Best TV shows or movies you can recommend (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Watched The Witchfinder last night. Didn't find it at all funny.

So, one I WOULDN'T recommend. 🤷
Been waiting for this for ages but didn't think much. Might try a couple more episodes.

Maybe that explains why its been sat on the shelf for a while and has come out without much publicity.


Well-Known Member
Been waiting for this for ages but didn't think much. Might try a couple more episodes.

Maybe that explains why its been sat on the shelf for a while and has come out without much publicity.
Just reminded me of the office script - I hope it improves - could have done with Gareth in it


Well-Known Member
Love the sopranos , a few duff episodes in the last series in my opinion but the last few you have to watch a very very good particularly soprano home movies


Well-Known Member
Love the sopranos , a few duff episodes in the last series in my opinion but the last few you have to watch a very very good particularly soprano home movies
I really enjoyed it. The Mafia stuff is almost secondary to the character stuff…almost. Having said that I still think I prefer The Wire…


Well-Known Member
For those that followed it before, The Last Kingdom is back on Netflix for its last season - after 3 episodes its living up to the hype.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member

I love The Wire, and for me The Sopranos and The Wire are head and shoulders above anything else, but for me The Sopranos wins on the nod.

Both amazing pieces of television though.

I thought the last series of the wire was poor.
I also put Boardwalk Empire up there with the Wire and the Sopranos but that was also let down by the last series.

The Sopranos finished really strongly for me.
Phil Leatardo losing his shit was a brilliant storyline.


Well-Known Member

I love The Wire, and for me The Sopranos and The Wire are head and shoulders above anything else, but for me The Sopranos wins on the nod.

Both amazing pieces of television though.
I’ll maybe take stock after I’ve finished these last few episodes. It’s close, for sure.
I think Tony’s mum is one of the greatest characters ever.


Well-Known Member
For those that followed it before, The Last Kingdom is back on Netflix for its last season - after 3 episodes its living up to the hype.
Binge watched all of it in one sitting. Really good series, shame about Brida.
The only little negative is the diction of Ooooootred,


Well-Known Member
The latest episode of The walking dead was brilliant on of the best in a long time
This season has finally got good again. I had previously lost all faith.

Only problem I have with it now is that the producers have said what is happening going forwards. You would always get a major character killed off previously, but now they have come out said that there will be spin off shows for Carol and Daryl and Negan and Maggie. We already know there is a Michonne/Rick thing on its way too

It's a pity they have taken away the shock factor, because killing off Aaron or Gabriel will hardly cause a ripple amongst fans and everyone would love to see Eugene topped. 😂


Well-Known Member
Just watched the Last Duel. A hard watch at times, a bit slow but enjoyed it.


Well-Known Member
And that’s that…The Sopranos has officially been finished in Casa Dactyl tonight.
I know I’m way behind the times with this but what an amazing series.
Now I’ve just gotta think of something to try and replace it. It’s certainly not going to be easy to fill the void…whatchya gonna do!


Well-Known Member
And that’s that…The Sopranos has officially been finished in Casa Dactyl tonight.
I know I’m way behind the times with this but what an amazing series.
Now I’ve just gotta think of something to try and replace it. It’s certainly not going to be easy to fill the void…whatchya gonna do!
There’s the prequel called The many saints of Newark which you might want to watch.


Well-Known Member
Saw The Batman last night.
Thought it was brilliant. Love the darker more detective style Batman, almost Se7en like.
Really long though

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
We were talking about watching that during the credits. Any good?

It had mixed reviews, I thought it was pretty good.
I like the actor who played uncle junior in other stuff he's done but really don't think it worked for him in this role.

If you're looking for something else bingable I'd go with Boardwalk Empire


Well-Known Member
It had mixed reviews, I thought it was pretty good.
I like the actor who played uncle junior in other stuff he's done but really don't think it worked for him in this role.

If you're looking for something else bingable I'd go with Boardwalk Empire
Yeah, might well give that a go, that or mad men? Remembered that the final season of Better Call Saul is out in April so may not start anything too lengthy.

Will likely watch the film. Might give El Camino a go too.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Yeah, might well give that a go, that or mad men? Remembered that the final season of Better Call Saul is out in April so may not start anything too lengthy.

Will likely watch the film. Might give El Camino a go too.

Think Better call Saul will be released as one a week though, think that's how it's been done up to now.


Well-Known Member
Super Greed on Sky documentaries…. A must really for any footy fan. Belts and braces insight about the big clubs attempt to break away. Still hard to believe they had the audacity.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Super Greed on Sky documentaries…. A must really for any footy fan. Belts and braces insight about the big clubs attempt to break away. Still hard to believe they had the audacity.
I really want to watch that but don't have sky so hoping it appears elsewhere at some point


Well-Known Member
Talk about dividing opinion. 😂


His revenge/one man against the world movies are all just one film but with endless different film titles, with him playing the exact same character, but with a different character name and him acting out the same plot, but in a different location with the same conclusion every time.

I absolutely loved Die Hard, but it is responsible for churning out endless one man, the hero, who takes on the world and kills a whole room full of machine gun toting bad guys with just his bare hands and a paper clip, type movies and Liam Neeson now must have made at least 20 of these films
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