AT's 'great football'...anyone seen it? (1 Viewer)

Interesting to hear AT (and some fans, although much less in number these days) still claim after the Pompey game that we are playing '...great football...'.

Sorry, AT, but passing the ball across your back 4, and then to Clingan to play triangles with the back 4, with the occasional cross from a full back does not constitute 'great football'.

If the football was 'great', then we'd be opening teams up and scoring goals...and we are clearly not doing that.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see where this 'great football' is...yes, AT tries to get the players to PASS the ball...but this is not the definition of 'great football', Andy....

Joke defending, a keeper who is a dodgy catcher of a ball, a midfield who do not beat their man nor get in many crosses, and only one player in the team to have scored more than 2 goals also leads me to believe that we are not playing '...great football..'.

And if AT is hell bent on this appraisal of the team he manages, a record of 2 wins in 21 would suggest that the football is not '...great...'.

The conclusion to all of this....I have always said we need to give AT half a season...well, even if he wins the next 3 games, we'll only have 22 points from 23 games and that's relegation numbers.

Sorry, AT, nice guy and all that, but we MUST AVOID RELEGATION AT ALL COSTS, and if that means trying someone else to get more from these players then so be it...we could do with the impetus from a new manager (just like AT had in March/April)...we need to try and achieve what Burnley/Millwall/Bristol C have done and strive for a couple/three wins...that's all that's needed to get back in touch with the pack...if those shitty teams can do it, so can we with the players we have...surely??????


Well-Known Member
Two games in a row we've been 2-1 down and he takes off a forward for a defender with little more then ten mins left, its almost as if he's happy with a 1 goal defeat and doesn't want to concede more? What is goal difference when were 11/12 off safety come new year


New Member
The stats would seem to suggest we might be pretty but easy.

City 'til I die


Well-Known Member
Two games in a row we've been 2-1 down and he takes off a forward for a defender with little more then ten mins left, its almost as if he's happy with a 1 goal defeat and doesn't want to concede more? What is goal difference when were 11/12 off safety come new year

No he hasn't

V Portsmouth he put Cody on for platt, Mcsheffrey on for Gardner (injury) and Christie on for wood.

V Brighton he put wood on for Christie (injury), bigi on for Thomas and Cody on for platt.

Where has he taken off a forward for a defender in the last 2 games?

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
quite breathtaking appraisal, 7 points adrift already and with just 2 wins, the worst goal scoring record by a country mile, yea Thorny Great Football that.We will be the best team ever to be relegated if thats the case. If you go on other teams web-site nearly all of them say we are the worst team to play them this year,its not just us who think we're crap everyone else agrees, but if Thorny thinks it's great then so be it.
So do we need to play fantastic football to actually beat someone. He sounds as if he's on drugs and seeing things others are'nt.
Don't treat us like brain dead morons Mr Thorn, face it we are not very good and play toothless boring brain numbing football.

The Rev


Well-Known Member
Two games in a row we've been 2-1 down and he takes off a forward for a defender with little more then ten mins left, its almost as if he's happy with a 1 goal defeat and doesn't want to concede more? What is goal difference when were 11/12 off safety come new year

If you are going to WUM, at least do it with a vague semblance of factual accuracy. Otherwise we all just laugh at you, rather than get wound-up as you desire. Egg on face.


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