Attendances are not that bad!! (1 Viewer)


Super Moderator
I have just been looking at the stat site as posted by someone t'other day. Our attendances are actually mid table for this league.

Looking at our average attendance I think we came 14th, which if I am not mistaken is mid table. It would seem that our attendances are ok compared with the rest of the league.

Maybe people just aren't going to watch what pre 90's was league 2 football.

Discuss Chimps:thinking about:

(edit: ermm chaps not chimps lol)

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Well-Known Member
It is more the fact that they are down by a couple of thousand from last year which seems to be the trend since we moved to the Ricoh. We all know we have bigger attendances than the likes of Barnsley, Peterborough and Doncaster.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the sudden drop off last year and this year is probably the worst I've known it. It's consistent as well, whereas when we got relegated, for example, you'd get a few matches of 13-14k and then a match or 2 of 18-19k.


CCFC Finance Director
Trouble is Rich that 800 equates to £350K income and makes a big difference to us. Attendances are down all over the place so its not just us but it hurts us because our finances are so poor

Its disappointing that Leeds is a night game there were 28000 there last year I cant see that being the case this season. But hopefully Southampton, West Ham and Birmingham plus a few others will pick up some of the slack.... but there are also some dire gates with other teams to come


Super Moderator
Yes I think we still have plenty of large clubs coming our way, with teams that weren't in this league last season. KG Forest/Derby aren't big teams that people that don't normally come to Ricoh, will make any special effort to see.


Super Moderator
Trouble is Rich that 800 equates to £350K income and makes a big difference to us. Attendances are down all over the place so its not just us but it hurts us because our finances are so poor

Its disappointing that Leeds is a night game there were 28000 there last year I cant see that being the case this season. But hopefully Southampton, West Ham and Birmingham plus a few others will pick up some of the slack.... but there are also some dire gates with other teams to come

TBH OSB I don't really care if SISU are making losses. They are not putting cash into the club, If they start turning a profit then they will want to take it into their coffers to cover the £32million that they have lost. So SISU losing money directly/indirectly through CCFC does not bother me. We will see a lack of investment and declining attendances whilst they remain in charge.


Well-Known Member
Trouble is Rich that 800 equates to £350K income and makes a big difference to us. Attendances are down all over the place so its not just us but it hurts us because our finances are so poor

Its disappointing that Leeds is a night game there were 28000 there last year I cant see that being the case this season. But hopefully Southampton, West Ham and Birmingham plus a few others will pick up some of the slack.... but there are also some dire gates with other teams to come

Ticket prices (or at least season ticket prices) went down this year as well, didn't they? So it could work out as more of a loss than predicted?
Got to question the reliability of the statistics, when if you go on Premier League, it apparently suggests that on average Chelsea games will have 1544 people to one seat :thinking about:


Super Moderator
Got to question the reliability of the statistics, when if you go on Premier League, it apparently suggests that on average Chelsea games will have 1544 people to one seat :thinking about:

I think you're reading it wrong. Their average is 400 less than capacity. This sounds about right to me?


New Member
What shocks me, well not shock but..... is we have more people staying away then some teams can actually fit in there stadium!!!!


Well-Known Member
Leeds will still sell out they did at blues the other night, a good 5000,...


Well-Known Member
Its disappointing that Leeds is a night game there were 28000 there last year I cant see that being the case this season. But hopefully Southampton, West Ham and Birmingham plus a few others will pick up some of the slack.... but there are also some dire gates with other teams to come

Ah, a full house when the mighty Southampton come to the Ricoh

How low can you go !!!

Wont be long now until our "tricky" home game against Yoevil !!!


CCFC Finance Director
not exactly what I said ccfcway :) ...... but southampton because they are doing so well are likely to bring a good support and that might increase the crowd above say the level of swansea (13481)or qpr(17678) last year and that way keep the average up.......... never going to be a full house :facepalm:....... doubt we will see a full house unless we get a top prem team in the cup at home


Well-Known Member
i remember back at Highfield road in the premiership before the big ron era we usually got around 13k


New Member
Our attendences have been hit hard this year

Compare like for like, same matches, eg home games against reading, or Leicester(they brought about 3000 more this year, so take that off as well), if you want to measure the drop in OUR attendences&support.


Well-Known Member
but thats the problem, we rely on away fans boosting numbers to make the attedance look decent!


Well-Known Member
The problem is it's difficult to compare against other sides as it doesn't really mean much. More telling is the increasingly rapid decline in our own attendances. Looking at average figures since the Ricoh opened (from you get this:

2005 / 06 21,301
2006 / 07 20,342
2007 / 08 19,123
2008 / 09 17,407
2009 / 10 17,305
2010 / 11 16,309
2011 / 12 14,570

So when RR and SISU came in and started saying we needed 25K per game to break even is was a big jump but not impossible but since the SISU takeover it's gone the other way, where they wanted to add 5K per game they are on course this season to have knocked us down from over 20K to under 15K unless things pick up. That has to be fans that are either fed up with what they're seeing on the pitch or have had enough of SISU.


Well-Known Member
Doing a true game by game comparison for same opponents (excluding Blackpool as they weren't here last season) we had 101,247 last season and 89,170 this year - a drop of 12%. That's not good in any ones book - a big drop in revenue. Worrying times, especially as all Kenny seems interested in is the 5 acres of derelict land behind the Tesco stand, as thats what he can really make money on. Thanks for nothing Ken - sorry if the football team is a damned inconvenience for you.

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