Breaking News - Judge kicks out SISU's judicial review against CCC / ACL (1 Viewer)

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New Member
What's that sound?

Oh, nothing. Just true sky blue being completely, utterly wrong.

Well True Sky Blue is a Sisu puppet..he only joined the Forum 3 weeks ago,always trying to stir the 5hit..:jerkit:


New Member
But what next for SISU?

Do they just carry on with the amazing tin pot stadium with no planning permission or even land to build on? or eat humble pie and start negotiations again?

Deleted member 5849

see a new thread sisu bore all of ACL's costs

Doesn't alter the fact that if there are lots and lots of costs to come in the future, the losing side might not exist anymore to pay them...


Well-Known Member
from the telegraph

An application for a judicial review by Sky Blues' owners against Coventry City Council has been thrown out by a High Court judge.
The application by Sisu companies had accused the council of acting unlawfully in January when it bought out part-council owned Ricoh firm Arena Coventry Limited's mortgage debt from Yorkshire Bank for £14million.
The judge ruled the council acted properly following the football club's decision to withhold £100,000-a-month rental payments to ACL.
The application was taken out by Sisu companies Arvo Master Fund, Sky Blue Sports and Leisure Ltd and Coventry City Football Club (Holdings) Limited.
If they had ultimately won the review, the council may have had to reverse the £14m deal, which would have further weakened ACL's financial viability.
AN ACL spokeman said: “We note the announcement today that the High Court has dismissed the application by SISU to seek a judicial review of Coventry City Council’s decision to take over Yorkshire Bank’s loan to ACL.
"We are pleased to see that what we believe to be the correct judgement has been made in this unfortunate situation.
“Indeed, Mr Justice Males has made the reasons for his judgment very clear. We note, in particular, his reference to the withholding of lawfully owed rent by SISU as a means of exerting pressure on ACL in commercial negotiations, which had led to an unsatisfied judgment in the High Court in ACL’s favour.”
“We are also pleased that Mr Justice Males has included in his judgment the decision that ACL’s costs in relation to this dismissed case should be borne by SISU.”
Joint statement from CounAnn Lucas, Leader of Coventry City Council, and Coun John Blundell, Leader of the Opposition, Coventry City Council:
“We are delighted that permission to apply for a judicial review by Sisu-related companies (including Coventry City Football Club Holdings Ltd) into the Council's decision to restructure Arena Coventry Limited's loan at a commercial rate from Yorkshire Bank, has been refused in the strongest terms by High Court Judge Mr Justice Males.
“While we always knew we had a strong case, there was always the possibility that a judge could allow the case to be heard, tying up the Council in lengthy and complex litigation which would, whatever the outcome, have benefitted no-one.
“The judge has thrown out the case at the earliest possible opportunity, and while the applicants can appeal the decision at an oral hearing we hope the robust refusal of the application will allow us to move forward.
“For the past few months the threat of litigation has fettered the Council. We’ve been unable to speak out about this issue or talk about the reasons why we’ve taken the decisions we have. That’s been very difficult for us all; we know how important the Ricoh Arena and the Sky Blues are to Coventry people and how desperate people are for us to do what we can to find a solution.
“We’re clear about our priorities; our primary focus is to support the development of a very important asset for the city, continue the regeneration of this part of Coventry. We also want a successful and sustainable football club playing at the Ricoh. Our aim is to work hard to deliver this.”
More to come.


Well-Known Member
Doubt it means anything has changed in respect of us returning to the Ricoh. I await the next ridiculous Fisher statement.


Well-Known Member
Or use that as a means to get the Club back at the Ricoh. On ACLs terms.

note he said the withholding of lawfully owed rent by Sisu
If I was Acl I would get him on the case to get all money owed by Sisu back


New Member
I think this would have opened up such a can of worms across the world of sport that the courts had to see this off. Besides in this case the council were only protecting the interests of a community asset they partly owned.
Up your arse SISU !!


CCFC Finance Director
even awarded costs to Council & ACL I believe - so SISU get to pay for the experience

Assuming they dont get leave to appeal by Thursday


Euro 2016 Prediction League Champion!!
So now a court of law has noted the "withholding of lawfully owed rent by SISU as a means of exerting pressure on ACL in commercial negotiations", ACL might want to politely ask the FL again why they sided with SISU...

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
even awarded costs to Council & ACL I believe - so SISU get to pay for the experience

Assuming they dont get leave to
appeal by Thursday

I should imagine they will appeal the costs on both sides would have been quite hefty.
I wonder which of the three companies will foot the bill, Arvo,Sisu or ccfc holdings ?


Well-Known Member
So much for SISU being 'experts' when it comes to court cases then.

Also, as others have mentioned, rather shows TSB wasn't quite the oracle he claimed to be.


New Member
This should shake the football league that a court has sided with ACL...

ACL should get these SISU morons back into court & sue for the withheld rent ASAP - CRUSH THESE SCUMMY RATS !!!

The Prefect

Active Member
I can't imagine that SISU won't appeal. Their strategy (and there is plenty of evidence for this) is to 'litigate to intimidate' so I have no reason to believe they won't take this to the next level just to keep the pressure on.


Well-Known Member
This could be good news for getting ccfc back to the Ricoh. Now the JR is out the way, It's all about the rent and F&B'S.


New Member
In a discussion I had with TSB this is what he told me:-

Quote Originally Posted by true sky blue View Post

i know about judicial reviews and local governement law. and i know the 14 million pound loan was completely unlawful. and a waste of public funds

When I replied that was interesting to hear and asked exactly what were his qualifications and experience he didn't answer ... strange that.
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Active Member
No surprises here and it will be interesting to hear Fisher's response to this although I'm sure he'll find a way of just adding this to the list of crimes committed by ACL/CCC against the club....On second thoughts I'd just like him to shut his mouth for a change and say've been beaten on this one and your clear plan to distress ACL has taken a possibly terminal setback so save your patronising, untruthful, blame deflecting crap for those that are fooled by your constant BS...and there's very few of those left now!


New Member
Judicial Review Breaking News

SISU & CCFC's application for a judicial review by the High Court into the Council's decision to restructure ACL's loan from Yorkshire Bank 'robustly REFUSED'...

Senior Vick from Alicante

Well-Known Member
“We’re clear about our priorities; our primary focus is to support the development of a very important asset for the city, continue the regeneration of this part of Coventry. We also want a successful and sustainable football club playing at the Ricoh. Our aim is to work hard to deliver this.”

Its also nice to see from this line of the statement that their is a conscious effort from all sides in the council to get it sorted. Sisu may have bitten off more than they can chew now, it also gives more ammo to the league to with hold the golden share from Otium, the line of "with holding rent to distress" is quite pertinent. It shows Sisu were not quite truthful in their submissions to league about being forced out. Fit and proper I don't think so. NOPM



But what next for SISU?

Do they just carry on with the amazing tin pot stadium with no planning permission or even land to build on? or eat humble pie and start negotiations again?

If I was ACL I would be hard in negotiations now see how SISU like it, SISU were offered £150000 a year on condition of signing CVA and dropping court case ,now CVA hasn't been signed(loosing ACL £590000) and court case has been thrown out I would say to Timmy and Joyless when they come begging ,sorry the price just doubled with 5 years in advance.


New Member
Wonder if ACL will sue SISU for the "unlawfully withheld rent" ?

Time somebody put SISU on the back foot and tried to distress them. Might force them out.


Well-Known Member
if i was acl i would be hard in negotiations now see how sisu like it, sisu were offered £150000 a year on condition of signing cva and dropping court case ,now cva hasn't been signed(loosing acl £590000) and court case has been thrown out i would say to timmy and joyless when they come begging ,sorry the price just doubled with 5 years in advance.

yeah fuck coventry city f.c!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are a.c.l say we are a.c.l!


New Member
Who's turning?!?

Read again, and you'll see I've ALWAYS been concerned that court cases mean the 'winners' have to find costs too.

Also read again, and ever since SISU came I've been against them!

It's just some on here read into statements what they want to read, if it threatens their black and white world view...

Now, now, no body likes a sore loser. They tried, they got told to feck off. Great result.


Well-Known Member
Back of the net :D
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