A house through time (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Have enjoyed it. The presenter a little condescending at times but he does make it interesting. Lots of fascinating social history. We went to Liverpool last year for a short break and the importance of the docks was clear. Would recommend the maritime and slave museum.

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Well-Known Member
saw it last week - something id love to do for my house (got a watchmakers trail blue plague)

I find that sort of stuff very interesting


Well-Known Member
BBC 2.......go from the start on I player. It's basically a walk through modern British history thru the lives of those who lived in a single house in Liverpool.

Top class BBC output

Nice one, will give that a go.

On a similar theme, read an excellent book by Richard Benson on similar lines about a family who lived in the South Yorkshire coalfield: Amazon product ASIN 0747591849
Thoroughly recommend that and another one he did about a farming family.

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