Ah the JOY of it.......Joy Seppalla talks (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
here is the rest of what the judge said:

135. I have no doubt that all of the witnesses who gave oral evidence are honest people,
none of whom is deliberately lying or attempting to mislead the court except that I do
have some reservation in the case of Ms Seppala which I come to in a moment. They do,
however, have different recollections of certain events and have very different

perceptions of the events as they unfolded.

138. Ms Seppala was the least satisfactory of all the witnesses. In making my general
comments above, I said that no-one was deliberately lying. But I fear Ms Seppala has a
distorted recollection of some events – particularly about what happened at the meetings
in New York in January 2005 – and, with the benefit of hindsight, has introduced a “spin”
(I am sorry not to be able to find a better word) which suits the Applicants’ case. She is
also prone to exaggerate – the Respondents would characterise it as lying, but I give her
the benefit of the doubt on that – for instance her suggestion (eventually withdrawn by
her) that Mr Wallace had “continually” represented to the Applicants that the RCF Banks
had a strong direct claim against TXU Corp when in fact he never said that at all. She also
recollects (and she may well have believed what she was saying) events which did not, as
I conclude, take place (namely a conversation with Mr Wallace “in a small room” and Mr
Olin reading and explaining a position paper in New York on 11 January 2005). She is, I
am quite sure, an astute and effective business woman. I totally reject her description of
herself as naïve. I am quite sure that she was closely involved in developments as the
representative of SISU as a Committee Creditor. But she had many other business
matters on her mind and when it came to producing her witness statement and giving her


Yet, Thorninmyside chooses to believe what she says and calls Hoffman all but a liar. :thinking about:


Well-Known Member
Just more bullshit from SISU trying to sell season tickets for next season.
I have decided that my season ticket money for mine,my wife and my daughters will stay firmly in my bank account ,until the time they either leave or this public bullshiting actually comes to something.

Its very coincidental they speak now, just when they expect the fans to be buying there season tickets, they are treating us as mugs,everyone of us, they think we will believe absolutely anything they say. This waffle means nothing, and they should hang there heads in shame for the way they have treated the fans.

The Rev

Same as last year, Rev. Usual thing.

Agreed also with OSB's point that this was clearly a written reply, not a face-to-face or telephone interview. 'Cos that way, there can't be follow up questions, and you only have to answer those questions you want to!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
but then this wasnt an actual interview was it ..... this was written replies to set questions..... replies carefully crafted and set out ..... or am i being too cynical?

this was my first thought. it looks like somthing that was emailed in and I have my doubts it was even her that answered the questions.

Q1 shouldn't have been who is SISU it should have been who and the investors and owners of the club and are they aware of what is happening with their investment.

Q2 needs to be qualified, somelike like Everton published with a breakdown of where the money has gone.
in addition to the club finding and arranging its own short term financial support
what does this mean? the club have had to find finance because SISU wouldn't cover the costs or the club have done something without the knowledge of SISU?

Q3 she's not going to give us advance warning of putting the club into admin or liquidation so it's down to if you believe her or not.

Q4 she says we need a top management team but aren't these the people who recruited Orange Ken and Canadian Len and told us they were the greatest team ever assembled. what evidence do we have that they will do a better job now?

Q5 CET have messed up here. They asked her about investors but not about a possible takeover. The answer given could still be true if Hoff has put in numerous formal bids as at no point are they asked if anyone has put in a bid.

Q6/7/8 they clearly want to get their hands on the stadium. it would be useful if someone could find out what rents other teams play as frankly I don't trust SISU or the council to be telling us the truth. SISU seem to be indicating here that they are in talks to reduce the rent but both ACL and the council have said this isn't happening. if they want a share of the stadium them activate the clause to buy the Higgs half.

Q9 they keep saying they are in it for the long term but every year we have an emnargo due to the fact they won't confirm they will fund a further year!

At the end of the day they need to start taking action, we've been here before with statements and promises and nothings happened so why should anyone believe them this time?


New Member
You have posted some nonsense before but this takes the biscuit. What is all this bile about the council being the enemy of the club? Pathetic drivel and in my eyes, future posts from yourself have no credibility.

I won'be losing much sleep over that brighton. Pathetic drivel in your eyes? Don't speak about your boyfreind like that


Well-Known Member
Mmm...I actually bought the CT today so I could read it, which I did at dinnertime.

I don't know what to think really. We wanted communication from SISU and they've responded with communication from the top dog, so that can only be a good thing. It's nice that they admit to making mistakes, that they confirm they've not made any money (which isn't surprising) and that they wish to knock the rent down a bit, which again isn't too surprising. Also, nottoo surprising is the lack of any bid from Hoffman, so I'm not sure what to believe with him, to be honest.

So, although it's good to get some answers, I still have to take it with a pinch of salt as they've hardly been upfront in the past.

Personally, I hope lessons have been learned and that SISU will now find a way to fund a promotion push. She rightly points out that SISUs reputation has been damaged beyond repair with some fans and so really she needs to put her words into action. I really don't care who owns Coventry City as long as they fund us, push us forward and give us a club to be proud of.

The Jury's still out.
Mmm...I actually bought the CT today so I could read it, which I did at dinnertime.

I don't know what to think really. We wanted communication from SISU and they've responded with communication from the top dog, so that can only be a good thing. It's nice that they admit to making mistakes, that they confirm they've not made any money (which isn't surprising) and that they wish to knock the rent down a bit, which again isn't too surprising. Also, nottoo surprising is the lack of any bid from Hoffman, so I'm not sure what to believe with him, to be honest.

So, although it's good to get some answers, I still have to take it with a pinch of salt as they've hardly been upfront in the past.

Personally, I hope lessons have been learned and that SISU will now find a way to fund a promotion push. She rightly points out that SISUs reputation has been damaged beyond repair with some fans and so really she needs to put her words into action. I really don't care who owns Coventry City as long as they fund us, push us forward and give us a club to be proud of.

The Jury's still out.

why are people gettiin taken in by a interview which was not televised but just words

i remember iggy pop coming out saying the same rubbish in september

why wont fans realise this scum have wrecked our club


Well-Known Member
I'm not being "taken in". I'm saying I will judge her and SISU on their future actions. Doesn't mean others have to share my opinion.

The alternative is...oh, hold on there is no alternative. Getting your knickers in a twist isn't going to make any difference as it seems SISU are going nowhere and neither is Hoffman.

I'm not saying this is ideal, but we have a choice of one. SISU.

why are people gettiin taken in by a interview which was not televised but just words

i remember iggy pop coming out saying the same rubbish in september

why wont fans realise this scum have wrecked our club
I'm not being "taken in". I'm saying I will judge her and SISU on their future actions. Doesn't mean others have to share my opinion.

The alternative is...oh, hold on there is no alternative. Getting your knickers in a twist isn't going to make any difference as it seems SISU are going nowhere and neither is Hoffman.

I'm not saying this is ideal, but we have a choice of one. SISU.

so next season if its another disaster and same thing happens , will she be saying , we made mistakes blah blah and then we can say its alright we know they’ve made mistakes

in fact i remember sisu saying the same when brody and co were introduced to us over 15 months ago , id rather go into admin then be stuck with this vermin


Well-Known Member
You're right, of course. However this is the first time we've heard from HER. Again, you may be right, it maybe all bullshit. But, like I said WE HAVE NO CHOICE.

I don't ever want to go into admin as we would most likely never recover. Only a fool would wish for that, in my opinion.

so next season if its another disaster and same thing happens , will she be saying , we made mistakes blah blah and then we can say its alright we know they’ve made mistakes

in fact i remember sisu saying the same when brody and co were introduced to us over 15 months ago , id rather go into admin then be stuck with this vermin


Well-Known Member
Well, in the interest of honesty and in response


I have also made mistakes which I will acknowledge. I gave you 2 years worth of season ticket money, which given the quality of the playing staff and league position, was, and continues to be clearly unsustainable.

There has been no formal bid for my seat, nor the 100 or so which are empty nearby, but I am not leaving anything unturned in my efforts to not bother getting someone to fill it.

It's clear to me that the council should be looking to reduce my council tax, as my bins are now disposing of league one programmes.

My board (surfboard) is the strongest it has been in years and I firmly believe that it with carry me onto success in the future.

I have saved this letter so I can change the date and resend it to you in 12 months, with a different name and date.



Well-Known Member

If you read the full paragraph it says:

'However, we also have a responsibility to the fans, to the city, and to our own investors to ensure that any interest we receive is genuine, that the potential investors do have the necessary funds, and that any new ownership would in fact meet the short, medium, and long term needs of the club.
To date this criteria has not been met by anyone – in full or even in part.'

Sisu are entitled to set criteria for what they will consider a bid.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
You don't set criteria for what constitutes a bid-the dictionary does; as for an *acceptable* bid, which is what you meant, then fair enough ;)


Active Member
Ironically it does appear to be a criteria that they themselves are unable to meet. Does anyone think that they realistically have the necessary "funds to meet the long term needs of the club"?


Well-Known Member
Ironically it does appear to be a criteria that they themselves are unable to meet. Does anyone think that they realistically have the necessary "funds to meet the long term needs of the club"?

Don't think they realistically have the necessary funds to meet the long term needs of a 7yr old girl's pocket money.


Active Member
That's what I thought Otis...maybe they've got a bit of loose change that's dropped down the back of the sofa that will enable them to buy 50% of the Ricoh that's being suggested by some.


New Member
Well put together but as someone has said she has had plenty of time to respond to the questions. It does stink of desperation though and i wonder how much Paul Barber was involved in the answers because as we all know SISU know F**K all about football. It really pissed me off when it was said that ''we are as upset and dismayed as ANY Covenrty fan with the situation we find ourselves in and with the clubs relegation to league one''. They dont have a f*****g clue how we feel and i notice ''situation'' was put ahead of ''relegation to league one'', so whats the ''situation'' refered to? probaly potless and clueless! Then came the sting in the tail, the fans having an ownership stake in the club. Very clever SISU! Lets allow the fans to have a stake in the club (at a cost £££) then when they are on board they will divert their animosity from us to the council and when they relent and sell half the ground we can get our grubby hands on what we want. After the amount of shit us fans have had to endure from these parasites we can never let this happen. At least until they prove thier desire to go straight back up and give us a good squad for next season.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
When asked about admin and liquidation for example, all the answer stated was the consequences of those things for the club-which even the likes of TIMS understand. It totally evaded the question of 'Will you put the club into either of those situations'-indeed, the nature of her answers was as evasive as she could probably get away with.


New Member
So who is going to buy it? Sisu?
If they buy half of ACL they will spend money and get no return on it.
Please explain to me how CCFC/Sisu can get any money out of ACL if they became part owners?


Well-Known Member
Ironically it does appear to be a criteria that they themselves are unable to meet. Does anyone think that they realistically have the necessary "funds to meet the long term needs of the club"?

Lets hope so as nobody else can.
Next season is the chance to prove themselves. They have stated they were wrong, they don't want Administration so we start on a level playing field regards points, if we don't go into administration then SISU are supporting us financially. Lets forget the past and get on with it. There is no other choice so go and get your season ticket (on DD or credit card) and get behind the lads. I feel quite up beat that SISU are talking about the future. True fans like myself have bought our tickets already.


Well-Known Member
So who is going to buy it? Sisu?
If they buy half of ACL they will spend money and get no return on it.
Please explain to me how CCFC/Sisu can get any money out of ACL if they became part owners?

Revenues from, food/drink sales, advertising, sponsors, concerts, parking, olympics, ALL currently not available to us.


CCFC Finance Director
really getting tired of repeating this..........

What is on offer is the shares in ACL. That gets you 50% of ACL not the stadium. It does not entitle you to 50% of the income of the stadium. It entitles you to dividends which cant be paid because (a) it would be illegal as negative balance sheet and (b) the owners of ACL have agreed to pay off all borrowings of ACL before taking income.

Buying 50% of ACL gives you NO INCOME ....... NO Revenues from, food/drink sales, advertising, sponsors, concerts, parking, olympics,


New Member
No amount of repetition is going to get people to understand that there is no economic advantage to the Club to buy half of ACL while there is still a mortgage: all you do is buy the right to pay it off!


New Member
Like the comments from Italia Horse. Just get your ticket (DD possibly) and be there. If you're a supporter - you support. Anything else is nowhere. With ten thousand more fans turning up there wouldn't be any problems.


Well-Known Member
Just wait till Raul hears about this...

Well if your boyfriend is a world class forward like him, how come you haven't persuaded him to take a wage cut and play for us? ;)


New Member
The catering is on a five year contract with compass,in regards to the stadium like any property you only make money when the mortgage is paid off and sisu can't pay the rent let alone a mortgage,the concerts are contractors and promotion organisations that rent the arena as we do off the council,we have nothing to market and other company's i doubt would use us as were not gonna get much publicity where we are at the moment,and the car parks belong to the council so all in all its 50% of not a lot of use

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
really getting tired of repeating this..........

What is on offer is the shares in ACL. That gets you 50% of ACL not the stadium. It does not entitle you to 50% of the income of the stadium. It entitles you to dividends which cant be paid because (a) it would be illegal as negative balance sheet and (b) the owners of ACL have agreed to pay off all borrowings of ACL before taking income.

Buying 50% of ACL gives you NO INCOME ....... NO Revenues from, food/drink sales, advertising, sponsors, concerts, parking, olympics,

Tried stating this countless times-would save us on the rent though?

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