Big news tomorrow morning? Tuesday 20th September (5 Viewers)

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
All because of the words self righteous? get a fucking grip you bellend.[/QUOTE

no, because we need a united support and your stupid divisive comments don't help.
I don't judge anyone on the stance they've taken, I go now but didn't go to sixfields, but wouldn't knock anyone for taking a stance different to mine, all that does is deepen the divisions.
It's you who needs to get a grip you fucking short sighted fuck wit.


Well-Known Member
no, because we need a united support and your stupid divisive comments don't help.
I don't judge anyone on the stance they've taken, I go now but didn't go to sixfields, but wouldn't knock anyone for taking a stance different to mine, all that does is deepen the divisions.
It's you who needs to get a grip you fucking short sighted fuck wit.
Intelligent response. Yet you've already said you'll only follow others if it suits you. That's the definition of a fuck wit.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Intelligent response. Yet you've already said you'll only follow others if it suits you. That's the definition of a fuck wit.
I never said that, i'll do what I thinks best for the club like most, even if that means choosing different means of doing so.
You need to wake up and see that it's pricks with your attitude that are dividing the support.
I can imagine you outside the ground on boycott day, a fucking clueless blowhard giving out to 70 year old men on their way to the turnstiles.


Well-Known Member
I never said that, i'll do what I thinks best for the club like most, even if that means choosing different means of doing so.
You need to wake up and see that it's pricks with your attitude that are dividing the support.
I can imagine you outside the ground on boycott day, a fucking clueless blowhard giving out to 70 year old men on their way to the turnstiles.
It's a good job you don't know me then isn't it..


Well-Known Member
Unless their stadium has been revamped since I was last in Moscow (1992) Dynamo probably need the Ricoh ;)

The Dynamo Stadium has been demolished and Moscow Dynamo is playing at an arena in Khimki. The move to Khimki is supposed to be temporary, while a new stadium for the 2018 World Cup is being built at the former Dynamo Stadium site.

On the subject of Russian football stadiums, take a look at Lokomotiv Moscow's home - now that's a proper 30,000 capacity football stadium.


Well-Known Member
The Dynamo Stadium has been demolished and Moscow Dynamo is playing at an arena in Khimki. The move to Khimki is supposed to be temporary, while a new stadium for the 2018 World Cup is being built at the former Dynamo Stadium site.

On the subject of Russian football stadiums, take a look at Lokomotiv Moscow's home - now that's a proper 30,000 capacity football stadium.

Frankley, I've just added an edit to my post, having googled 'Dynamo Stadium'. I agree with you about Lokomotiv's stadium.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
It's a good job you don't know me then isn't it..

It makes no odds to me whether I know you or not, it would be nice if we still had a football club to support with a fan base that hasn't tore itself to shreds when whatever game is currently been played out is over though.
It might be worth bearing in mind.


Well-Known Member
It makes no odds to me whether I know you or not, it would be nice if we still had a football club to support with a fan base that hasn't tore itself to shreds when whatever game is currently been played out is over though.
It might be worth bearing in mind.

Quite sure that is what I was trying to get at in my post, even if it seemed offensive. Having a fan base that will try almost anything to get rid of the main cause of our problem, but like I've already said, too many won't do it, they refuse too. Just go look at the thread posted by Evo today, and look at the responses. This fan base has been tearing itself apart way before I came along with my opinions, and that is all they are, opinions.


Well-Known Member
Frankley, I've just added an edit to my post, having googled 'Dynamo Stadium'. I agree with you about Lokomotiv's stadium.

It's only when you visit somewhere like Lokomotiv Stadium that you realise how poor a design the Ricoh actually is.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry gents but this is just a publicity exercise to get more interest in the badly dwindling Telegraph readership. If they'd felt this strongly then they'd have done something before.
The papers on its knees.


Well-Known Member
Is it in the same place as the old one?

*Edit* Just checked on the internet about the old decrepit stadium - already demolished. I note that the team played (maybe still plays now) outside the city limits.

Not outside Moscow Central - is it within 7 miles or whatever

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Quite sure that is what I was trying to get at in my post, even if it seemed offensive. Having a fan base that will try almost anything to get rid of the main cause of our problem, but like I've already said, too many won't do it, they refuse too. Just go look at the thread posted by Evo today, and look at the responses. This fan base has been tearing itself apart way before I came along with my opinions, and that is all they are, opinions.

You're right it has, but we need to stop, I'm as guilty as anyone.
Now more than ever we need to show a united front, and if that means agreeing to disagree at times then so be it.

Like I said I don't think the boycott is a particularly good idea but I am going to support it, why? Because otherwise we will look like a bunch of supporters who sat by and did fuck all why their club disintegrated. And hopefully it will send out a message not just to sisu, who probably won't give a fuck, but to any perspective owners that we do care and we won't be walked over any more, (or maybe we'll just look like dickheads.)
But they'll be those who won't have any of it, and they need to be treated with respect because at the end of the day we're all on the same side.
I didn't go to sixfields but I'm not comfortable with some of the vitriol aimed at those who did, I wouldn't like to see that repeated.


Well-Known Member
Sixfields? Then you Sir are a true fan in my eyes. It made a big difference, if the gates there had been much higher they wouldn't of come back to the Ricoh.

Fan power can work if it used effectively.

They came back as wasps arrived

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Sixfields? Then you Sir are a true fan in my eyes. It made a big difference, if the gates there had been much higher they wouldn't of come back to the Ricoh.

Fan power can work if it used effectively.
why is someone who never went to sixfields a true fan, absolute bollocks!

I never went, it doesn't make me any more of a fan than those that did, we chose differently on this issue but ultimately we're all on the same side.


Well-Known Member
why is someone who never went to sixfields a true fan, absolute bollocks!

I never went, it doesn't make me any more of a fan than those that did, we chose differently on this issue but ultimately we're all on the same side.

Peeler never goes to games - he believes that makes him a fan.


Well-Known Member
Peeler never goes to games - he believes that makes him a fan.
He is a fan, just like you, me and the rest of the people who use this forum.

Just a quick lesson for you what a fan means:

A fan, or fanatic, sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person who is enthusiastically devoted to something or somebody, such as a band, a sports team, a genre, a book, a movie or an entertainer. Collectively, the fans of a particular object or person constitute its fanbase or fandom. They may show their enthusiasm in a variety of ways, such as by promoting the object of their interest, being members of a fan club, holding or participating in fan conventions, or writing fan mail. They may also engage in creative activities ("fan labor") such as creating fanzines, writing fan fiction, making memes or drawing fan art.


Well-Known Member
they've took their time though haven't they?

Yes should have been far earlier for me. However I imagine a lot of people would agree that it shouldn't only happen once they think the club is only going one way with SISU.
Last season there was some hope.
Mowbray provided hope in the pitch.
Anderson was providing hope off the pitch.


Well-Known Member
I try & stay away from these circular arguments these days as I'm too busy with real life, but theres several issues here....

1. The CT opinion piece (and latter petition) are very welcome......but their approach over the last few years towards the plight of CCFC & its cunty owners has been the very definition of inconsistent...if not outright hypocritical.

2. As fans, surely we've learned that any protest or boycott needs proper planning, publicity, Trust backing & a decent amount of notice to ensure enough folks get on board......even then, its probably still pissing in the wind unfortunately....

3. Regarding the timing of CCFC's return to the Ricoh from exile in northants.....Its clear to me that it was a condition of sale, driven by the waspy cunts, to ensure they had a sitting tenant to provide a much needed income from the off, and probably more importantly, a strategy to help embed the stripey twats into the community....or at least not completely alienate themselves immediately by being seen to "steal" our stadium.

4. Can we fucking win a game soon please.
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