AB and Talk the Talk (1 Viewer)

Well another season over, survival assured with a hint of optimism for next season maybe - familiar territory for CCFC fans but we all have high hopes for AT coming good next season.

It makes me think of the optimism surrounding last years appointment of Aidy Bothroyd who certainly could talk the talk in abundance. Even in the middle of a catastrophic slump we were "a work in progress" and we all fell for it in spades.

The difference in the AT approach is he doesn't waffle, is realistic of the strength of his squad and will not take any prisoners in his management style. His immediate lifting of the shroud of hoofitup tactics has resulted in what we have today.

Yes, in my opinion AT you can certainly walk the walk with pride with your head held high unlike many of your illustrious predecessors



New Member
Early days yet, look how well we were doing in November, however it is good to hear a manager speaking with pride about his players, and showing some understanding of how fans feel.


Well-Known Member
Every manager in football waffles when going through a bad patch. It's not something unique to our failed managers.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
I think AT has done extremely well and believe he will not collapse in a heap when the pressure is on from the start of next season. i just hope the board do not expect him to work miracles without some backing for players and loanees when needed.
If our 3 out of contract 'stars' resign then I think we will be in business!


Thorn is definitely something different to AB. Where other teams could anticipate our hoofball tactics and deal with them, there's nothing they can do against good old fashioned pass and move football.

Andy Thorn's Sky Blue Army!


Well-Known Member
I think AT has done extremely well and believe he will not collapse in a heap when the pressure is on from the start of next season. i just hope the board do not expect him to work miracles without some backing for players and loanees when needed.
If our 3 out of contract 'stars' resign then I think we will be in business!

thats just what the board have expected of our previous managers so AT should be ready for it

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