Anyone else watching the Oompha Loompa become president? (3 Viewers)

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Hold anyone to account if they get it wrong that is fine, but so far nothing has been done that is criminal. Doing everything possible to block any attempts to put policies in place that they were elected on, or blocking and slowing down putting staff into place, is not democratic. Same with brexit, how many time are they going to try and block, slow down the process and get a second referendum. I voted remain but I accept the democracy of this country as everyone else should, we open ourselves up to massive problems if we allow democracy to be overturned just because people don't like the result.
Like the Republican house has been doing for 8 years to Obama then? Were you outraged at that?

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Well-Known Member
At what point have I said i was outraged? The point is they are blocking his policy's, they are slowing down the process for trump to get his people in departments, almost all media outlets are constantly bashing trump, everyone fancys a protest most dont even know what about.
I really couldn't care less which idiot was in charge of the USA obama, clinton, or trump. I'm just willing to accept democracy and if they get it wrong or comit criminal acts you hold them to account. But until then you let the elected leader of a country put in place their policies they got elected on. Not cry because I didn't get my way like most lefties seem to be doing at the minute.


Well-Known Member
Hold anyone to account if they get it wrong that is fine, but so far nothing has been done that is criminal. Doing everything possible to block any attempts to put policies in place that they were elected on, or blocking and slowing down putting staff into place, is not democratic. Same with brexit, how many time are they going to try and block, slow down the process and get a second referendum. I voted remain but I accept the democracy of this country as everyone else should, we open ourselves up to massive problems if we allow democracy to be overturned just because people don't like the result.

How do you know that nothing has been done that is criminal? Things have been done that break convention and rules. Kellyann has been advertising and endorsing Trump's daughters products from the White House. The White House is constantly putting out lies. Some have been contradicted later by themselves, but most are exposed by fact checking. The rate of lying is far higher with Trump than with other participants.

The Russian connection is still being investigated and Trump still refuses to publish his tax returns. I certainly wouldn't be sticking my neck out claiming that nothing illegal has happened.

As for democracy, it is rapidly emerging that Bannon is the real power here and maybe Steven Miller. Trump is a low flyer, poorly read and ill educated. He constantly shows his ignorance of the world outside of reality TV.

Bannon claims he discovered Trump 2 years ago and decided he was the one to push. No wonder.

It is the same here with Brexit. Look at the turd Farage and the other Brexiteers. There is a long way to go before we leave the EU, if we ever do. Plenty of disappointments to come for the leavers.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Bannon is a vile and incredibly dangerous individual and is indeed the real man in charge of the White House. It always amuses me that people fall for the claims made by the likes of Trump, Johnson, Bannon and Farage that they are anti-elite and are 'men of the people'. No doubt one of Trump's cheerleaders will be along soon to correct me ;)

You can also be certain that Brexit will benefit the rich and powerful in the country and that any benefits to the poorest and most vulnerable will be non-existent. The claims about it being to help the poor against the effects of globalisation are pretty funny as well.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
At what point have I said i was outraged? The point is they are blocking his policy's, they are slowing down the process for trump to get his people in departments, almost all media outlets are constantly bashing trump, everyone fancys a protest most dont even know what about.
I really couldn't care less which idiot was in charge of the USA obama, clinton, or trump. I'm just willing to accept democracy and if they get it wrong or comit criminal acts you hold them to account. But until then you let the elected leader of a country put in place their policies they got elected on. Not cry because I didn't get my way like most lefties seem to be doing at the minute.

Why is it that those opposed to Trump/Bannon are 'lefties'? There are plenty of people across the whole political spectrum who are opposed to him.


Well-Known Member
If Trump and Brexit have a democratic mandate there will be no problem getting their legislation through. You can't expect the opposition to wave through bills they oppose.
The Tory party is responsible for giving the UK a referendum. They are 100% responsible for getting the legislation through both houses and the EU. If they are finding it a struggle they should not be moaning, or blaming anyone but themselves; they should be reflecting on why they made promises they couldn't keep.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
This whole 'lefties' 'snowflakes' thing is ridiculous, it comes from the very same people who get outraged that some people are branded racist sexist etc.
Haha exactly...they certainly are sensitive souls...usually backed up by sexually frustrated teenage trolls on the Internet.


Well-Known Member
Jeff Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian ambassador during Trump campaign

Yet more lies and corruption.

This is also 'interesting' Jeff Sessions Said ‘Secularists’ Are Unfit for Government imagine the uproar from certain posters if a Muslim had said the same thing.

Another Trump "democratic" choice. Trump is behaving like a king and not a president. He has surrounded himself with tainted people and the selections mirror the views of a certain Steve Bannon, the most powerful man in the US administration.

Lies, lies and more lies. Seems to be acceptable for this clique.

Steve Bannon calls the press the opposition and it won't be long before the press is taken care of. The so-called MSM will be at best sidelined, and his ex web news site, Breitbart, along with the likes of infowars, brought to the fore.

If Trump is ramping up military spending without a major war going on, and claiming that it is time the US started winning wars, who is the next big war going to be against? And why do we need a conventional war anyway?

Where is he going to station his new ships and troops? Not in the US as there is no threat of them being invaded.

If these people - Bannon, Sessions etc - believe in god as opposed to reason, we are in for exciting times. Plenty of excuses for doing god's work and crushing secularism and other people's religions.


Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Not sure why Trump's and Bannon's cheerleaders haven't tried to defend the Trump administration on this or why they have failed to condemn the comments regarding secularists?


Well-Known Member
Speculation today that he may make a surprise visit while he's visiting others across Europe.


Well-Known Member
Actually, thinking about it, that could also be a hair adhereist rather than hairdresser.


Well-Known Member
How big a surprise could it be given that his Secret Service agents will need to make extensive preparations before he can visit anywhere?
Yes good point Dutch, possibly where the speculation has arisen from?
Maybe politically smart timing where politics and the Country is in virtual shutdown during the Holiday season.

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