Birmingham incident (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what you class somebody who stabs 7 people randomly in rage with no political motivation ... A nutcase?


Well-Known Member
On 5 news just now they reported that west midlands police said "it's not a hate crime"
That's great. They be downgraded it to just murder , attempted murder etc.
Do the police think the general public will be reassured by such a nothing statement ?
The WM Police spokesman then said if you feel uneasy if you are walking along and are heading towards a large group of 5 or 6 people then it's okay to cross the road.
I'm honestly not making this up.

It sound like a fucking hate crime to me. If you stab people multiple times what else is it.
If they mean it's not race/ religious then say it.

The police really are not handling this well are they

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
so a Somalian was the murdering scum last night in Brum. press not allowed to say it but common knowledge in Brum wonder if the left on here will stick up for him as always

Do of course post any instance of someone here sticking up for a murderer

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
The police really are not handling this well are they
"Hate crime" shouldn't be used at all . It's murder.
Catch the scum bag, collect the evidence etc. Then determine the motive. If it's racism or religion / terror incident say so . If it's something else say so. We the public can handle it . We're not stupid.


Well-Known Member
Weird. Could swear I’m watching the “MSM” “Biased BBC” saying the “useless WMP” are about to release the CCTV footage and they’ll be reporting it once it’s released.

Can’t be true though according to this thread. My damn lying eyes and ears.

Thoughts with those attacked and their families. Fuck people desperate to use it to further their own political agenda and/or are too stupid to understand why responsible media don’t just report every Twitter post and rando as fact.

Deleted member 5849

Could've sworn we had a thread about how destructive social media was... shame the advice not to hang off it doesn't extend to practice in some instances.

The Lurker

Well-Known Member
Do of course post any instance of someone here sticking up for a murderer
Weird. Could swear I’m watching the “MSM” “Biased BBC” saying the “useless WMP” are about to release the CCTV footage and they’ll be reporting it once it’s released.

Can’t be true though according to this thread. My damn lying eyes and ears.

Thoughts with those attacked and their families. Fuck people desperate to use it to further their own political agenda and/or are too stupid to understand why responsible media don’t just report every Twitter post and rando as fact.

Isn’t everything political though? Just because it doesn’t suit your agenda doesn’t mean people can’t speak up about the cesspit Brum and this country is turning into. Brum 8 people stabbed, London 6 people stabbed all on the same night.


Well-Known Member
I think city centre areas are fast becoming dangerous places to live, although not necessarily to work. So much trouble among the youth of today, being in the wrong place at the wrong time can be fatal. It's why we're seeing a lot of people in London desiring to move 'up north', so to speak, and within cities a lot of people either want to move to the outskirts or leave altogether for the shires.


Well-Known Member
I dont care if anybody thinks I'm racist, I care that the media tell the truth because its in public interest.
I'm mad that the police haven't managed to conjure up the courage to let the public know what to look out for for their safety, and we all know that the police have done things in the past to not be accused of racism.... This is not how a functioning society works
Perhaps they are waiting to get a decent image of the chap, otherwise put out a vauge description and everyone slightly matching the criteria triggers false reports, panic, confusion etc. A shame it takes something like this to show just how vulnerable we all potentiall are and I don't think anybody in Brum would object to a more robust police presence in these cirumstances.

I dare say there are extreme views on both sides of the racist arguement who would welcome this as more reasons to hate each other. This guy obviously a nutcase and in no way representative of any community group, we should all take note of that.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Isn’t everything political though? Just because it doesn’t suit your agenda doesn’t mean people can’t speak up about the cesspit Brum and this country is turning into. Brum 8 people stabbed, London 6 people stabbed all on the same night.

I didn't see shmmeee defending a murderer. Nobody here has


Well-Known Member
Weird. Could swear I’m watching the “MSM” “Biased BBC” saying the “useless WMP” are about to release the CCTV footage and they’ll be reporting it once it’s released.

Can’t be true though according to this thread. My damn lying eyes and ears.

Thoughts with those attacked and their families. Fuck people desperate to use it to further their own political agenda and/or are too stupid to understand why responsible media don’t just report every Twitter post and rando as fact.

Took 14 hours for WMP to release CCTV footage or even an image of a suspect that is on the loose and who poses a danger to society... It took the Media 9 hours to add that the suspect was a black male aged between 20-25 who was wearing a dark hoody with white tassles, even though they knew about this several hours earlier

Are you happy and comfortable with this timeline? Do you think think was in the publics best interest?

The answer to both should be a massive no, its frankly appalling
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The Lurker

Well-Known Member
the silence by certain posters says it all. if roles were reversed and a right wing Nutjob went on a stabbing rampage in a black area there would be uproar saying it was racist etc... black person goes and does the same. Not a word. and the left wonder why people think they have double standards


Well-Known Member
Took 14 hours for WMP to release CCTV footage or even an image of a suspect that is on the loose and who poses a danger to society... It took the Media 9 hours to add that the suspect was a black male aged between 20-25 who was wearing a dark hoody with white tassles, even though they knew about this several hours earlier

Are you happy and comfortable with this timeline? Do you think think was in the publics best interest?

The answer to both should be a massive no, its frankly appalling
Considering the seriousness of the incident, I agree with you. Old bill should have been working through the night (dare say they were) and should really have been quicker to release images. We're assuming it's easy to get hold of CCTV, I'll bet the staff at these places aren't sure how they work or how you copy the images onto a disc.

Re. the press, if you go by the earlier stories from that lady who worked in the club, it was a mass brawl, possibly black vs white, with loads of people swinging knives about. Certainly enough speculation to hint it's not a lone nutball or terror related and the media pshing that story caused some confusion. Perhaps the police requested an embargo by the press - I assume so they can gather evidence to ensure the correct person(s) are targetted and to stop speculation that its every black guy who's wearing those type of clothes.

Let's hope they get this bloke quickly, whatever his motive, he's a danger to everyone.


Well-Known Member
the silence by certain posters says it all. if roles were reversed and a right wing Nutjob went on a stabbing rampage in a black area there would be uproar saying it was racist etc... black person goes and does the same. Not a word. and the left wonder why people think they have double standards
What was this guy's association to 'the left'?


Well-Known Member
Isn’t everything political though? Just because it doesn’t suit your agenda doesn’t mean people can’t speak up about the cesspit Brum and this country is turning into. Brum 8 people stabbed, London 6 people stabbed all on the same night.

Except as I’ve shown the country isn’t turning into a shit hole. Some nutter went around stabbing people. Yes it’s political in terms of we aren’t tackling the root causes of knife crime well enough. But that’s not what you’re talking about, you’re blathering about the media and brown people and whatever else YouTube has got you riled up about today.


Well-Known Member
Commissioner" he took a strange route".
Was the chopper up?
Like for boy racers?


Well-Known Member
Nice that the right are finally accepting Birmingham as a “white area” now and not ground zero of Sharia Law like normal.


Well-Known Member
the silence by certain posters says it all. if roles were reversed and a right wing Nutjob went on a stabbing rampage in a black area there would be uproar saying it was racist etc... black person goes and does the same. Not a word. and the left wonder why people think they have double standards

What utter fucking bollocks. I love my country as much as anyone, but I want it to be safer and better for everyone - black, white, gay, straight, rich, poor. I’m just not stupid enough to vote for some fat, corrupt, racist c**t, who’s only there to look after his mates.

That doesn’t make my attitude to crime any different to anyone else’s, I just don’t need to see everything through the prism of colour.

So I don’t have to turn everything into some kind of rant about race, or try to blame it on BLM because it upsets me that a section of our society, mostly actually born and raised here, would have the effrontery to complain about how they’re treated.

Right wing loons are actually the biggest cowards in the country; they’re so frightened of everything and everyone ‘different’ that they’ll vote unthinkingly for anything that will keep them ‘safe’.

As for this fake media conspiracy by the left? Don’t make me laugh, look at who owns 90% of the media and then come back and tell us it’s a left wing conspiracy. This is stupidity writ large.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm mad that once again the mainstream media hold back, manipulate and distort based off political agendas.
I couldn't give a flying fuck if its a black man, I have always made it clear we should be told the truth and for the media to be straightforward, this actually was in the publics interest to know what a suspect looked like... For safety.

By the way, imagine the news today if it was a white man that did that 😮

I dont trust mainstream media, with good reason

The same mainstream media that are extremely reluctant to call right-wing attacks terrorism?

Facts were established and CCTV images released. As it should be. Not "we've heard it's a black immigrant by a few people"


Well-Known Member
The same mainstream media that are extremely reluctant to call right-wing attacks terrorism?

Facts were established and CCTV images released. As it should be. Not "we've heard it's a black immigrant by a few people"



Well-Known Member
Member of the Royal Family marries a half-cast girl: 'You're a disgrace'.

Member of the Royal Family is a paedo: 'Sound, we'll accept you for who you are. We'll protect you, you're above the law.'

Shows where priorities lie in Britain.


Well-Known Member
Member of the Royal Family marries a half-cast girl: 'You're a disgrace'.

Member of the Royal Family is a paedo: 'Sound, we'll accept you for who you are. We'll protect you, you're above the law.'

Shows where priorities lie in Britain.

Mixed race 👍 if you're gunna signal that virtue do it properly


Well-Known Member
Member of the Royal Family marries a half-cast girl: 'You're a disgrace'.

Member of the Royal Family is a paedo: 'Sound, we'll accept you for who you are. We'll protect you, you're above the law.'

Shows where priorities lie in Britain.

Ridiculous - there is no evidence of race being the factor against Markle and despite having no interest in Prince Andrew I’d be careful with those comments if I were you


Well-Known Member
Ridiculous - there is no evidence of race being the factor against Markle and despite having no interest in Prince Andrew I’d be careful with those comments if I were you

Although I agree about being careful with the Andrew comments, it's pretty clear what the issue was with Meghan. So many stories of a similar nature between her and Kate which had polar opposite responses, always positive for Kate and negative for Meghan. Some of the language used by correspondents in the more right-wing papers like the Express and the Mail clearly showed that her race was something they considered important.

There was probably a small amount attributable to the different attitude towards the media from them both, with kate being more willing to accept a bit more intrusion (apart from the topless holiday photos) compared to Meghan being far more considering it invasion of privacy. Be a bit more open and accessible and chances are they'll report more favourably of you

I'm no fan of Meghan but her treatment by the press was far from fair.


Well-Known Member
Although I agree about being careful with the Andrew comments, it's pretty clear what the issue was with Meghan. So many stories of a similar nature between her and Kate which had polar opposite responses, always positive for Kate and negative for Meghan. Some of the language used by correspondents in the more right-wing papers like the Express and the Mail clearly showed that her race was something they considered important.

There was probably a small amount attributable to the different attitude towards the media from them both, with kate being more willing to accept a bit more intrusion (apart from the topless holiday photos) compared to Meghan being far more considering it invasion of privacy. Be a bit more open and accessible and chances are they'll report more favourably of you

I'm no fan of Meghan but her treatment by the press was far from fair.

Her treatment was because she refused to do her job. Her job is to allow the baby to be photoed and turn up at rain sodden events of octogenarians smile sweetly and hand out awards.

Middleton was previously sneered at as “Waity Katy” a brain dead character who comes from working class origins, but she towed the line and does the job

It’s not glamorous and it doesn’t allow creativity and second in line has to be behind they are the rules

The press were far kinder to her than Sarah Ferguson and if she shut up and did as she was told - as are the rules of the job - She would have been fine

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Her treatment was because she refused to do her job. Her job is to allow the baby to be photoed and turn up at rain sodden events of octogenarians smile sweetly and hand out awards.

Middleton was previously sneered at as “Waity Katy” a brain dead character who comes from working class origins, but she towed the line and does the job

It’s not glamorous and it doesn’t allow creativity and second in line has to be behind they are the rules

The press were far kinder to her than Sarah Ferguson and if she shut up and did as she was told - as are the rules of the job - She would have been fine

To be honest if we didn’t have them it wouldn’t be an issue in the first place. Such is the problem of randomly awarding influence and privilege


Well-Known Member
To be honest if we didn’t have them it wouldn’t be an issue in the first place. Such is the problem of randomly awarding influence and privilege

Of course you would, do you really see no abuse of privilege from President Blair. I’m sure you’d love to see Carrie as the First Lady - Macron is always pictured preening at a royal Palace. He thinks his an emporer anyway. I’m not a royalist but the system does work, you love Scandinavian governments don’t you? Lots of royalty there


Well-Known Member
Of course you would, do you really see no abuse of privilege from President Blair. I’m sure you’d love to see Carrie as the First Lady - Macron is always pictured preening at a royal Palace. He thinks his an emporer anyway. I’m not a royalist but the system does work, you love Scandinavian governments don’t you? Lots of royalty there

We're wildly off topic here, but the idea that Blair/Boris etc are somehow constrained by the monarchy is obviously fantasy. The PM has just as much power as the French President has, and the Queen (quite rightly) does nothing to stand in the way of questionable wars or proroguing parliament. It's much more feasible and threatening that one of her strange offspring will decide to take a more pro-active role in politics in the future, and then you really have to start worrying about the balance of power.


Well-Known Member
Of course you would, do you really see no abuse of privilege from President Blair. I’m sure you’d love to see Carrie as the First Lady - Macron is always pictured preening at a royal Palace. He thinks his an emporer anyway. I’m not a royalist but the system does work, you love Scandinavian governments don’t you? Lots of royalty there

It's interesting you chose Blair rather than the current incumbent who's trying to ride roughshod over every bit of law he can when it suits him and denounce and decry any press or individual that hold him to scrutiny for 'fearmongering'.

I've said before I'm no fan of the monarchy but given that as head of state they have constitutional power but don't use it as they have no legitimacy from the people they're far less a danger than a President who would have that authority by election to change things in their favour. We see it all the time around the world (Russia) and the likes of Trump are trying their best to assert and increase their influence at every given opportunity.

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