Article: 10 real reasons to be an optimistic Coventry City Fan. (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
10 excellent points. Well written and perfect in every way. I wish more people would write thes articles they're Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat :)

Is that better? :D
I really hate to rain on everybody's parade but don't you think we're kind of clutching at straws here?

The Ricoh is a nice ground but it's not our ground, it's never likely to be either. It's nice to look at for sure but it can't be a nice place to play when it's half empty and the atmosphere is completely flat.

Great we've got history but we really need to start thinking about the present.

We're consistant alrite, consistantly rubbish!

If we don't invest in this current squad which looks painfully thin then we'll most likely be fighting relegation and if the worst does happen that isn't going to be very good for our fiscal security.

The program is alrite but it's hardly something to be excited about surely?

I'm not sure if that's meant to be ironic or not but have you forgotten about the convicted sex offender that has just recently left? I'd also venture a guess that not all of our players are perfect role models off the field!

I wouldn't be so confident Platt, Eastwood, and Juke are suddenly going to become world beaters! I expect bigger things from Juke this year who will be good I reckon but he can't do it on his own.

How many players have we actually brought through that have gone on to make it?

With regards to the managerial one we have to accept now that it can't have been the manager everytime, we've been through that many it just couldn't have been the manager everytime. A number of managers have carried the can for the failings of the board.

The be all and end all of this is we need money, we need investment. That's the only way we're going to move forward. We've been in around of bottom three of this league for nearly every season we've been in the Championship without moving forward, eventually we are going to drop through that trap door as we found out just over 10 years ago. My only hope is that the Hoff is serious about this bid and that he has real money men behind him that are willing to put serious coin in, if Sisu stick around I fear greatly for this season.

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
Rich,stirring stuff indeed.
I can only think positively at the moment because if i think too hard about us i get really frustrated.
I beleive that my dream of a stable and prosperous Coventry City FC will come true one day.To think otherwise is not good for my mental health.We have all waited long enough for this to happen, so please step forward our new saviour, but step forward soon.

The Rev


Well-Known Member
Stop criticising please Tom. These writers have a hard enough job as it is and they are less likely to bother if all you can do is criticise. How about you have a go? :p
Parts of that article felt like you were trying to 'sell' the club to someone - I would have included a note about the casino, and the fact that we are 5 and 10 mins from the 1st and 2nd most important transport links in the country (M1 + M6) and the potential for a rail link on the doorstep of our 'Arena', also we are big city of around half a million people potentially supporting in future, aswell future possibilitys of sucking in fans from Rugby and Daventry - 2 developing towns increasing fan base.


Well-Known Member
1. I'm crazy.
2. I'm insane.
3. I'm away with the fairies.
4. I'm totally hatstand.
5. I' ve had a lobotomy
6. I was dropped on my head as a baby.
7. I have BSE
8. I'm addicted to LSD.
9. I love scrumpy mixed with E
10. I live in an alternative reality.


Well-Known Member
Huck, is that you? How's the injury-fancy some games this season?!?


New Member
There is no need to keep spirits up etc, as fans we will put up with what we are given - what else would we do, go support someone else? What we do expect is reasonable governance of the club that doesn't mortgage the future or leave us in the mire a la Portsmouth, Southampton, Leeds or (let's hope and prey soon) Leicester. In this day and age that obligation requires sufficient commitment and funds to cover adequate investment. If you own a club and don't have this, then jog on, take the loss on your speculative investment and leave the job of ownership to someone with sufficiently deep pockets, the stamina and the patience to cope with owning a club like ours.


New Member
To pick up on one point Rich made. About the programme and the club making an additional £48,000 per match. If correct that is one heck of a lot of money. By my reckoning that's over a million pounds a season. Not huge in light of the club's finances, but a positive step.
Plus I keep reading about fans looking for investors. You know, us fans are the real big investors. If the stayaways turned up and invested things would be a lot healthier. Instead of looking for somebody else perhaps the real solution is with us fans.
A good positive article and I don't wear sky blue glasses either. I know we have problems, but if you look at the bigger picture, the way the Premier League is creating a lot of difficulties for the rest of football. Wage structures, unrealistic hopes, the idea that if you're not in the Premier League you are nowhere etc etc. The collapse of Football League TV coverage and money a few years ago, unrealistic wage demands of players, the way football clubs are becoming owned by 'outsiders' (right across the country) at all levels etc etc....we are possibly facing to economic reality at City. AND I'm not a SISU apologist. I would prefer that they sold out.
I'd like to see someone here do a detailed report on the promising kids coming through. Really let us know what they're like. What kinds of prospects are they? Can we hope for a wave of kids we had in the 80s with Gillespie, Thomas, Hateley, Dyson, Whitton, Thompson, Butterworth et al, who all came through together? Now that would really be something to get optimistic about. Ruffles, Birgimara, Thomas, Wilson, Christie, Jeffers, who knows.


Well-Known Member
Its only something to get optimistic about if we can keep them in the first team for a few seasons

Jack Griffin

Hopefully Gregor Rioch will stay too, is he not behind a lot of this success?


CCFC Finance Director
Good to see someone being positive about the club...... there are good things up at the Ricoh it isnt all bad. We do have a good ground, we do have a manager that is clear about entertaining the fans, we do have a solid hard core of fans, we do have some decent youngsters seemingly coming through. Though i am heartily disappointed by the lack of investment in the squad i do think the fact that SISU are tackling the losses is also a positive (but no i am not a fan of SISU). Sometimes it is hard to see positives in the deluge of bad news that keeps coming our way - some of which I wonder if it is more mischievious than factual.

As for the programme sales (£3 each) £48000 would be an extra 16000 sold per game, sorry but it is never going to happen. Present average crowds are 16K and I suspect less than half buy a programme (certainly I only buy 1 to share with my lad for instance) Plus there are a lot of freebies in the posh seats. Nice idea but sorry Rich it doesnt add up - that said it does illustrate how a little from each of us can make a big difference to the club and its finances


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