She doesn't know the date of the final... I'll see what the area final brings before I think about mentioning it to her... Don't want to upset the apple cart until absolutely necessary.
use the time before the area final (when you know for sure we qualify) to lay some ground work. I suggest sentences such as.....
'did you know it's scientifcally proven that babies born without their dads present go on to be more successful'
'Id probably just get in the way'
'Please, please please for the love of god, can I go to Wembley.......................please'
Haha! Sounds a good plan.
I was wondering whether the missus would come with actually... Just imagine being born at Wembley... How cool would that be for the kid!
Could mark the beginning of a new era for CCFC!
I got home last night, apparently he or she was kicking the hell out of the missus all night, I reckon it's because he or she sensed a Coventry win... New member of the SBA already...
This impresses me!
is your other half a fan too then or did you have to convince her? if its the latter, im even more impressed!
Sisu cocksucker,see above. Foad.