Ann Lucas requests meeting with Joy again (1 Viewer)


New Member
The fact is if xenophobes like you got rid of us "outsiders" the support would shrink by 40%.

Maybe you're right. I should let you Coventrians "deal with it". You're doing a grand job so far.

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Only 40% of cov fans are from cov? Dream on dickhead.


Well-Known Member
Yes the outsiders going to sixfields. Wankers.

Im not. And you have 100% cast iron proof that EVERY City fan who goes to Sixfields does NOT come from Coventry?


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Well-Known Member
I go to Sixfields and was born in Coventry but now live in London. Though apparently we all earn so much down here that we're subsidising the rest of the country anyway. Proper naughty.


New Member
So if every season ticket holder and supporter who doesn't come from Cov stopped attending then you'd magically start playing at the Ricoh?

I am not talking about supporters (as I suspect you realise), I am talking about owners from Holland Park or offshore tax havens and their lickspittles from South London.


Well-Known Member
I am not talking about supporters (as I suspect you realise), I am talking about owners from Holland Park or offshore tax havens and their lickspittles from South London.

So any new owner would have to be from Cov then? Good luck with that.

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Well-Known Member
Maybe because Nikki Sinclair is all over the media saying that like herself Joy says she can't get a meeting with the council.
That the council needed to correct that clearly stating the offer of a meeting still stands as it always has.


Well-Known Member
Only 40% of cov fans are from cov? Dream on dickhead.

Maths isnt you're strong point is it? 40% of STH holders aren't from Coventry. 60% are.

Look forward to seeing your proof that no one from cov goes to Sixfields.

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New Member
So any new owner would have to be from Cov then? Good luck with that.

Bedworth would be fine. There must be a large number of companies in Bedworth that are worth more than SISU, have a larger turnover and make more profit. And somewhere as remote Old Arley is surely destined to become the next off-shore tax haven.


Well-Known Member
We don't know whether the the rent deal has been offered outside the CVA, I suspect not as I'm sure ACL would have been shouting from the roof tips had it been.

PWKH said it had, so as much as you know anything in this mess.


Bedworth would be fine. There must be a large number of companies in Bedworth that are worth more than SISU, have a larger turnover and make more profit. And somewhere as remote Old Arley is surely destined to become the next off-shore tax haven.

You been on the Stella again?


Well-Known Member
Have you got link to that? I can't remember reading it.

I'm on phone so its a bit of a ball ache. But he said something like "the deal was offered separately to the CVA as a last ditch attempt to keep the club in Coventry."

As always, could do with him here for questioning.


Well-Known Member
it is impossible to determine the %age of Cov fans in Cov,
however, we are all behind one thing, & that is the best for OUR CLUB,
i personally have felt a monumental level of angst at the way i & tens of thousands have been treated,
we are forced to accept that our owners care nothing for us,
& we have to listen to various political persuasions / outfits,
some of whom are aligned to the CCFC idea,
we have to tolerate the ineptitude of bodies such as FL /FA,
one thing for sure though,
to use a time honoured phrase,
it's probably alien to JS, but there is a huge swell of feeling about our situation,
i applaud all of our players & football persons in management,
but, i have zero faith in the likes of the disingenuous Fisher, imho, that is;


Well-Known Member
Looks like it was Buckfast night on here yesterday evening! Some proper sandy fannies with knickers in a twist!


Well-Known Member
I'm on phone so its a bit of a ball ache. But he said something like "the deal was offered separately to the CVA as a last ditch attempt to keep the club in Coventry."

As always, could do with him here for questioning.

Did he say it was offered to sisu? I thought the wording suggested otherwise.

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