Come off it. You don't have to explain the law to me. This hasn't even made it to a full Judicial Review, it's fallen at the first hurdle where a judge has decided that there isn't even enough of a case to take forward to full court proceedings.
And it's not a claim. It's a JR. There are no damages here, just a request to the courts to determine whether a public body has made a proper decision.
It hasn't been struck out, in the way a claim at the civil courts can be struck out (and which indeed can be restarted in some circumstances). Judgement has been passed, you can read it.
But since you want to try to explain how this could happen in law, here's your challenge. Show me one, just one, case where a JR has been chucked out like this at the first step, and then been 'reworded' and succeded. If you know the law, like you claim, then you'll have something to hand. Or show me where a JR has been used to appeal another JR? I honestly don't think you know what you're saying.
The question really is, why do you feign expertise? You are entirely welcome to your opinion, but the stuff about knowing more about it than everyone else seems a bit sad to me. Sorry.