A new CCFC club badge (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
There’s a difference between positive feedback and constructive criticism. So you don’t like it, that’s fair enough - everyone is entitled to an opinion. But calling it ‘substandard’ isn’t useful feedback.

You’re saying it’s objectively not very good, without explaining why you think that, or what you think could be changed to fix it. All I’m left with is that one person doesn’t like it, with no real clue why. In that scenario I might as well just choose to dismiss your opinion as wrong, since it’s not going to affect what I’ve made either way.

Like I say, you’re entitled to your opinion, but you can’t expect me to listen to it (or be pleased to hear it).

If I am the one person that doesn't like it I am happy to accept I am in a very minor minority. It won't change my opinion that the current badge is better and doesn't need changing.


Well-Known Member
I realise lots of people are happy with the existing badge. That’s a well-understood phenomenon that people are more comfortable with what’s familiar.

Anything that’s not basically the same as what came before takes some getting used to, so people push back against it. I’ve seen it dozens of times with things like website redesigns where people angrily demand the old version be reinstated, in spite of the fact the new one works better. Eventually people adjust and forget what all the fuss was about.

Anyway, as I said this was just for fun so it’s not like the real logo will actually be changing. Just like the kit thread, you don’t need to feel an existential angst over kits you don’t like, because probably none of them will be our actual kit next season.


Well-Known Member
Sorry OP I don't like it at all. i mean its nicely drawn etc but its far too clinical.

I like that ours, despite the recent-ish redraft update, retains some odd quirks. the slightly wonky eagle and Pheonix, the 70s style football actually make me like it more. I hate the super clinical badges that have been popping up in the Prem over the last few years. Man City for instance should be ok but everything is too perfect, like its been compiled from pre-exiting clip art.

I hate the circle, one of the best things about the Cov badge or variants we have had for years is that its has a recognisable and unique form even from a distance, the only badge I have seen remotely similar is the Kilmarnock one

I'd love to see you refine what we have already got, I really believe that our badge is special and should be cherished. luckily we have already been through that 2005 redesign debacle so i would doubt the club would be stupid enough to try it again

..The elephants ear is weird too x


Well-Known Member
See, that’s useful feedback!

I think some of what you’ve said is probably down to taste — I understand why people love the old kitsch 70s aesthetic from the current logo, although my taste is that I like the more modern style that logos like Man City have; simpler logos tend to age better in my opinion (if you’re interested in this stuff, take a look at how some of the most well-known brand logos have evolved over the years; they often tend towards a more simple, focused form of the original logo). But that aesthetic isn’t for everyone!

The one consistent bit of feedback I’ve had is that the silhouette of our existing logo is something a lot of people feel attached to, and I think I understand why. It has a recognisable shape even at small sizes, irrespective of the colours used. I should probably share the first version of the logo the designer came up with, as it was much closer to our current one’s silhouette, although personally I thought it needed a lot of work.


Well-Known Member
Here it is, the first version, from around 2016. There’s so much about it I don’t like. I’d almost go so far as to say I hate it, but there were elements of it I do like (the elephant’s pose and the style of football). But the banners are too wide, the poses of the eagle and phoenix just don’t work (and feel weirdly asymmetrical, whereas the current logo’s birds almost mirror one another). They’re also spread out way too far, so the overall aspect ratio of the logo feels more landscape than portrait.

Still, for anyone interested I offer you this peek behind the process:



Well-Known Member
i work in design myself and yes it is mainly down to taste.

but i wouldn't want my football clubs logo to be treated like a brand. i think its a different kettle of fish entirely. History and tradition are things that need to be celebrated.

I get why say apple might go from that picture of Newton sitting under a tree, through to the rainbow apple to the silhouette as you need to catch the eye to promote the brand. but that really isn't the purpose of a club badge, especially at our level.

Take a look at the design crimes being committed currently in the Aviva Prem rugby. two of my local Clubs have just rebraded and its horrific. Gloucester although they haven't had a decent badge for years have gone for a nasty Clip-art looking lion head and poor old Bristol Rugby have gone the whole hog and re branded as The BEARS?! heartbreaking stuff for the fans.

i wouldn't be adverse to having a simple elephant on ball silhouette for the shirts but the main badge and its elements are a classic and need to be retained in some form


Well-Known Member
Here it is, the first version, from around 2016. There’s so much about it I don’t like. I’d almost go so far as to say I hate it, but there were elements of it I do like (the elephant’s pose and the style of football). But the banners are too wide, the poses of the eagle and phoenix just don’t work (and feel weirdly asymmetrical, whereas the current logo’s birds almost mirror one another). They’re also spread out way too far, so the overall aspect ratio of the logo feels more landscape than portrait.

Still, for anyone interested I offer you this peek behind the process:

not to criticise your obvious skill but its too Americanized for my taste. All dynamic and fierce looking. just seems naff to my eye

Joy Division

Well-Known Member
I'd agree with Alkhen here, from a design point of view it's a very clean and nicely drawn badge, nothing wrong with the design itself but I don't think it looks better than the original badge we already have and I wouldn't be happy if something like this replaced what we already have. What you said about brand resigns is correct but I think peoples historical attachments to a football club and a city with its proud history is something far different from corporate branding.

Not knocking your work but just not for me.


Well-Known Member
not to criticise your obvious skill but its too Americanized for my taste. All dynamic and fierce looking. just seems naff to my eye

Totally. I wanted more dynamic-looking eagles (well, that actually look like eagles for starters — zoom in on what we have now and the beak looks like more a parrot!) but I totally agree, it’s just not right.


Well-Known Member
If I was to take the club over tomorrow I would change the badge , we’ve done it before so I don’t see the problem .
Hardly holds a glorious history the current badge


Well-Known Member
So you asked for feedback when really you only wanted positive feedback?
You wrote a prickish message saying his design was "substandard" and then when he doesn't thank you for it you try to call it feedback and say he only wanted it to be positive?

In case you haven't realised you look like a massive twat


Well-Known Member
You better buy an asbestos suit too!
The original badge you posted Is the best , absolute belter that.
If Coventry hd the same badge for its entire history then I’d Be reluctant to change it , but we haven’t


Well-Known Member
I think the badge has to mean something to the people who support the club. Personally I like the badge we currently have blending the football club with the city it represents. I understand that the black eagle and Phoenix Have been added in the last 50yrs to the city crest but I think they work well with the elephant and castle and more importantly say something about the city of Coventry.
The only alternative I might like to see is the blending of those industries that made Coventry the city it is; silk weaving, watch making, bicycle and car manufacturing etc. Not sure how they would work on a badge.

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Well-Known Member
You wrote a prickish message saying his design was "substandard" and then when he doesn't thank you for it you try to call it feedback and say he only wanted it to be positive?

In case you haven't realised you look like a massive twat

I've been called worse, I can live with it.
I've slightly reworked mine if anyone is interested. It's a subtle change but when compared to the old design it's noticeable. Taken some inspiration from Nicks new banner.

All the best

I think the fact that the Pentagon doesn't join up really makes it stand out. Send this to the club, I'd love to see this on the shirts next year!

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Well-Known Member
I've slightly reworked mine if anyone is interested. It's a subtle change but when compared to the old design it's noticeable. Taken some inspiration from Nicks new banner.

All the best

Constructive criticism only;
It's not for me because I can see the previous badge and sponsor on it. As professional as it is it needs to have the elephant on the ball in my opinion.
Your use of a live elephant is groundbreaking and as you have used Doyle by photo and name it needs to be off center because as any true Sky Blue will tell you, it's Kelly in the middle!


Interesting post...

I run the agency that was behind the recent Manchester City badge redesign, and have been considering writing to the club for the past two years to propose / offer a redesign (or modernisation) of the club crest.

It doesn’t need to be changed significantly, but - as other posters have suggested - it would benefit from being redrawn. As a lifelong CCFC fan, I was going to extend our services FOC, but to do it properly would necessitate a significant fan consultation process. It doesn’t sound like there’s much of an appetite for it though, at least among those on this forum!
What was the agency name behind the Man City redesign?


Well-Known Member
Hey mate, are you planning on getting the fantasy shirts on sale at all?

I do plan to, but I can’t say when that’ll happen. I’ve got an 11 week old baby and far less free time than I used to, and I struggled to find a supplier who could do the embroidery overlock. One of these days I’ll find time to look into it again and hopefully stick them on sale. I spent a fair bit getting the woven badges made so I’d like to complete the job!

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
Here it is, the first version, from around 2016. There’s so much about it I don’t like. I’d almost go so far as to say I hate it, but there were elements of it I do like (the elephant’s pose and the style of football). But the banners are too wide, the poses of the eagle and phoenix just don’t work (and feel weirdly asymmetrical, whereas the current logo’s birds almost mirror one another). They’re also spread out way too far, so the overall aspect ratio of the logo feels more landscape than portrait.

Still, for anyone interested I offer you this peek behind the process:


That's too Americanised, but it's a good effort pal.


Well-Known Member
Why would would you change the badge when it's one of the best in the football world.

It's unique after all, I've had lots of fans from other clubs, over the years, say how good it is.

Exactly mate, I think it's ridiculous that any club does it, you end up losing respect and identity for deserting your roots.


Well-Known Member
Depends if they do it badly. Loads of clubs have done it well, and then within a few years people forget their logo even looked differently beforehand. It’s just a matter of striking the balance between tradition and progress.

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