Back of the cov telegraph!!! (1 Viewer)


New Member
All thiis transparacy is a bit alien to us isn't it


Well-Known Member
Even more important to keep the pressure on with the PROTEST.
They have to be made to understand that being on a road to nowhere (the SISU way) doesn't wash with fans.
Sooner they go the better.

Jack Griffin

Sorry if this has already been asked (havent read all replies) but has anyone else noticed in Clarkes interview, he doesnt seem to mention our mate Ongye Igwe?? He states "my fellow board directors Tim Fisher and Mark Labovitch......". I though Igwe was a board member aswell as being the SISU rep? Has he jumped ship from our ever shrinking board too?

Companies house do not record the resignation of KD or OI as Directors of any of these companies. I don't know if there is any delay in changing the record, but I do know you can file a change online, so there should be none.


EDIT: I put these links here for reference because they showed Directors appointnents at company house, when I looked again I got "session timed out", so it is necessary to search for the company by name in the Web Check at companies house then select the company and the link on the right that says "Order information on this company", you then see the list..
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Walking Bird

New Member
More of the same old guff from a sisu stooge!


Well-Known Member
clarke is a SISU fooking puppet they wont sell the club they are still trying to keep hold of the club bunch of fooking wankers:jerkit::jerkit::jerkit::jerkit:
Well yeah, of course they are. They're not braindead.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. When I present 5 buckets full of cash from the collection they can see real money instead of a load of words written on paper.

Obviously you are 1 of 3 things and i mean things , 1 a WUM , 2 a sisu spy trying to make skyblue fans look completely thick, 3 or you are completely thick and does your carer know you are on a computer
I would also like Mr Clarke out now, anybody that says we are now willing to talk worries me. I know it's better than late than never but come on...


New Member
I think a lot have the wrong end of the stick re. Gary Hoffman. He has stated constantly he doesn't want to own the club or be chairman and he is introducing interested parties to help the club's finances. Richard Keys is the one who has put together these interested parties as much as Hoffman, it will all come out in the wash but i do know for a fact we are well down the line to a conclusion. The Telegrah i believe have grabbed the rights to break the news and i think the first snippets was yesterday and today.


New Member
I'm not saying all that i have heard as you get shouted down especially on these types of websites, what i will say is there are a number of people with Sky Blue connections, business types, with a bit of a spring in their steps today than they had a couple of days ago, also a lot of ground work has been done and there is no coincidence that one by one the SISU board have dropped away. These two new names that have all of a sudden reappeared were brought in to get SISU as good a deal as possible. Not sure of timescale been trying to find out but can't but it has to be January at the latest unless some deal can be done with SISU to bring players in which would sort of mirror the Danny Fox and Scott Dann transfers.


Well-Known Member
Think it has to happen before January so there is a chance of turning things around.
Would have thought any potential buyer would also want and need this to happen before then as well.

One day you will turn on your computor in the morning come on here or another cov related site or turn on sky sports and see.

COVENTRY CITY TAKEN OVER BY NEW OWNERS sultan of brunei and bill gates.:sleep:


New Member
Sultan of Brunei was looking for a football investment apparently and i believe Bill Gates
has Warwickshire connections somewhere in his past.


Chief Commentator!
I would also like Mr Clarke out now, anybody that says we are now willing to talk worries me. I know it's better than late than never but come on...

My worry is that SISU believe that there is a possibility that there are people out there who want to invest WITH them, rather than takeover and do it without! Now that is a severe case of delusion if ever ive seen one!

Plus with Clarke trying to be the next 'Mr Coventry' now that Mr Elliott cannot be involved, I hope is more sucessful that Joe was (as look at what mess he got us into by attracting SISU - NB this isnt a dig at Joe as he wasnt to know what con men he had attracted)


New Member
SISU are finished here believe me this football situation they have got themselves in is crippling them and Hoffman knows it. He holds the cards and most of the aces


Well-Known Member
A hedge fund owns the club, isn't that right?

If so, that would be numerous investors who probably don't want their names revealed and by law probably don't have to.


Well-Known Member
Sultan of Brunei was looking for a football investment apparently and i believe Bill Gates
has Warwickshire connections somewhere in his past.

I know Gates is into charity these days, but I think curing malaria in Africa is an easier and cheaper job than turning around the Sky Blues.


Well-Known Member
A hedge fund owns the club, isn't that right?

If so, that would be numerous investors who probably don't want their names revealed and by law probably don't have to.

True. What are you getting at? Am I being dense?


Well-Known Member
You could have dozens of owners.

OSB has stated in one of his threads that:
Clause 94 of section 9 is interesting as is the last sentence of 88.3 of section 9 of football league rules.

The way i read it is that the Football League could require the details of who actually holds the interest in the shares held by the SISU funds if they saw fit to do so. The powers are there already - our MP friend isnt suggesting anything that isnt already in place. Basically the League can require any info they see fit to see and can then audit it to ensure it is valid. What isnt in place is the Football league will to do it and disclose it.

That wouldn't mean they'd be made public, but as I say what use is having the names of numerous investors?

We played that game with our new owners and potential backers and how much they may be worth. We realised that we were dealing with the Thai owners and any potentially any bugger else in Asia with a fortune. The kids board went wild with the thought that we may be backed by numerous billionaires (pound wise not baht apparently).

Do you seriously think that there is a billionaire backer behind Hoffman?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, my initial post was in answer to someone mentioning that sisu hadn't even told you who the owners were.


Well-Known Member
You could have dozens of owners.

OSB has stated in one of his threads that:
Clause 94 of section 9 is interesting as is the last sentence of 88.3 of section 9 of football league rules.

The way i read it is that the Football League could require the details of who actually holds the interest in the shares held by the SISU funds if they saw fit to do so. The powers are there already - our MP friend isnt suggesting anything that isnt already in place. Basically the League can require any info they see fit to see and can then audit it to ensure it is valid. What isnt in place is the Football league will to do it and disclose it.

That wouldn't mean they'd be made public, but as I say what use is having the names of numerous investors?

We played that game with our new owners and potential backers and how much they may be worth. We realised that we were dealing with the Thai owners and any potentially any bugger else in Asia with a fortune. The kids board went wild with the thought that we may be backed by numerous billionaires (pound wise not baht apparently).

Do you seriously think that there is a billionaire backer behind Hoffman?

i doubt it

but what is your point about the ownership / shareholders

ps I also blame thatcher but i won't give her a capital letter


New Member
Nobody owns more than 10% of Coventry City Football Club, that is why Damien Green MP brought it up in the House and him doing that kick started the demise of the board imposed on our club by SISU who i don't think own anything of Coventry City

Jack Griffin

Its Damian Collins actually, I had a response to an email I sent him in which he said

The Government has proposed that in the future all financial interests in football clubs should be declared, and I would certainly support that. Fans have the right to know who owns or has a stake in their club.

The football authorities have been asked to consider this and give their response by the end of February. If they are not prepared to make this change to their rules then I would certainly support legislation in parliament to make this compulsory.


New Member
just be a nice christmas present for all the fans if SISU sold up and let the hoff do his stuff and sort the club out properly and hopefully get us back on the right track

The Hoffman is a bigger wanker than Sisu.


Well-Known Member
You could have dozens of owners.

OSB has stated in one of his threads that:
Clause 94 of section 9 is interesting as is the last sentence of 88.3 of section 9 of football league rules.

The way i read it is that the Football League could require the details of who actually holds the interest in the shares held by the SISU funds if they saw fit to do so. The powers are there already - our MP friend isnt suggesting anything that isnt already in place. Basically the League can require any info they see fit to see and can then audit it to ensure it is valid. What isnt in place is the Football league will to do it and disclose it.

That wouldn't mean they'd be made public, but as I say what use is having the names of numerous investors?

We played that game with our new owners and potential backers and how much they may be worth. We realised that we were dealing with the Thai owners and any potentially any bugger else in Asia with a fortune. The kids board went wild with the thought that we may be backed by numerous billionaires (pound wise not baht apparently).

Do you seriously think that there is a billionaire backer behind Hoffman?

No not really. It's all moot anyway, if we were doing well noone would care who our owners are. The fact is the club is being run into the ground at the moment due to poor management.

I want a change of board for the change of tack in terms of vision for the club rather than any potential cash windfall. SISU have burned through all the goodwill they started with from both the council and the fans, hence it's time for a change.

I honestly believe the club can be turned around in 3-5 years with the right management (boardroom, not dressing room), but to do it you need the core fans onside and ideally the council willing to play ball. Any massive transfer pots would be nice, but not essential IMO. That said we need investment to either stay up or rebuild next year. But that's only due to selling the family silver and reduced gates over the past 2-3 years.


New Member
We still need to spend on the kids where Gregor is busting a gut, and we need to avoid relegation - then we can start to build our way back - maybe.

City 'til I die


CCFC Finance Director
Nobody owns more than 10% of Coventry City Football Club, that is why Damien Green MP brought it up in the House and him doing that kick started the demise of the board imposed on our club by SISU who i don't think own anything of Coventry City

Sorry but Damian Collins didnt kick start anything so far, there has hardly been a big hue & cry has there ...... certainly is not the reason for Board room changes at CCFC. We dont actually know if they are investors in sconset or not because we dont know who any of the investors are.

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