Bartosz Bialkowski isn't Southampton's first-choice goalkeeper, Kelvin Davis is, and Davis is far superior to Murphy. Although Bialkowski's error was a bad one, it's his first league appearance of the season and in a high pressure game. McManaman's run was brilliant, and you could make a case for him being slightly unsighted by a defender or two. No excuse for that kind of error, but it's understandable. As for Brighton's Casper Akergren, he has always really been a League One goalkeeper. That's where he enjoyed his best success with Leeds, and that's where Brighton picked him up as well, but he managed over 100 appearances for Brøndby, which is nothing to be sniffed at. Goalkeepers will always make mistakes. Victor Valdes made a shocking error last night, but that doesn't mean that Murphy's distribution is better than his. I can't understand how some people seem to be happy with Murphy. He wouldn't play at any other team in the league.