Are People really Bleating? (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
20k average. That's a good one.

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I think Dongo is being a little optimistic with the 20k attendances.

I was thinking more 4,000 or so once the novelty wears off with the few intrigued fans out there.


Well-Known Member
Yes you said the funniest you heard all year.

That's his aim eventually

He said below ten k initially
Raising to ten k over time.
Eventually 20k with success.

It's strange he seems to draw a parallel to success increasing attendances.

No chance. They only averaged 5.7k in the league last season.

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20k average. That's a good one.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

I don't know though, you just have to look on Twitter at some of the councillors shite:

I think it's time to buy a @WaspsRugby shirt. Very excited by the prospect of top level rugby in #Coventry.

This one is my favourite, from a guy from Worcester.

For investingin my homecity and region I now support @WaspsRugby having never really followed Rugby before. I welcome them.


Well-Known Member
Yes you said the funniest you heard all year.

That's his aim eventually

He said below ten k initially
Raising to ten k over time.
Eventually 20k with success.

It's strange he seems to draw a parallel to success increasing attendances.

Has he taken prediction lessons off Fisher?


Well-Known Member
Yes you said the funniest you heard all year.

That's his aim eventually

He said below ten k initially
Raising to ten k over time.
Eventually 20k with success.

It's strange he seems to draw a parallel to success increasing attendances.

So if Tim fisher said his aim was to get 30,000 average you'd think differently - as he said it?



Well-Known Member
So if Tim fisher said his aim was to get 30,000 average you'd think differently - as he said it?


Unfortunately his aim was 12 k initially :(

Any Cov chairman should be aiming for a 20k average.
However as we all know success on the pitch = an increase in attendances.


Well-Known Member
So if Tim fisher said his aim was to get 30,000 average you'd think differently - as he said it?


Fishers last estimation was on crowds in Northampton. He did well didn't he :laugh:


Well-Known Member
I spoke to four people at work today excited to watch wasps
They were brummies
They were all rugby fans
2 London Irish
1 Northampton
one supports no one just loves watching rugby
Very weird
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Well-Known Member
Unfortunately his aim was 12 k initially :(

Any Cov chairman should be aiming for a 20k average.
However as we all know success on the pitch = an increase in attendances.

If a chairman told his fans they were committed long term to staying in the London area and then a year later moved 100 miles away would you believe anything he said again?


Well-Known Member
I spoke to four people at work today exited to watch wasps
They were brummies
They were all rugby fans
2 London Irish
1 Northampton
one supports no one just loves watching rugby
Very weird

Sorry Dongo, the Saints fan wouldnt be exited to see wasps, I just dont buy that. Wasps are average at best, Saints are Champions. Why would he not go to watch his team in a full stadium with a great atmosphere, and instead watch a distinctively average team in a stadium about one fifth full, with no atmosphere?

Like I said once the novelty effect wears off, the new year will see attendances of 4,000 or so


Well-Known Member
I spoke to four people at work today excited to watch wasps
They were brummies
They were all rugby fans
2 London Irish
1 Northampton
one supports no one just loves watching rugby
Very weird

Rugby fans seem a strange lot. But football could learn a lot from them. The opposing supporters drink together. They watch the game together. And then a lot of them have a drink together after the game whoever wins. Quite a few of them go to games not involving their own club. It is more about the day than the game. As I live up north I work with a lot of them. And the one thing I do prefer about their game is they don't get fouled by another players shadow and go flying.

Rusty Trombone

Well-Known Member
ACL is the Leaseholder, which CCC owned 50% of, no confusion over leasehold or freehold there.

They wanted to protect their, yes, commercial interest in ACL, which they saw as a long term investment.

Two years down the line and they've flogged it off on a 250 year lease, for £2.77 million and Wasps repaying the loan.

Is that a long-term investment?

Even the shittiest hedge-funds seem to,unfortunately, hang on for longer than that.

Now you've stopped all the nonsense about SISU offering a better deal, and sarcastically talking about protecting a community asset, you've actually come out with some facts. There is hope.

If they sold it and feel they have got a good deal, then the work they did before protecting their commercial interest worked. They held their interest longing than SISU have owned us, so not a great point being made there, but never mind, I hope you have a good weekend.

Personally it seems a poor deal, Wasps have got a bargain.


Well-Known Member
I don't know I just know some smart arse will release a figure that the council cost Coventry by saying no.
It is likely to be 10's of millions and you would be the first to jump on your bandwagon and slaughter them for failing in their job

The reason I said that is that the council in their defence of this arrangement said when wasps visited the Ricoh the once (not a few times as you made up -- like the conversation with people at work) that the revenue to the economy was £6 million. I don't know if you issued that briefing document but even the quoted attendance was 7,000 wrong but anyway I multiplied games over 20 years and that is the figure.

It is of course baloney -- how was the £6 million arrived at -- do you believe the figure?


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha sorry funniest joke I've heard all yeah.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

Yes to be fair the joke about Preston Haskell buying the Ricoh and moving Nuneaton there was I believe last year


Well-Known Member
If they achieve their eventual target of 20000 fans then jobs will be created.
Also they are talking about building training facilities people have to build it and run it.

Jobs will be created of course it is impossible for me to say how many but they will.

Just like I would hazard a guess jobs would be list here and jobs created in another area when CCFC move

Why would they get 20k?

I hope they struggle to get over 2k, they will be lucky to retain 5% of their current fan base with there move. They are heavily reliant on the local people of Coventry and the midlands supporting them, hopefully the sports fans of Coventry will take the same stance which they did with sixfields.


Well-Known Member
Why would they get 20k?

I hope they struggle to get over 2k, they will be lucky to retain 5% of their current fan base with there move. They are heavily reliant on the local people of Coventry and the midlands supporting them, hopefully the sports fans of Coventry will take the same stance which they did with sixfields.

They will not get 20,000 other than in Don's mind. The same mind that rated Thorn above Allardyce, thought Haskell was a potential buyer, is obsessed with Cody McDonald and believed Kevin Malaga and Chris Hussey were class players badly treated by Mark Robbins.


Well-Known Member
If we take our blinkers off ,do we really think they havn't looked at the demographic /socio economic groups they potentially can draw support from?


Well-Known Member
If we take our blinkers off ,do we really think they havn't looked at the demographic /socio economic groups they potentially can draw support from?

I would say it is a high risk strategy at best.


Well-Known Member
No, I don't think they have. I think they just they looked around and decided on the Ricoh because of circumstance here at the moment. If there was a similar situation in Yorkshire or anywhere else in the country they would have ended up there. A combination of SISU fucking up, Derek Richardson who sounds as immoral as Joy and a greedy council more than willing to sell out their local sports teams.

The perfect storm.

If we take our blinkers off ,do we really think they havn't looked at the demographic /socio economic groups they potentially can draw support from?
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Well-Known Member
No, I don't think they have. I think they just they looked around and decided on the Ricoh because of circumstance here at the moment. If there was a similar situation in Yorkshire or anywhere else in the country they would have ended up there. A combination of SISU fucking up, Derek Richardson who sounds as immoral as Joy and a greedy council more than willing to sell out their local sports teams.

The perfect storm.

Jesus Torch we're /We've been exposed on every level


Well-Known Member
Sorry Dongo, the Saints fan wouldnt be exited to see wasps, I just dont buy that. Wasps are average at best, Saints are Champions. Why would he not go to watch his team in a full stadium with a great atmosphere, and instead watch a distinctively average team in a stadium about one fifth full, with no atmosphere?

Like I said once the novelty effect wears off, the new year will see attendances of 4,000 or so

Ask him,his words quite excited. I am not fussed about rugby
I can't explain to you his thoughts.
It's a fact I spoke to them that was their opinion.
I can ask for his logic if you want?
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Well-Known Member
I doubt they ever get out the care home

Again this response tells you all you need to know....

Grendal's debate formula....

If I have a point that wins the debate state it

If I don't change the subject to one where I do

If the person will not change

Abuse them call them a wum or belittle their point

Never ever admit that agreeing with SISU not paying the the going rate for ACL. encouraging them to follow the path they followed was the worse mistake and a massive cock up. Even though everyone knows I was wrong on this point, don't admit it and it will go away ;)

From now on I name this approach to forum etiquette 'the Grendel' :)


Well-Known Member
Again this response tells you all you need to know....

Grendal's debate formula....

If I have a point that wins the debate state it

If I don't change the subject to one where I do

If the person will not change

Abuse them call them a wum or belittle their point

Never ever admit that agreeing with SISU not paying the the going rate for ACL. encouraging them to follow the path they followed was the worse mistake and a massive cock up. Even though everyone knows I was wrong on this point, don't admit it and it will go away ;)

From now on I name this approach to forum etiquette 'the Grendel' :)

Nail firmly struck on head.


Well-Known Member
I would say it is a high risk strategy at best.

High risk strategies are what has put our club into the position it is in now. From the previous owners of our club to SISU. But SISU raised the stakes. And now it looks like we will not get any part of the lease because of them.

The Wasps could be put anywhere from low to high risk. Personally would put it from low to medium. Low because there will be a rent to collect from CCFC. Medium because you never know what SISU will do next.


Well-Known Member
Been on holiday so struggling to get up to speed on all this.

Seems to me that but for their stubborn hard-nosed approach to things...SISU could have actually got the prize they truly desired. Greed perhaps got the better of them?!
Despite the comments made about no offer for CCFC...I think it is pretty much inevitable that Wasps ownership will foster good relations & if CCFC get some momentum of success going - the offer will come. The Ricoh owners will make much more hand over fist profits with a successful football & rugby club than ever they are likely to with a successful rugby club & a football tenant.
Give it 4yrs...the bid will come - & that ownership will I believe cement CCFC in the City AT the Ricoh!



Well-Known Member
I would say it is a high risk strategy at best.

I agree it is a high risk stratergy, moving any club over distance is. You have to re establish your fan base. But rugby fans do travel for top class rugby. People follow Leicester and Northampton from Coventry. People from the Black Country followed Worcester when they were in the Prem. That is fact.

So coming to Coventry they have no competition north until you get to Sale. I think they could have only done better by going to Birmingham and they did look at options there. The fact they play on a Sunday makes a difference as it frees up a potential fan base of people who play club on a Saturday.

They say they would have gone bust in three to five years if they stayed where they were, so perhaps even a high risk stratergy is worth it to them?

Don't get me wrong here, I am not a fan of this deal. I think it has potentially damaged the future of CCFC and CRC. It is unfair on the existing Wasps fans, although I detect a change in mood of a few of their fans on the message boards now Wasps have briefed them.

All I can do is support CCFC and CRC as best I can around my work pattern. I encourage other people to do the same, not everyone can attend every game, but when you can make the effort and go!

Jack Griffin

Been on holiday so struggling to get up to speed on all this.

Seems to me that but for their stubborn hard-nosed approach to things...SISU could have actually got the prize they truly desired. Greed perhaps got the better of them?!
Despite the comments made about no offer for CCFC...I think it is pretty much inevitable that Wasps ownership will foster good relations & if CCFC get some momentum of success going - the offer will come. The Ricoh owners will make much more hand over fist profits with a successful football & rugby club than ever they are likely to with a successful rugby club & a football tenant.
Give it 4yrs...the bid will come - & that ownership will I believe cement CCFC in the City AT the Ricoh!


Yup Bazza, that is pretty much the way I see it, they will run the club at a profit for the next 4-5 years, suck the profit out to cover losses & then sell a profitable company on for half decent money up front & some deal to pay premiums on completion of promotions (like SISU did with GR etc.)

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