My interpretation is I have explained many times - but nobody seems to notice/remember. Such an action would force SISU to realise they cannot get more out of the council, and that therefore their ownership of CCFC is financially unviable - it will force SISU to leave and allow a new owner to come in. But unless ACL forces the issue, it won't happen and SISU will stay.
I do not share your view that our survival as club depends on SISU's continued ownership - but we won't know either way until they leave. The council have an opportunity to force SISU out, so I am keen that they do it, for the benefit of everyone. I don't give a feck about ACL or their finances per se, but I have followed the whole saga with the mindset of a neutral, not a CCFC fan, to help me judge objectively what is going on. Clearly, to anyone other than die hards, SISU do not have a leg to stand on in their claims that the council are being unreasonable.
SISU are not owed a free ground, they have no contributed to the Ricoh so have no automatic right to revenue streams etc, and yet they talk as if the world owes them a living, as if the simple fact we are CCFC makes us a special case. Not on planet Earth, darling. Other councils have chosen to be generous by handing out grounds for free and on feeble rents - as a taxpayer first and a fan second, I am pleased CCC did not do so.
The "league one average rent" argument is like someone living in a mansion on a street of bungalows demanding why his council tax / rent is so much higher - it's called sticking your head up your own arse.
Can you please find some evidence that I want the club wound up? I am getting tired of asking. You never admit you are wrong and just sit their spitting poison without offering anything positive.