They will if found guilty of drink driving and/or death by dangerous driving they or atleast the driver will be locked up for a long time his/her playtimes will be over but this incident should be a wake up call but it won’t be.I drive for a living and fast, mad and reckless driving is on the increase at an alarming rate and I suspect drink/drug driving is too. I don’t know these two arrested but word is they are well known in that area for drink and I would wager using their car, but what about their pals, others in the pub, staff and landlord shouldn’t they have lifted the phone to the cops when they knew they had driven to the pub, these are not isolated goes on all over then a tragedy like this happens.
Government should bring in tougher laws as a deterrent anyone with drink/drugs in their system long bans and confiscate their vehicle, anyone caught speeding over certain limits twice in 3 year period banned. More should be charged with reckless driving which already carries vehicle confiscation options. Looking at that film snippet showing the offending car zooming down the street as startling as it is it also shows another car going the other way let’s say not hanging about.
We should all look at ourselves.