously before they pulled it off-flight schools and training et al…


Well-Known Member
I agree with first part, I hope the second is true. I'm not normally one for conspiracy theories, but I do think that was just a nice story and it was taken out by the US government.
Yep-please be true!


Well-Known Member
Was just leaving college in Leamington. Heard some rumours on what was going on (no smart phones back then.) Someone told me a plane had crashed into Big Ben. Was only when I got home to see my mum watching the TV I actually found out what was going on.

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Well-Known Member
It's mad how it was 23 years ago yet we can all remember it so vividly

The world of course changed for the worse that day and I really don't think it's been the same. I feel only 1 good came out of it, and that is the increased stringent airline security that we still see to this day

Echo a couple of comments above that although one of the most heinous things to ever occur in the human race, the planning and coordination to pull off something of that magnitude is in a crazy way, fascinating.

Do we think we will ever see a similar kind of attack involving planes again?

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
It's mad how it was 23 years ago yet we can all remember it so vividly

The world of course changed for the worse that day and I really don't think it's been the same. I feel only 1 good came out of it, and that is the increased stringent airline security that we still see to this day

Echo a couple of comments above that although one of the most heinous things to ever occur in the human race, the planning and coordination to pull off something of that magnitude is in a crazy way, fascinating.

Do we think we will ever see a similar kind of attack involving planes again?
Space x will be the next one
Or musks blue thingy


Well-Known Member
Was in year 4. Can remember overhearing another teacher telling mine a plane flew into the World Trade Center. Meant nothing to me then but as I got home and saw it, I was really frightened. As time has gone by I’ve ended up down rabbit holes reading and watching stuff about it. Have visited the site a couple of times.


Well-Known Member
Yep-it’s a very sobering experience visiting the site and the museum in particular. Bits of wreckage from the planes and peoples watches and shoes etc. And the last Column…..

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