Cardiff Protest by Trust (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
All the while the iniquity of Cov playing in a foreign town continues the justification for protest remains.
It is not beholden on us fans to get us back where we belong.

That is the responsibility of others.

The media tonight have a wider responsibility to report on that situation as it is of interest to everyone.

All protest is valid particularly as in this case, it highlights an injustice. Should the consequence of this protest result in a wider story then the blame must be shouldered by those who have not resolved the injustice.

That is self evident.

ohitsaidwalker king power

Well-Known Member
No of course you wont. You prefer the snidey passive aggressive approach.

Where was I aggressive- Andreas you seem to have taken issue with me- not sure why... really I am not...and if you have taken it so I apologise... I'm neither snidey or aggressive...Id gladly share a pint with you and discuss our differences of opinion for that's all they are.. if that's aggressive then I'm beat.. as before all the best.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
You have no idea sunshine.

Too many softies following the city compared to in my day..alot of clubs would of done alot more if this had happened to them..

Anyway.. you enjoy your plaque card on 35minutes tonight, each to their own, but for me... its going to be a full 2minutes coverage with 1 coach of fans yes fans's who for some bizarre reason still love to go to Northampton and watch the team on the hill.

Your just the same as those who go in, just want to see for free, thats the only difference.

The amount of begging on here the last few days trying to get people to go beggers belief.

Vote with the feet would of been more embarrassing and bigger stir news wise.

But by all means enjoy your 2 minutes of fame.... shame no one can be arsed to even think poor little coventry in two days time.

I'm not begging anybody,however you now thats a different story. You know people will go in but want to stop people going on the hill I wonder why. I have not watched one minute of a game from the hill,and whats this in your day shit? Bet your mums proud of you by the way how is your sister?

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