Broad gate 6pm (9 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
As much as our fans can be arseholes does anyone think they turned on these 2 lads just because of the colour of their skin?

All this is because of that moron getting upset by the BLM banners the fucking cretin.

No, no I dont especially as there were fans of all races and backgrounds in town celebrating... But the social media Lynch mob have already decided the outcome and what should be done, and that's probably the way it will go... Clowns like Lineker only add to the problems, he has no idea what happened, why it happened... It's all so damaging, social media is a cancer on this earth


Well-Known Member
I read Harrys post more to the fact that at a higher level, people are being pitted against one another, with editing and manipulation taking place within social media to give all of this legs, rather than him blaming BLM specifically for the fall out from yesterday.
I get what he was saying. But all the inflammatory social media posts in the world won't make a difference if people don't give them the ammo in the first place.

Everybody in this thread has denounced the racist who made the racist video against BLM. This is indisputable. I find it amusing that you're still trying to push this as a random racist attack, when again, there were plenty of non-whites at Broadgate yesterday enjoying the day, plenty of eye-witness reports of knives, knives being found by the police, and a zero history in our club of randomly deciding to attack minorities

Nowhere have I said this was a racist attack from Cov fans against those two guys (although it still could turn out to be the case). I'm yet to see any conclusive evidence for that, but nor have I seen any conclusive evidence for the stuff that was supposed to justify what happened. The eyewitness accounts (notoriously unreliable), history of our club (??), or the presence of other non-white people at the party (meaningless) don't change anything for me. While people seem to be much more willing to believe one narrative than another, I'm happy to keep an open mind until I know the facts, even if it's uncomfortable for me.

The problem was the report of weapons spreading to people in the crowd, not the skin colour of people in the crowd itself.

You may well be right that the problem was the report of weapons, but it's naive to say the skin colour of the people involved had nothing to do with it. I'm asking you to try and think in a different way about this - is there a particular kind of person who you, or other people, would assume might be out carrying knives looking for trouble? Does race ever come into it? If not for you, than for anyone else? Is there even a chance that if you were in the same situation, you might have jumped to a conclusion in the heat of the moment? I'm not accusing anyone on here of being racist, but we all make those kind of assumptions (myself included), and it seems like a lot of people could do with thinking about that, and how it might have been a factor here, rather than just going for the easiest narrative in their head. Even if you're eventually proved right, and this all turns out to be brave Cov fans standing up against evil knife-wielding maniacs (good on 'em!), you'll be a better person for having thought about it in the first place.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
As much as our fans can be arseholes does anyone think they turned on these 2 lads just because of the colour of their skin?

All this is because of that moron getting upset by the BLM banners the fucking cretin.

Aye, those to lads would of been chased even if they were white.

I don't get how they didn't realise what would happen if they started showing and telling a large group of drunk people they had a knife?


Well-Known Member
No, no I dont especially as there were fans of all races and backgrounds in town celebrating... But the social media Lynch mob have already decided the outcome and what should be done, and that's probably the way it will go
This is worryingly accurate.

Its a viscous circle though, it will get branded as racist (it already has) whether it was racist or not. Some of those that are now being branded as racist (by the looks of it, almost anyone that attended Broad Gate last night) are going to be less likely to be sympathetic to the BLM protests for example.

its all just widening the gap, in my opinion.

Its a minefield and difficult to see how any of it will improve, it clearly needs to...


Well-Known Member
Just scrolled back to mid May and can’t see anything. Maybe they took it down? They are currently posting against the bottle throwers from last night and claiming CCFC fans threw bottles at Lady Godiva and left a load of mess though...

No official report means no credibility. There’s no need to try and draw false equivalence with BLM TBH.
There muppet who run the page anyway, you seen on the fans forum and stuff they cleaned up after them self's yesterday.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
I get what he was saying. But all the inflammatory social media posts in the world won't make a difference if people don't give them the ammo in the first place.

Nowhere have I said this was a racist attack from Cov fans against those two guys (although it still could turn out to be the case). I'm yet to see any conclusive evidence for that, but nor have I seen any conclusive evidence for the stuff that was supposed to justify what happened. The eyewitness accounts (notoriously unreliable), history of our club (??), or the presence of other non-white people at the party (meaningless) don't change anything for me. While people seem to be much more willing to believe one narrative than another, I'm happy to keep an open mind until I know the facts, even if it's uncomfortable for me.

You may well be right that the problem was the report of weapons, but it's naive to say the skin colour of the people involved had nothing to do with it. I'm asking you to try and think in a different way about this - is there a particular kind of person who you, or other people, would assume might be out carrying knives looking for trouble? Does race ever come into it? If not for you, than for anyone else? Is there even a chance that if you were in the same situation, you might have jumped to a conclusion in the heat of the moment? I'm not accusing anyone on here of being racist, but we all make those kind of assumptions (myself included), and it seems like a lot of people could do with thinking about that, and how it might have been a factor here, rather than just going for the easiest narrative in their head. Even if you're eventually proved right, and this all turns out to be brave Cov fans standing up against evil knife-wielding maniacs (good on 'em!), you'll be a better person for having thought about it in the first place.

What absolute fucking gibberish


Well-Known Member
Where does it end if the racist is stabbed? That only adds fuel to the stereotype and enrages further hated and retribution by racist groups who now have a vehicle/martyr to rally behind. I'm not advocating that he's ignored as that clearly doesn't work and if he's committed what's clearly imo a race-hate crime he should be prosecuted, but let's not get to a stage where one action is punishable by that level of retribution. Tensions are understandably higher than for some time at present, but however much of a prick he is or has been, we want him to express those views if that's what he genuinely believes and educate/ debate him about why he's wrong rather than stab him.


Well-Known Member
Where does it end if the racist is stabbed? That only adds fuel to the stereotype and enrages further hated and retribution by racist groups who now have a vehicle/martyr to rally behind. I'm not advocating that he's ignored as that clearly doesn't work and if he's committed what's clearly imo a race-hate crime he should be prosecuted, but let's not get to a stage where one action is punishable by that level of retribution. Tensions are understandably higher than for some time at present, but however much of a prick he is or has been, we want him to express those views if that's what he genuinely believes and educate/ debate him about why he's wrong rather than stab him.
Agree. Turning up to stab the racist Was hardly heroic behaviour from the 2 lads

And in an era of fake news. It would be spun as white species on danger etc on line and Tommy etc woukd have field day


Well-Known Member
This is worryingly accurate.

Its a viscous circle though, it will get branded as racist (it already has) whether it was racist or not. Some of those that are now being branded as racist (by the looks of it, almost anyone that attended Broad Gate last night) are going to be less likely to be sympathetic to the BLM protests for example.

its all just widening the gap, in my opinion.

Its a minefield and difficult to see how any of it will improve, it clearly needs to...

Social media and the mainstream media are disgusting manipulative platforms that in no way shape or form, help create a balanced opinion on anything.. All its done for years now is divide and separate humans so they can profit from our misery.
I spent a couple of years off social media and refused to watch the news for most of it and my mental health improved dramatically.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Agree. Turning up to stab the racist Was hardly heroic behaviour from the 2 lads

And in an era of fake news. It would be spun as white species on danger etc on line and Tommy etc woukd have field day

I've got a bit of sympathy for the 2 young lads. Young men can be angry, can be proud, they've seen this video and reacted albeit in the wrong way and it was always going to end badly one way or another.

But that fucking idiot who posted the video, a middle aged man showing off on social media, the mind boggles and he's caused this.


Well-Known Member
At some point in the not so distant future I can see the police in general becoming much more proactive regards any disorder .
This softly softly stance will give way as more issues arise , which will be a natural response to what's down the line .
No intent to diminish BLM here .
It's just natural for the cycle to move on .
I'd be fairly confident there have been both domestic and external influences whipping up the disorder element of these otherwise peaceful gatherings .
Not entirely related to Last night I know but I think we should be aware when looking ahead .
It's very easy for things to fall apart at times like this
We all need to remember this when we see it happening.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
I've got a bit of sympathy for the 2 young lads. Young men can be angry, can be proud, they've seen this video and reacted albeit in the wrong way and it was always going to end badly one way or another.

But that fucking idiot who posted the video, a middle aged man showing off on social media, the mind boggles and he's caused this.
Yep, he needs arresting and banning

I also can't get my head around what the 2 lads thought would happen when they decided to front up against a couple of hundred pissed people?

Sky Blue Harry H

Well-Known Member
Social media and the mainstream media are disgusting manipulative platforms that in no way shape or form, help create a balanced opinion on anything.. All its done for years now is divide and separate humans so they can profit from our misery.
I spent a couple of years off social media and refused to watch the news for most of it and my mental health improved dramatically.

Agree 100%
I've found myself getting wound up (and I'm the most placid guy you'll ever meet) by people talking and posting rubbish. Have found myself avoiding the news in particular when inflammatory stuff is on, so as to preserve my calm. Easy to see how some get agitated, especially when there is so much fake / biased social media stuff, and some of the audience already have extreme views.


Well-Known Member
I've got a bit of sympathy for the 2 young lads. Young men can be angry, can be proud, they've seen this video and reacted albeit in the wrong way and it was always going to end badly one way or another.

But that fucking idiot who posted the video, a middle aged man showing off on social media, the mind boggles and he's caused this.
Can't agree

If i turned up as a teen with a knife to stab a racist my parents still would have given me more than a clip round the ear! Murder is a big escalation!

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
At some point in the not so distant future I can see the police in general becoming much more proactive regards any disorder .
This softly softly stance will give way as more issues arise , which will be a natural response to what's down the line .
No intent to diminish BLM here .
It's just natural for the cycle to move on .
I'd be fairly confident there have been both domestic and external influences whipping up the disorder element of these otherwise peaceful gatherings .
Not entirely related to Last night I know but I think we should be aware when looking ahead .
It's very easy for things to fall apart at times like this
We all need to remember this when we see it happening.

To be honest, when you look at the way the police have behaved in America recently, and in France and Hong Kong in the last year or 2 I don't think they've done too bad in comparison when dealing with protests and public disorder.


Well-Known Member
I've got a bit of sympathy for the 2 young lads. Young men can be angry, can be proud, they've seen this video and reacted albeit in the wrong way and it was always going to end badly one way or another.

But that fucking idiot who posted the video, a middle aged man showing off on social media, the mind boggles and he's caused this.

It's only taken 4 rogue cops being filmed doing something terrible to incite global protests, Riots and in some cases murder..
The power of a camera phone and the media...


Well-Known Member
Social media and the mainstream media are disgusting manipulative platforms that in no way shape or form, help create a balanced opinion on anything.. All its done for years now is divide and separate humans so they can profit from our misery.
I spent a couple of years off social media and refused to watch the news for most of it and my mental health improved dramatically.

Yep, I'm off facebook, twitter, Instagram and a whatsapp group with all my mates at the moment. Took a couple of days break from here as well during all the BLM protest stuff. Not read anything on here about it and won't be. Think I'm going to swerve here for a bit again as well until we see some signings and football news.


*Not a flounce


Well-Known Member
Yep, I'm off facebook, twitter, Instagram and a whatsapp group with all my mates at the moment. Took a couple of days break from here as well during all the BLM protest stuff. Not read anything on here about it and won't be. Think I'm going to swerve here for a bit again as well until we see some signings and football news.


*Not a flounce
Don't blame you


I've got a bit of sympathy for the 2 young lads. Young men can be angry, can be proud, they've seen this video and reacted albeit in the wrong way and it was always going to end badly one way or another.

But that fucking idiot who posted the video, a middle aged man showing off on social media, the mind boggles and he's caused this.

Agree with you on that. I can understand why they turned up angry, if they had turned up and given him a kicking down the alley then that's that.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I'm off facebook, twitter, Instagram and a whatsapp group with all my mates at the moment. Took a couple of days break from here as well during all the BLM protest stuff. Not read anything on here about it and won't be. Think I'm going to swerve here for a bit again as well until we see some signings and football news.


*Not a flounce
Yeah i stayed away from BLM threas on here. I like innocense of liking cov fans lol

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Yep, I'm off facebook, twitter, Instagram and a whatsapp group with all my mates at the moment. Took a couple of days break from here as well during all the BLM protest stuff. Not read anything on here about it and won't be. Think I'm going to swerve here for a bit again as well until we see some signings and football news.


*Not a flounce

I only use Twitter and don't even post just browse,.but I think I'm going to lay off after the last few days.


Well-Known Member
Agree 100%
I've found myself getting wound up (and I'm the most placid guy you'll ever meet) by people talking and posting rubbish. Have found myself avoiding the news in particular when inflammatory stuff is on, so as to preserve my calm. Easy to see how some get agitated, especially when there is so much fake / biased social media stuff, and some of the audience already have extreme views.

Add to all this the free to view content on Facebook that no human should ever have to see, like people being stabbed, dogs being torched to death, people shooting people dead... Videos that remain on these sites and come up as recommended ffs because somebody shared something completely unrelated which I watched .... It's no wonder people are losing their collective minds its damaging as fuck let alone the kids that must see it on these sites.... World's a mess.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I'm off facebook, twitter, Instagram and a whatsapp group with all my mates at the moment. Took a couple of days break from here as well during all the BLM protest stuff. Not read anything on here about it and won't be. Think I'm going to swerve here for a bit again as well until we see some signings and football news.


*Not a flounce

Shame. We’ll miss your input, but understandable.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I'm off facebook, twitter, Instagram and a whatsapp group with all my mates at the moment. Took a couple of days break from here as well during all the BLM protest stuff. Not read anything on here about it and won't be. Think I'm going to swerve here for a bit again as well until we see some signings and football news.


*Not a flounce

Sorry to hear that as your input is pretty good

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Twitter is surely the world's largest echo chamber?

I try to follow some people I'm not politically aligned with.
Some Tory Mps. Some journalist from Tory supporting papers, Douglas Murray, Spikedonline.

To be honest it reinforces my believe that I'm mostly correct and they're mostly not!


Well-Known Member
No, no I dont especially as there were fans of all races and backgrounds in town celebrating... But the social media Lynch mob have already decided the outcome and what should be done, and that's probably the way it will go... Clowns like Lineker only add to the problems, he has no idea what happened, why it happened... It's all so damaging, social media is a cancer on this earth
Agreed .
I just use it for my two families .
The one on here and my WhatsApp one .

Zuckerberg is a pariah deminishing the reach of governance.


Well-Known Member
I've got a bit of sympathy for the 2 young lads. Young men can be angry, can be proud, they've seen this video and reacted albeit in the wrong way and it was always going to end badly one way or another.

But that fucking idiot who posted the video, a middle aged man showing off on social media, the mind boggles and he's caused this.
Possibly the most sickening aspect of this whole debacle is that it's exactly what the loser racist scumbag would love-he's got a reaction that's led to this situation.

Chip Batch

Well-Known Member
There muppet who run the page anyway, you seen on the fans forum and stuff they cleaned up after them self's yesterday.

They could have just not thrown and smashed bottles in the first place. Twatty behaviour and does not look good. As a fan group we seem to get a lot of these sort of situations, smashing toilets, nicking beer etc. I know it’s not exclusive to us, but just because people have had a few beers and they’re in a group there’s a lot who seem to think it’s acceptable to act like pricks. Embarrassing really.

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