ACL statement today apparently (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Sadly cannot see where ACL can go from here really ,if the FL have concluded the legality of the purchase along with the administrator who says the process is within law and the best interest of creditors ,what leg do ACL have to stand on legally,Very frustrating but im afraid we have sisu for the longhaul


New Member
Why the hell should we be concerned about ACL? They have lost so much money and need a 14million bail out from the council. My only concern is how will the councillors be accountable when ACL go under because we aren't there on Saturdays and that 14million is not repaid?


Well-Known Member
Why the hell should we be concerned about ACL? They have lost so much money and need a 14million bail out from the council. My only concern is how will the councillors be accountable when ACL go under because we aren't there on Saturdays and that 14million is not repaid?

and why did ACL need the money


New Member
Why the hell should we be concerned about ACL? They have lost so much money and need a 14million bail out from the council. My only concern is how will the councillors be accountable when ACL go under because we aren't there on Saturdays and that 14million is not repaid?

Only 14 . Fuck me CCFCs 70 must be due to paying 6 million rent over 5 years then. Or could it be " good management" Why are you concerned about the councillors welfare anyway ? If you feel that strongly you could always stand for election yourself.You could start the SISU in party.:D

Vin E

New Member
It's time for the new FFS Coventry (or whatever we'll be called)Enough is enough! -I would pay money to see a Coventry team play at the Ricoh in the Blue Square or whatever league we'd have to register in...I'm sure the council could afford to fund such a project sisu have no interest in CCFC ... CCFC is dead...long live the Sky Blues!!
Just caught something in Midlands Today quoting ACL's statement as "being fully committed to keeping CCFC in Coventry" or something like that. Didn't say what else the statement said though.


New Member
You really have a problem don't you Craig? You so fixed on 'revenge' with SISU. I have no feelings for ACL. They took our club into admin but now want us for free, so I don't understand their mentality.


Well-Known Member
Why the hell should we be concerned about ACL? They have lost so much money and need a 14million bail out from the council. My only concern is how will the councillors be accountable when ACL go under because we aren't there on Saturdays and that 14million is not repaid?

you are getting more and more irrational and spouting more shit than fisherman


Well-Known Member
You really have a problem don't you Craig? You so fixed on 'revenge' with SISU. I have no feelings for ACL. They took our club into admin but now want us for free, so I don't understand their mentality.
I dont need to reply ,blueflint just said exactly what needed to be said ,you are severely deluded


Well-Known Member
You really have a problem don't you Craig? You so fixed on 'revenge' with SISU. I have no feelings for ACL. They took our club into admin but now want us for free, so I don't understand their mentality.

Craig was sniping at me earlier. Gave up eventually tho.... Him and blueflint seem to have a 'special' relationship

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Why the hell should we be concerned about ACL? They have lost so much money and need a 14million bail out from the council. My only concern is how will the councillors be accountable when ACL go under because we aren't there on Saturdays and that 14million is not repaid?

Doubt that you have looked at the last accounts filed for ACL then after making a comment like that. How many millions in debt are we and how many are ACL? Who normally files their accounts on time and who had accounts that are frequently late and that were described by a director of Holdings and Ltd one "Timothy Fisher" as a mess?
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Well-Known Member
Doubt that you have looked at the last accounts filed for ACL then after making a comment like that. How many millions in debt are we and how many are ACL? Who normally files their accounts on time and who had accounts that were described by a director of Holdings and Ltd one Timothy Fisher as a mess?

Looks like more and more are seeing the light about your beloved ACL James.


Well-Known Member
Craig was sniping at me earlier. Gave up eventually tho.... Him and blueflint seem to have a 'special' relationship

how would you know i've been posting on here a while not seen too many of yours

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Looks like more and more are seeing the light about your beloved ACL James.

I've got nothing against ACL and nothing but contempt for SISU. I've supported CCFC for nearly 40 years and even though the dark times we've been through before like crashing out of cup competitions at the first match it has never been as dark as this.


New Member
The Sisu trolls are out in force tonight. Cant any of you see how low they have bought us in their tenure. And it is only going to get a lot worse if they carry on.


Well-Known Member
The Sisu trolls are out in force tonight. Cant any of you see how low they have bought us in their tenure. And it is only going to get a lot worse if they carry on.

How old are you? 12? Find any post that supports sisu.


Well-Known Member
Look at the end of the day lets see what happens,where we play,how we get on so on so on,then we can see who is right or wrong ACL or SISU ,as of today we are not in a good place ,who is at fault its your opinion ,lets leave it at that ,we could go on all night


Well-Known Member
After seeing Sisu run the club i would say they also have no right to be involved in running sports teams!!!..


Well-Known Member
Look at the end of the day lets see what happens,where we play,how we get on so on so on,then we can see who is right or wrong ACL or SISU ,as of today we are not in a good place ,who is at fault its your opinion ,lets leave it at that ,we could go on all night

They are both wrong. That seems beyond some people's comprehension.


Well-Known Member
The Sisu trolls are out in force tonight. Cant any of you see how low they have bought us in their tenure. And it is only going to get a lot worse if they carry on.

Anyone would think we're the only club who have owners they don't want.if you want to boycott home games fair play to doesn't make somebody any less for wanting to go and watch their team play wherever that will be.personally I will be going if we're at the ricoh.


New Member
How old are you? 12? Find any post that supports sisu.

sisu have already rejected that. acl / the council are the real problem here and they are only just realising they took too much to chew. these sisu boys have smashed them up. lets hope they are offering an olive branch with some kind of opology in hand, it is the only way sisu will come back in with them now.

Well above is one and it is well known your a sisu cocksucker. Btw I'm 43. And seems as you have all the answers lets see if you can get your delusioned brain around my earlier post.

So 11000 x 20(ish including kids season tickets and walk ups, rough average) = 220000 per game x 23 league games = 5+million in ticket sales alone. Now compare this to the 3000 at wherever x 20 = 60000 per game x 23 = 1.32 million . It doesn' t make any fuckin sense to me at all. Even if they paid the fuckin rent its still nearly 3 x the income from staying at the Ricoh compared to Fuckin off elsewhere. I haven't even bothered to include cup games. If they do fuckoff out of Cov the 600 or so fans left in 3 yrs in Timmys stadium will probably be worried about getting relegated from the conference. He's gotta sell some fuckin pies to make the shortfall up. Tossers the lot of em.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I see the SISU rent-boy insult is still alive, despite no one on this forum supporting them.

It seems that if you dare to criticise their beloved ACL, then you are labelled a sisu-rent boy.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
sisu have already rejected that. acl / the council are the real problem here and they are only just realising they took too much to chew. these sisu boys have smashed them up. lets hope they are offering an olive branch with some kind of opology in hand, it is the only way sisu will come back in with them now.

Well above is one and it is well known your a sisu cocksucker. Btw I'm 43. And seems as you have all the answers lets see if you can get your delusioned brain around my earlier post.

So 11000 x 20(ish including kids season tickets and walk ups, rough average) = 220000 per game x 23 league games = 5+million in ticket sales alone. Now compare this to the 3000 at wherever x 20 = 60000 per game x 23 = 1.32 million . It doesn' t make any fuckin sense to me at all. Even if they paid the fuckin rent its still nearly 3 x the income from staying at the Ricoh compared to Fuckin off elsewhere. I haven't even bothered to include cup games. If they do fuckoff out of Cov the 600 or so fans left in 3 yrs in Timmys stadium will probably be worried about getting relegated from the conference. He's gotta sell some fuckin pies to make the shortfall up. Tossers the lot of em.

So anyone who criticises ACL automatically supports sisu?


Well-Known Member
sisu have already rejected that. acl / the council are the real problem here and they are only just realising they took too much to chew. these sisu boys have smashed them up. lets hope they are offering an olive branch with some kind of opology in hand, it is the only way sisu will come back in with them now.

Well above is one and it is well known your a sisu cocksucker. Btw I'm 43. And seems as you have all the answers lets see if you can get your delusioned brain around my earlier post.

So 11000 x 20(ish including kids season tickets and walk ups, rough average) = 220000 per game x 23 league games = 5+million in ticket sales alone. Now compare this to the 3000 at wherever x 20 = 60000 per game x 23 = 1.32 million . It doesn' t make any feckin sense to me at all. Even if they paid the feckin rent its still nearly 3 x the income from staying at the Ricoh compared to feckin off elsewhere. I haven't even bothered to include cup games. If they do feckoff out of Cov the 600 or so fans left in 3 yrs in Timmys stadium will probably be worried about getting relegated from the conference. He's gotta sell some feckin pies to make the shortfall up. Tossers the lot of em.

I'm sorry you clearly have a degree in English and economics at Oxbridge.


Well-Known Member
They are both wrong. That seems beyond some people's comprehension.

They are both wrong correct , but I see you post your hate of ACl constantly yet you fail to give your mighty disgust towards sisu.

If anything you condone sisu and gloat at times on any downward turn of events towards ACL

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
They are both wrong correct , but I see you post your hate of ACl constantly yet you fail to give your mighty disgust towards sisu.

If anything you condone sisu and gloat at times on any downward turn of events towards ACL

Considering that Grendel and I received a lot of abuse on here for going against the crowd and daring to criticise SISU's incompetence in appointing a manager. I think we have already aired our dissatisfaction with them.


New Member
How? It is critical of CCC/ACL.

these sisu boys have smashed them up. lets hope they are offering an olive branch with some kind of opology in hand, it is the only way sisu will come back in with them now.

Sounds like support to me.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
these sisu boys have smashed them up. lets hope they are offering an olive branch with some kind of opology in hand, it is the only way sisu will come back in with them now.

Sounds like support to me.

Kind of true though, isn't it?

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