It was 12309 on Saturday with 1000 from Reading - midweek would expect Blackpool to bring half that at best, there is Champions league footy on tv both Man City and Manure on, not a great performance on Saturday, less freebie school attendances for midweek game, no excitement around the club or team so I expect a drop of a 1500 from our support at least so anything above 10,500 will be a pleasant surprise. Unless results start to improve the trend is only going one way - at the end of last season we were playing bright attacking football but this season we have become far more defensive, still not hoofball but its not the cavalier attacking stuff we were treated to by AT at the end of last season. Obviously this is down to personnel etc but the only way we are going to bring fans back without investment (which is the scenario we are faced with) is to start playing brighter more exciting football and hope the results follow, at present we are playing possession football with no end product and its very frustrating and slightly dull.