BBC LATE KICK OFF NEEDS YOU (again!.....) (1 Viewer)

Laura @ The BBC

New Member
just wanted to say a big hello from laura may to all sky blues fans and hope (I did say "hope") you've been enjoying late kick off!

It's obviously been an unsettling time and we've been trying hard behind the scenes to bring you the stories. you can see Dave Bennett's extended interview here from last night's programme:

or watch the whole half hour at

this week I am going to the Derby match and wanted to cover it from a Coventry fan's point of view. Do you fancy being involved in our filming on Saturday?
Get in touch, and tell me why your story is worth filming for Late Kick Off!

It'd be great to hear from you. all the best, Laura.


Well-Known Member
What's the point? You'll stitch us up and show that to$$er Savage smiling like a pimp as he gets a City player sent off after feigning injury and despite our 17 on target shots you won't show any but will say how unlucky Derby were and what a crap side we are because we're not inbred.


Super Moderator
What's the point? You'll stitch us up and show that to$$er Savage smiling like a pimp as he gets a City player sent off after feigning injury and despite our 17 on target shots you won't show any but will say how unlucky Derby were and what a crap side we are because we're not inbred.

Rob I do feel that your comment may be a little harsh to the young lady, who has come to the premium coventry city fansite looking for subjects. Maybe you should volunteer yourself and during your interview let them know how you feel about our poor coverage in the media?

You could get us all (CCFC Fans) a bad name with responses like that.


Super Moderator
He does have a point about savage though....

True, but is the tone of the reply how you would like CCFC fans portrayed to the media. We need to help ourselves here. This is a great opportunity. I do take offence to the part about us not being inbred. I know I am aren't the rest of you my Brothers and My Dad?


If it is featuring us against Derby then won't the main feature be on Savage :(

I remember last time he said that we were a poor team and they should have beat us etc.


Well-Known Member
I would be surprised if Laura was offended by that, but apologise if she was. However, LKO like all shows are anti-Cov. It probbaly has something to do with all the Leicester contingent that present the BBC football shows.

As for me bing the guinea pig, it's all in the edit mate! I'll never be interviewed for tv now since the early days of Sky. It was a Monday Night Live game (back in the day when we used to get Sonia at half-time) and they interviewed me for a good 10 minutes before showing about the worst 20 seconds and making me sound like a right c***! Most of my family and friends saw it so I always give them a wide-berth swerve these days.


Well-Known Member
I know it's a bit of a running joke the BBC hate us, but do you really think that's the case?! Personally, I find there are other teams out there that get similar coverage to us. Boro, for example and they've only been out the top flight for 3 years. I just think we're truly an unfashionable team and nobody really cares about us. We haven't done anything in so long we've been pretty much forgotten about. Do you know what, it doesn't bother me one bit because when we do something and we get some coverage it will taste all the sweeter!


Well-Known Member
Agreed KG, i think we actually need to start doing things for people to notice us!!!


Super Moderator
Maybe Laura would like to interject and let us know why we do get so little coverage. I noticed on the Football league show they didn't show the two disallowed goals.


New Member
I thought we were meant to have a main feature on the running of our club this week? They showed the 2 goals and then moved onto Derby. I think it'd be a good idea to move onto the fans side of things Laura seeing as our board and managers are ever changing or lying, might be good to hear some honesty for once and you'll only get that from the sky blue army.


There was a feature where the board were interviewed.... It was on a bit later after the highlights...


New Member
I posted on the Late Kick Off facebook page to say i wouldn't be watching as long as Robbie Savage was presenting, because i can't stand him. Seems a fair point to raise, no? That they might be losing potential viewers through their poor choice of presenters? But instead of taking my comment on board, or even instead of just ignoring me, they deleted my comment and blocked me from being about to comment or post on the facebook page any more!
Doesn't sound like i've been missing an awful lot by not watching anyway.

Laura @ The BBC

New Member
Hi guys

thank you for your responses. I know Savage gets your goat - but isn't it time just to rise above it? he WILL be on the sofa next monday - but I WILL be doing the match report from Coventry's point of view. It's the sky blues I want to feature.

I know some fans feel like you don't get alot of publicity from the BBC but from my point of view - that's exactly what I've tried to change on LKO. Every week half a million people are watching LKO (on tv, iplayer, the extended interviews on the bbc sport website) so coventry is getting out there to the masses.

I did do a report on last night's programme about the recent board troubles and did an interview with legend Dave Bennett.

I say lets move on and be positive! I'm trying to do my best to provide good coverage (even though the club have put a brick wall up to the media) and it'd be great to have the fans on board wanting to help with that coverage.

we don't want defeatest attitudes do we guys?!

Laura @ The BBC

New Member
if anyone's got a good story to tell. any good characters you know of? interesting/ quirky/ funny mad fans we can feature - i'd love to know about them. Or is there a few generations of the same family who are committed cov fans?


Last night everything was about Forest as Earnshaw was on, even though Leeds hammered them!

Even if we win 6-0 Savage will make it about him :(

At the end of the day, if a fan can be featured and get our point across and mention SBT then it is a win win :)


Well-Known Member
So, lets hope we do wallop them then! I'd like to hear what he's got to say for himself if we do! Whoever at the BBC thought it would be a good idea to have Savage broadcasting needs some serious help though.

Laura, go get the mad hatters - they're by far our quirkiest fans. They sit at the very front of the Coventry Telegraph stand.


Well-Known Member
there you go laura

supporting Coventry City does this to many of us after a few years

bitter,twisted and paranoid

Big Mo

New Member
Is it just me or is slightly ironic someone comes on here to offer tv coverage and all we can respond with is we dont get any coverage?!


Well-Known Member
They do my head in!

Weren't they caught by someone sneaking out when we were losing after like the first half a few seasons back? Believe it was on tele too and they'd had a few close ups in the crowd...

Or i could have been dreaming.

We're probably a unfashionable club, but i can't really understand how derby can be called fashionable.
Good luck to whoever gets on, hopefully it will be a hammering from us :) (though i doubt it, two wins in a row.. madness).

Laura @ The BBC

New Member
here I am watching Real Madrid v Spurs (what were you thinking Crouch?!) whilst logging back on to the forum - and you suggest those mad matters!!!!! :eek: they look like they'd eat me alive!! hee hee!! i know I said "mad" but come on guys.....they're bonkers!!! (in the nicest possible way!)

and well said "big mo" - here I am offering you coverage - serving it up on a plate for you - and there's complaints you don't get enough coverage.

and "matesx" - i can't blame you for feeling bitter, twisted and paranoid! your words not mine. I WOULD like to do a really positive piece on coventry, but as you know there hasn't been that many positives this year. It's been a hair tearing out time to be honest! at the start of the year I did a nice positive feature on Keiran Westwood being the best keeper outside the prem - spoke to Oggy as well.....guess what....we weren't allowed to film them training together. this is what we're up against sometimes!

but now the board has promised to be more "open and transparent" and hopefully that will include us guys.

So who fancies being a TV star then?! ;)


New Member
For me fan of the year Monksie has to be the best man for this ~ Kev Monks. Nice bloke - Coventry fanatic - not just football but everything about the City ~ and is also a freelance so knows how to talk.

My favourite BBC moment was in 1988, when I was listening to the radio and the announcer says - The cup holders are out, they cut to the ground, and it was the Spurs match !
(We were out too though - lost to Wimbledon on a mud bath Highfield Road if memory serves.)


Well-Known Member
Nah we lost to Watford not Wimbledon I think

Wimbledon won it that year though

The CableGuy

Well-Known Member
I know it's a bit of a running joke the BBC hate us

What, compared to ITV-Central?

Since the BBC Open Centre opened in Cov, their coverage of Coventry (the city itself as well as the team) has increased 400%. Before then, Midlands Today might as well been called Birmingham Today.


Well-Known Member
What, compared to ITV-Central?

Since the BBC Open Centre opened in Cov, their coverage of Coventry (the city itself as well as the team) has increased 400%. Before then, Midlands Today might as well been called Birmingham Today.

And there lies the problem. West Midlands = Birmingham, East Midlands = Nottingham and we're stuck in the middle and nobody wants us


New Member
West Midlands Gas and East Midlands Electricity

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