Big news tomorrow morning? Tuesday 20th September (9 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Do you mean rondog? The bloke who just comes on to have digs at me? Or tim07 who I said has an agenda?

Plenty of people come on here and disagree with me. It is to be expected.
Actual Nick, before this, I think my last post was about only fools and horses.

There are a few reasons I seldom post nowadays, namely the ever decreasing debating circles and the fact that by the time I join a thread, other posters have prempted what I wished to say.


Well-Known Member
My point was I am not the one giving it the "oh people disagree with me so i dont like it" line was I? As multiple people were "rounding" on me.

I was saying I don't mind it, they have a different opinion mostly. Some just have agendas but in the tiny minority.
People are "rounding" on you because you talk cobblers.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Bought a shirt and a hat for my son.


Did he really want it? ;)


Well-Known Member
The fact so many are disapointed or just left indifferent by this article illustrates how helpless and lost the club and supporters have become. There is an air of futility about our existence. Only yesterday a neighbour was saying, "me and my mate were saying, what are we doing paying to watch this rubbish (Saturday v Oldham). We are going to go back to the rugby (Coventry). I grew up playing rugby anyway."

This is not just about poor performances on the pitch. It is how the owners have always isolated themselves from the fans, isolated themselves from business partners, we have no ground, no hope of a ground, an academy that seems destined to close. Owners who can't identify local alternatives and seem investment shy. Most people are thinking what is there for new owners to buy? It leaves you asking the question what is there to support? That certainly wasn't the case when SISU arrived, even though a lot of people thought we were at one of the lowest points in our history.
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Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
The fact so many are disapointed or just left indifferent by this article illustrates how helpless and lost the club and supporters have become. There is an air of futility about our existence. Only yesterday a neighbour was saying, "me and my mate were saying, what are we doing paying to watch this rubbish (Saturday v Oldham). We are going to go back to the rugby (Coventry). I grew up playing rugby anyway."

This is not just about poor performances on the pitch. It is how the owners have always isolated themselves from the fans, isolated themselves from business partners, we have no ground, no hope of a ground, an academy that seems destined to close. Owners who can't identify local alternatives and seem investment shy. Most people are thinking what is there for new owners to buy? It leaves you asking the question what is there to support? That certainly wasn't the case when SISU arrived, even though a lot of people though we were at one of the lowest points in our history.
Oh to be back at that glorious point in our history.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Then go my old son life's too short to worry about when these cunts are leaving they'll leave when they want to and nothing we do will influence them.

I've always been a moralistic person, or if you like "Cut off my nose to spite myself" Whichever you choose, I stick with it kind of attitude. If I believe deep down in someone/something I won't betray a trust or backslide on beliefs.


Well-Known Member
They won't leave until either
a)Joy has won something back from the court process; or
b) Wasps run into financial trouble and CCFC can do a deal to get a share, or all of, the Ricoh on the cheap.
Until then, it'll be minimal investment to tide us over.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Banned before or after this mornings opinion piece?


Well-Known Member
That's the big news is it, 'SISU must go'? Tell us something we didn't know.

The problem with the CET is this; it stopped challenging all sides some considerable time ago - around the time it let the council squash the legitimate reporting on the ACL bail out in fact. Once you've stopped being impartial, then opinion pieces like this lose any real clout for me.

We all want SISU to go, in the meantime are we (and particularly the CET) going to give the Council and Wasps a free pass to damage the club in any way they see fit because it might hurt the owners? It'll be easy enough for Tim & Co to brush this one off, I'd guess.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Where has this 99% 1% bullshit come from. If you feel like you're a part of the down trodden masses who need to convince the 1% that SISU are bad and then we can all live happily ever after with a new owner then you're an idiot. If an issue as complex as this can be framed in such simple terms then you're not seeing the full picture and, quite frankly, an imbecile.


Well-Known Member
That article definitely smacks of something and it's not often Keith Perry gets his typewriter it's been suggested, the CET has probably been Sisu-ed and they're all indignant about it.

Either that or the CET have a heads-up about the club actually going up for sale, and were prompted to print the article. Maybe, who knows.

The comments section of the article is laughable, as always, btw.


Well-Known Member
I want new owners to come in who will care about the club, I want new owners who will communicate with fans like people. It is a world away from shouting PISS OFF to them.

People need to sit down and think about WHY should people buy CCFC? Yes, we all support and love them but why would Bill Gates etc etc. (random rich mans name).

It is almost as if I am the only one who sees things like this and start to see a bigger picture.

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First things first Nick, i admit the grass isnt always greener but soon under sisu there isnt going to be any grass at all!


So when the academy news came out, a fair few people were asking for some sort of campaign to help save the academy and were told it was down to the fans pretty much.

All of a sudden now the Telegraph editor is on overdrive trying to get backing from celebs on social media about SISU?

There is definitely a lot more to this in my opinion than just "getting on board with the fans".

People can shout "conspiracy" all they want as well ;)


Well-Known Member
So when the academy news came out, a fair few people were asking for some sort of campaign to help save the academy and were told it was down to the fans pretty much.

All of a sudden now the Telegraph editor is on overdrive trying to get backing from celebs on social media about SISU?

There is definitely a lot more to this in my opinion than just "getting on board with the fans".

People can shout "conspiracy" all they want as well ;)

It's either the club is being sold or we are moving away again/liquidated? No doubts in my mind.

This article wasn't just printed for a laugh. The timing suggests heavily something good or bad is happening.
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The timing suggests heavily something bad is happening.

Certainly nobody is mentioning the apparent meeting with the football league about the academy ;)

I would love it to be sold to a fantastic new owner, but how realistic is it?

Seems to me the Telegraph have been given the nod and are going all out....


Well-Known Member
Certainly nobody is mentioning the apparent meeting with the football league about the academy ;)

I would love it to be sold to a fantastic new owner, but how realistic is it?

Seems to me the Telegraph have been given the nod and are going all out....

Given the nod on what Nick?

Changed it to something good or bad is happening as you never know.


Well-Known Member
To go all out on the attack.

My guesses (guesses only) would be:

1. Somebody wants to buy the club for a quid or something, so pressure.
2. Bad news from the other side is going to come, so distraction.

3. Good news from the other side but they don't want it highly publicised? ;)


Well-Known Member
Certainly nobody is mentioning the apparent meeting with the football league about the academy ;)

I would love it to be sold to a fantastic new owner, but how realistic is it?

Seems to me the Telegraph have been given the nod and are going all out....
I hope something is happening as it will mean we are one step closer to the end. Whatever that end might be, it has to be better than this gradual slide into oblivion while being used as a puppet in litigation. That said, I fear it's just the CT being dicks because CCFC have told them to sod off.


Well-Known Member
To go all out on the attack.

My guesses (guesses only) would be:

1. Somebody wants to buy the club for a quid or something, so pressure.

I would bid £2 to outdo WASPS - unless they get a preferential loan from CCC of course


Well-Known Member
I hope something is happening as it will mean we are one step closer to the end. Whatever that end might be, it has to be better than this gradual slide into oblivion while being used as a puppet in litigation. That said, I fear it's just the CT being dicks because CCFC have told them to sod off.

It may be CCFC told CT to stop misreporting!

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
This article wasn't just printed for a laugh. The timing suggests heavily something good or bad is happening.
Isn't being at the bottom of D3 a pretty bad happening!


Well-Known Member
Yeh it's called 9 years of SISU ownership sending CCFC into an abyss. It's already happening.

Well whatever it is with the CT but something will have to happen soon enough anyway as we will be homeless so either way this has to come to an end one way or the other. This should of happened years ago.


Well-Known Member
So when the academy news came out, a fair few people were asking for some sort of campaign to help save the academy and were told it was down to the fans pretty much.
I got that reply when I asked Simon if the Telegraph could campaign to save the academy. Apparently its down to the fans not the paper to lead a campaign.


Well-Known Member
The thing is though, SISU aren't in trouble. CCFC are.

Is it only me who can see that?

While everybody gets excited over SISU being "snookered" or "being outdone", Seppalla will be sat in her multi million pound house. It isn't them is it?
So what are we supposed to do Nick, just carry on blindly stumbling on behind a club that
Has managed to stump itself at every opportunity. The CT (at last) has come out and nailed
It's colours to the mast, I like others feel sure something is going on behind the scenes, and
This is just another means of applying pressure to SISU, they must be running out places
Too hide.
Sometimes you have to be willing too endure more hardship before you start to emerge from
The other side, the club needs to completely Reboot itself in the hope it can trigger people's
Passion again. Surely this must be heading into the endgame, maybe administration followed
By relegation, if it means a fresh start free from SISU control, I'll take it in a heartbeat.

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