I think the Parkin deal fell through when we managed to get Cody to sign. He was the back up signing for if we failed to get him.
I take it you are part of the SISU out brigade :facepalm: Would you want to put us into admin to get rid of them? If not they are who we have, and have nobody else willing to put in the cash needed to improve our squad.
There are so many on here waiting to pounce on any negative news ready to have another go at SISU. They are maybe not the best people to have running the club, but turning us around was always going to be a hard job. We were in a very bad way from top to bottom when they took over. They have cut the wage bill right down, losing good players on the way. This had to be done to make us self sufficient. On the plus side most of the other teams in our division are now on the road that we have already taken. They will be going through the pain we have already had. Hopefully we have hit the bottom and are now on our way back up. A couple of good loans could put us in a position to compete and win games. We could have a good striker to put the ball in the back of the net. He has been signed by us. He is ours. He is not that old either. The odds are we would have more points than we have now if we had him at the start of the season. Each goal would have been worth points as we have only either lost by 1 goal or got a draw.
The negativity has stopped from most posters on here. The doubt has not gone away though. With a couple more good players joining and a run of good results things will change. We will get higher gates. This will bring more funds to the club. We will then be able to build the club even more. There will still be a few "SISU out" people on here, but we are all allowed an opinion. Some make more sense than others though. The SISU out bunch call everything that could go wrong. If they get 1 in 10 or less right then they keep on about "I told you so. SISU out" The optimists are looking for the good news. If they get 1 in 10 or less right about good news then all is fine for a bit. Jukey is not going to Middlesboro. One for the SISU out brigade to forget, one for the optimists to remember and say told you so.
We have a long way to go before we are where we should be, but at least we are on the right track. All we need now is a lot of faith and a bit of luck.
If you check the poll from last week I think you'll find that most people dislike SISU still. The majority see the letter as rubbing salt in the wounds and many, including myself, will be protesting against Derby with as much vigour as shown against Watford.
The bottom line is that it's too late. They've lird too many times,I'll never trust them again.
would tick like your post astute but can not find the like button.
Of the two polls on here 1.do you despise sisu75% sample 70.2. do you trust sisu95% sample circa70,this equates to about 50% of the regulars here,we're all here in either camp doing what we feel best to protect our beloved club ,not on here to score points over anyone,just observing and expressing opinion.This is asmall bubble we're in, where we represent about 1% of current crowd level,but boy we do all feel it.Read again. I said SISU out, not dislike SISU. Most people will dislike SISU, including myself. SISU out is not an option at the moment though. We need someone willing to take us over before they go. Nobody willing to take us over with the funds to do it at the moment = SISU stay or admin. If things turn around, a few good loans come in and we start getting results then SISU will start to make fans happier. As I have said several times before I can see where a few will want SISU out whatever happens.
Agreed that the poll needed more options, but I'd have still gone for hate I reckon! I could go over the multitude of reasons why yet again, but it'd be preaching to the converted and the unconvertable. Ultimately, I still want them out. I think there would still be an alternative if Dulieu hadn't deliberately broken confidentiality agreements, and their mocking, scapegoating attitude since the Hoffman deal fell through has been disguisting.
Even if there is no visible alternative consortium at this precise moment, I still feel entirely entitled to shout SISU OUT at games. It's worth pointing out that an expression of anger and opinion in the form of a protest is a valid form of expression, one as a season ticket holder I am entitled to. If I can help to make it obvious to the outside world that they aren't welcome, it can only weaken their position and help make a sale more likely in the future. It may be via a different Hoffman led consortium, who knows-he did say he'd never give up. But whatever, I want to express my anger at the owners and board.
Bottom line, I think we'll be relegated due to the way they have ran the club and weakened the squad. If we survive and prosper, I'll accept that they knew what they were doing all along.
Still, people have the right to be concerned.
Does that mean we're going to be subjected to this bollox all season?
But the idea of supporting a team is to get behind the lads whilst they are playing.
I hope that if SISU out chants during a game starts that any sound gets drowned out. Get behind the boys and help to keep the team spirit together.
Bit late..I kinda expected AT to have a reasonable transfer budget over the summer to at least be competitive this season, which is part of my frustration. IF he'd had that, I think we'd be play-off challengers rather than relegation strugglers.Don't really see the point of buying a season ticket and then sitting there chanting SISU OUT. Really gets behind the team that does. If you really want SISU out don't buy the season ticket. This season hasn't exactly come as a surprise.
Well said, Otis. Because of the wording, I abstained.But that despise poll was just daft. You either had to despise them or support them, there was no inbetween.
Does that mean we're going to be subjected to this bollox all season?
If you mean my opinion, I guess so yeah![]()
So you are admitting to coming out with lots of bollox then?
Just had a lovely bit of fish for tea, but hang on...does that make me pro SISU or anti SISU:thinking about:
Just had a lovely bit of fish for tea, but hang on...does that make me pro SISU or anti SISU:thinking about:
No, I said IF you mean my opinion (meaning his opinion of my opinion), then yes. Obviously I didn't believe my opinion is "bollox", as that would make me insane. Please grow up and stop talking so much pro-SISU flange yourself, or this will just turn into a slanging match.
Depends if it had tits macca:thinking about:Just had a lovely bit of fish for tea, but hang on...does that make me pro SISU or anti SISU:thinking about:
Ok, so no need for the bollux stuff then!
The reason I voice my opinion is because if people only read/see things in favour of the owners-or at least passively accepting of the status quo-it would look as if everyone felt like that. And I for one don't.
I'm sorry if you don't like my opinion, but what can I do about that? Change it for someone elses sake? Just shut up because you don't agree? I'm not "slanging", I'm arguing what I believe. If you want to just say somethings bollux, surely you can see that you'll be met with something similar in kind?
And yes, my insult was to call you a SISU fan above in response to the bollux comment!
So just answer the question then. Most of us want SISU out but there is no alternative to them at the moment. So they go....what next when there is no investors ready to take over. Would you be happy with admin?
There is no solution, I have asked and pointed out the same question but nobody has yet come up with a viable answer because there is not one.
There is no one queing up to buy us but because some just unfortunatly accept and realise that there is no alternative to the situation we are labelled that we support sisu , however common sense will tell you there is no alternative, it does not mean that I/we are happy with it, protest fine but as I said early they will not give a monkeys arse what you do they are/will be here until they decide otherwise.
No-one is saying that everyone has to like it.