after being a Coventry fan my whole life (2 Viewers)


New Member
You can’t just change teams like that surely? At least most of the plastic fans that follow United etc. made their decisions early on as glory supports.

Anyway I would rather support Cov in league 2 with genuine fans that care about our club than be in the premier league with the ‘prawn sandwich brigade’.

Although times are not great now it is only because we have real emotion and attachment for our club that we get so down. WHEN things do turn around it will be the true fans that get the most pleasure from it.

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Well-Known Member
No matter how bad it has got (Bryan Richardson) or how bad it could ever get. I would never walk away and support another team or not bother coming. I will buy a season ticket whatever. Stupid or just supportive. You decide.

Ernie Machin

New Member
yes i get what your saying glory supporter and all - i was fully aware that, that would be the reaction but Coventry just don't play good football and haven't for ages... I love FOOTBALL!

When I lived in Manchester, I used to go to United games occasionally. Doesn't make me a fan of them, they aren't my team. I'm not from Manchester and have no family connections, so I can't honestly say they represent me.

Go to Chelsea, it's full of lightweights and Johnny Come Lately's anyway. Perfect side for a casual fan who has no concept of loyalty. You can pretend you belong to them.

Il Pirata

Well-Known Member
yes i get what your saying glory supporter and all - i was fully aware that, that would be the reaction but Coventry just don't play good football and haven't for ages... I love FOOTBALL!


Red and white suits you better, have fun.


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New Member
See you then Hankey

I'm sure it's a wind up post but I've got to agree with virtually all the comments on this one. Success without effort generation - throw money at it and that'll buy you a winning team. That attitude pervades all around, sadly and I wouldn't wish it on any club, but many will go to the wall, yes small clubs who loose grass roots support and also ,sometime soon, a bigger name will expire when a bored oligarch chooses another interest to play with. Have to admit I'm a COV rugby fan moreover and having seen what happened to the club (nearly expiring twice in 3 years), that was traumatic, so I don't like seeing my footie club in peril either. We dropped a league but things are looking up now thanks to the LOYAL fans and board that were there in the rough times. Your club needs you.


yes i get what your saying glory supporter and all - i was fully aware that, that would be the reaction but Coventry just don't play good football and haven't for ages... I love FOOTBALL!


So you lasted through the truly awful football under Coleman and Boothroyd and then throw your toys out the pram when Thorn tries to get us passing the ball?

Have you actually been a Cov fan recently? If you were then surely you've seen our style of football improve?

I'm going to stick my neck out, this is the most pathetic justification for any decision ever made by a human being.

Have a good time watching Sky Sports and pretending to care.


Active Member
Not sure why you would announce, to a whole bunch of people who don't know you from Adam, that you are going to jump on the glory boy bandwagon. bizarre post. attention seeking? having doubts?

Of course you are. what sort of real football supporter jumps ship for Chelsea?

and don't try to pretend it's not glory hunting - didn't choose fulham or palace did you?



Well-Known Member
Sorry but if you were born in cov you should support cov simple as.
I also don't get for eg: my dad supports or was from leeds so I support them but I was born in cov whats that one about.

I was born in Yeovil but support Cov, due to being born 9 months after the FA cup, named after the players and having been told at the age of five "You can either live in this house and support Coventry or move to your grans and support whoever you like". So its not really that simple.

Yeovil will be my second team (and my heart keeps sinking at the fact that we might just end up playing them next year), but i only lived there for a few months while i was born.
Shame my family couldn't have thrown some top four team propaganda instead of Coventry, but once i'm a fan i won't change my spots/strips, not worth it and i've taken enough ribbing as it is for supporting a certain team that play in "baby blue".

Oh and to the OP, i won't swear so frell off, don't let the door hit you on the way out and enjoy the £10 drinks and £600 season tickets.. Or will it be the armchair?


New Member
Well what I say is that he would be one of those "supporters" that if a team is doing good he would where the colours of the team but if the team isn't doing that good its bye bye for that team and move on to a team that's doing great.

Well the thing is with teams is at a young age you choose a team and you are meant to stick with that team through thick and thin buying shirts ect. geting season tickets or going to matches to watch your team play and sing your heart out at every match you go to.

But if you don't buy anything from your team your not a supporter you are a follower. i bet you have never heard of one of our songs...

City till i die
I'm City till i die
I know i am
I'm sure i am
I'm City till i die...

but plainly your not so goodbye and i know no one will miss you...
It's society in general now, not just football.

People have much less loyalty or stamina for sticking with something they initially believed in or supported. When times get tough people jump ship its the culture in the Uk today I'm afraid!!! It's much easier to take the option of following a team that is winning more often than not, which offers short term glory and benefits.

To be fair. Although I'm going to be blighted with Coventry for the rest of my life I do think this can be looked at with a lighter hearted perspective.

Saw a great satirical article at the start of the season, it's annoying but has truths in it:-

But the seasonal movement of high-priced Spaniards between a variety of European and English cities has led experts to once again ask why football fans have still not accepted that no-one could possibly have genuine loyalty to a thing that is based so transparently on absolutely nothing but money.

Professor Henry Brubaker, of the Institute for Studies, said: "While football is clearly a game for children, I could sort of understand that an adult, albeit an intellectually limited one, could derive enjoyment from watching people play it.

"I could even understand if they developed a fondness for an individual player as opposed to a team, particularly as the individual does not constantly change based on whims and purchasing power.

"It's not as if they can unscrew his head every six months and give him a new one like Wurzel Gummidge.

"Therefore, from what I can determine, it must be based on an allegiance to the big building and the desire that the people who work there achieve success in their jobs - but purely because they work in that particular building.

"So perhaps football enthusiasts are all actually just secret fans of grand architecture. I know I was pleased when Barcelona won the European Cup, but I think that was more to do with Gaudi and the Sagrada Familia rather than the Camp Nou.

"And even so, what happens when the organisation moves to a new building? Then you're left with nothing other than an allegiance to a proper noun."

He added: "At the end of the day you're really just some fucknut who likes the word 'Arsenal'."
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Reading the first post saying that they are going to follow Chelsea instead, it just reminds me of all the chelsea and man city shirts you see people wearing now, all i can think is WHERE WERE YOU WHEN YOU WERE SHIT!!! Bet half of them weren't wearing the shirts before they had loads of money.

So if you not willing to stick with the Sky Blues when we going through troubled times :wave:Bye bye. Im still going up to the ricoh to cheer the lads on.

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