Best TV shows or movies you can recommend (7 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Seen it getting some slack but really enjoyed the first two episodes of WandaVision, it’ll be interesting to see where they take it.


Well-Known Member
Have you seen Better call Saul? Breaking bad prequel.
It's about Saul Goodman before he was Saul Goodman but also tells the pre breaking bad story of a few of the other characters particularly Mike.

Not everyone liked it but I think it's really good. The next series will be the last.
A slow burner but I rate it almost as much as Breaking Bad now. Saul is such a great character.


Well-Known Member
Seen it getting some slack but really enjoyed the first two episodes of WandaVision, it’ll be interesting to see where they take it.
High concept, but they kind of have to take those risks now. The execution is brilliant in my opinion. The charm of the old fashioned themes set off against the moments of darkness works really well. Like you, I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out.


Well-Known Member
I've just started watching Schitt's Creek after a recommendation from a friend. 3 episodes in and its a bit 'meh'.
Anyone know if its worth persevering with?


Well-Known Member
I've just started watching Schitt's Creek after a recommendation from a friend. 3 episodes in and its a bit 'meh'.
Anyone know if its worth persevering with?
Definitely, brilliant show. Although if you get to the end of the first series and still don't like it probably not much point carrying on.


Well-Known Member
Definitely, brilliant show. Although if you get to the end of the first series and still don't like it probably not much point carrying on.
I'd agree. It's a bit of a slow burner but you really get into it as it progresses.


Well-Known Member
Someone mentioned Dark Waters earlier in the thread. Highly recommended. One of the best films I've seen in many a year.


Well-Known Member
Highly recommend both The Serpent and Schitts Creek. The latter is just a feel good show that I’d normally look at and say is for women but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Total opposite of the usual dark and gritty stuff we normally spend our evenings watching.

Watched Richard Jewell last night on Sky Cinema. True story about a security guard who found the 1996 Olympics bomb and then get blamed for planting it. Clint Eastwood directs. Thought it was very good.


Well-Known Member
I’d highly recommend reading the series of novels this is based on; The Saxon Stories by Bernard Cornwell. One of my favourite book series ever.

Not watched the adaptation yet as I’m worried it will either ruin the books for me and/or it won’t live up to my high expectations based on how good the source material is!

Despite my reservations I started The Last Kingdom. I’m half way through series 4 and it’s fantastic.

Having read the books is both a help and a hindrance; the former as you know the characters and have connections already, the latter as the deviations from the book immediately annoy me! Equally some big and significant scenes from the book are played out fantastically and the background knowledge of the scene adds to the tension. The casting of Alfred, Finnan and Uthred are great too, although slightly disappointed with Steapa.

Highly recommended.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any go to review sites? I’m always interested to read reviews (not recaps) of episodes, as I find it intriguing the aspects others pull out or view as significant.

I have used AV Club quite a bit but their coverage of shows has decreased and they’ve picked some poor shows to review recently too.


Well-Known Member
Might not be everyone’s cup of tea , but It’s a sin is brilliant . Not one bad performance from anybody


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought it was great, Neil Patrick Harris was particularly good. Very timely in the way AIDS seemed to appear as a mystery illness that people were quickly learning the ramifications of too


Well-Known Member
Despite my reservations I started The Last Kingdom. I’m half way through series 4 and it’s fantastic.

Having read the books is both a help and a hindrance; the former as you know the characters and have connections already, the latter as the deviations from the book immediately annoy me! Equally some big and significant scenes from the book are played out fantastically and the background knowledge of the scene adds to the tension. The casting of Alfred, Finnan and Uthred are great too, although slightly disappointed with Steapa.

Highly recommended.
Just started this only 2 episodes in, have enjoyed what I’ve seen so far.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought it was great, Neil Patrick Harris was particularly good. Very timely in the way AIDS seemed to appear as a mystery illness that people were quickly learning the ramifications of too
Have you watched all of it ? Don’t want to comment and then ruin it


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any go to review sites? I’m always interested to read reviews (not recaps) of episodes, as I find it intriguing the aspects others pull out or view as significant.

I have used AV Club quite a bit but their coverage of shows has decreased and they’ve picked some poor shows to review recently too.
I lke to look at the listings here


Well-Known Member
One for the musos' on here......

It was on sky arts at the weekend.........somehow I missed this when it came out in 2017.... a side note, anyone else think Thurston Moore looks more & more like Beck?


Well-Known Member
Have just finished watching The Stranger on Netflix, eight episodes of utter dross and no idea why I watched all eight episodes (must be the pandemic). It has the stupidest most ludicrous conclusion imaginable.


Well-Known Member
Have just finished watching The Stranger on Netflix, eight episodes of utter dross and no idea why I watched all eight episodes (must be the pandemic). It has the stupidest most ludicrous conclusion imaginable.
I raise your The Stranger with The Purge - TV series.

The films are a bit of a guilty pleasure but this is pure and utter cheese. Will still finish it though. :LOL:


Well-Known Member
Just staring season 5 of vikings on amazon prime... Amazing series

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