CCFC's woes from a Saints Fan's perspective and a message of support (7 Viewers)

Hello Sky Blues.

First of all, as you might have guessed I am a loyal Saints Fan and I was at the game yesterday. This is not going to be a wind-up post, so please do carry on reading.

I first came to the Ricoh Stadium when we were last in the Championship, can't remember the exact year. We came by car and it was a Tuesday night game so didn't have much chance to explore the local environs etc. Yesterday I arrived in good time and had chance to mooch around a bit. There seems to exists a very poor reputation of your ground from other fans - of all clubs. The reputation is that it is miles away from any pubs and that it is 'soulless and boring'. I have to say that this reputation is wholly unwarranted. Sure, the stadium is not slap-bang next to the cathedral (which I love, by the way!) but it is only a 10 minute walk from the Longford road, and a pretty walk along the canal it is.

Inside the stadium, I was delighted and surprised to find a huge underground bar with a gazillion screens showing the Newcastle/Everton game. Free to get into and a pleasant mixing of City and Saints. (my only gripe was the lack of bar staff...). Now, I guess this is actually part of the casino? But never mind, it is a really good asset.

The stadium itself is truly awesome. The food/beverage facilities were good, seating fantastic (love the steep terraces) and the acoustics have got to be amongst the best in the whole country. The pitch, like St Mary's, was fantastic - you clearly have a quality groundsman. Don't ever allow egg-chasers on it!

Now, all of this you know. Nothing new to you. But I thought I'd mention as a matter of record against the negative reputation that seems to be out there about your ground. The most corrosive aspect of which is the incorrect assumption that the ground is actually on the moon and the nearest pub is a thousand light-years away. I had a nice brace of pints in the Longford Engine pub and a few more in the 'stadium bar'. How have you allowed this myth of location to grow such strong roots?

So, CCFC has exceptional facilities, is what I am saying. Even if not owned outright. A very similar position to Saints a couple of years ago. St Mary's is an excellent stadium too. We suffered because the club was run as a PLC - listed on the stock market - but primarily owned by 'three amigos' who were anything but friends. They soon fell out and the board room was a complete disaster. Manager after manager after manager. Player wages spiraling out of control for a bunch of journey-men. In fighting, bickering, briefing the media against each other etc etc. It was not an environment conducive to good football. The final straw came when we had to sell Andrew Surman to Wolves just to pay the wages. And then one of the directors had to dip into his own account to keep the turnstiles open. I'm sure you know the story. We ended up in administration and docked 10 points for the first season in division three (as I like to call it). However, it was by no means certain that we were even going to be around to take the 'golden share' from the league in order to open the doors for business on the first game of the season. It really was literally a matter of hours before the club was wound up. And don't forget, this all happened at the height of the 'credit crunch' when no one was investing in anything.

We had a dodgy 'investor' agree terms with the Administrator but unable to prove the funds were in place. This investor was later outed to be a complete Walter Mitty. The sadness was that he managed to convince Mat Le Tiss to be the new chairman. MLT is a God at Saints, but he did himself no favours on that one. Anyway, after the Administrator deduced that there was no money coming forward from the Walter Mitty he literally begun to put in place winding up orders. It was that close to seeing the Saints die completely.

And then, out of nowhere came our Saviour in the form of Swiss Billionaire Markus Liebherr and his lawyer-friend Nicola Cortese. Within 24 hours the club was bought, the debts paid off, the old directors and PLC gone for good and the club out of administration. Our version of this forum crashed repeatedly as fans just hit it with messages of over-flowing joy and relief. The 'golden share' was returned, Pardew appointed and we opened the turnstiles with -10 points but with no debt, rock-solid boardroom stability and a decent manager. From there, we have not looked back. We rebuilt the squad, invested heavily in the academy infrastructure, scouting networks and development etc. And we started playing the beautiful game beautifully. Attendance started increasing and peaked when we played West Ham at home with St Mary's largest ever crowd - a complete sell out. On a Tuesday night!

My message to our Sky Blue brothers and sisters in the footballing community is that good things really can come from administration. You have awesome facilities, a pedigree history and a solid fan base (albeit hibernating). Get rid of these corporate muppets, take the -10 points and have faith that someone - some INDIVIDUAL - will come along and be your saviour just as the late Herr Liebherr was for us. And if it comes to pass that you do play in division three next season, it is not the end of the world. It really isn't. It is still football, still entertaining and think of all those grounds which you haven't been to in yonks!

I genuinely feel for you. I even shed a tear for Pompey after the way they have been treated. Football is more than just share prices and hedge funds. Football clubs should NEVER be run by consortia or hedge funds. Clubs play an integral role in communities and as such should only be owned by benevolent individuals who truly have the long term prospects of the club at heart.

Good luck. I have no doubt that the next generation of Sky Blues will still have a club to follow in 20 years time, even if it is going to be a rocky road.

A Sympathetic Saint.

Cobi Jones's Dreads

Well-Known Member
Great post and a great read pal thank you for your kind words, have fun in the premier league seems strange their will be a 2 league gap between us next year.



Well-Known Member
I was looking at Saintsweb and a few of them aren't enamoured with us/the ground/city/etc. One post slagged off one on here where someone claims that Southampton are only doing well because of admin and then money, and not because they kept up great support throughout. I felt myself on their side with that one.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support sympatheticSaint and to all the saints fans who have come on here the last couple of days, I think you all realise that it could have so easily have been yourselves with SISU instead of us.


Chief Commentator!
Very good post, and very appreciated!

We thought that this scenario would never come about when SISU bailed us out at the 11th hour. However only a few years on we've no further forward. If anything I fear we are worse off. I cant see SISU putting us into admin, even though its probably the better option. They seen adament that they want to recover some of the money they've put in, but I cannot see how a company who is losing so much money can possibly recover anything when selling the club. I wish we'd gone down the same route you guys did in declining a SISU takeover.

Some very nice words spoken re our stadium and facilities. It is a wonderful arena to have in the City, but it will never ever replace Highfield Road. That will always be our home place.

Oh, and your tip about not letting egg chasers on the pitch, well we've already made that error a few times in the past. As you can tell by the pitch, we've not had em on it yet this season.

Thanks for the positive review and best wishes. Good luck for the rest of the season to all you Saints!


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the support and am glad to see Southampton bouncing back from admin but it sounds as if you got lucky overnight with the new owner.
I can't see any rich businessman taking a fancy to us currently tbh.

The Ricoh would be great if we could fill it and generate some sort of atmosphere, also without the rail was station it is hard I guess to get to if you don't know where you are going and coming down by train for away fans.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Good post thanks.
Some on here still think we will go into oblivion if we do admin.
Rememeber guys their are people out there like the Hoff and others that if the debts are reduced or wiped clean by going into admin will be willing to take a punt.:D


Really enjoyed that post. It has indeed given me some hope for the future.

As he said boys - we have to get SISU out. I wasn't at all impressed by those not bothering to sing "we want SISU out" yesterday. Had quite an argument with an old boy on the row in front who told me to pipe down as there's "no point - they won't leave". Bullshit. SISU don't want terrible publicity and that's exactly what we can give them lots of!

Hats off to the guys with the banner yesterday and all those who sung against SISU. Most of all though, well done to Brinner and those who went down to SISU's offices. If all off our fans did that SISU would be gone by now and Hoffman would be ushering in a brighter future.


Colonel Mustard

New Member
Some on here still think we will go into oblivion if we do admin.

TBF, I think SympatheticSaint would admit that it is a real possibility. Winding-up orders were issued for Soton, and they were extremely fortunate to have been bailed out by a saviour. Markus Liebherr types ain't ten-a-penny, and we're not as appealing as Southampton were when they were rescued.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for taking the time...the voice of a true football fan. A pleasure to read, and I believe you're right! Thanks again and have a great season...


Chief Commentator!
@richh87, i think most fans disagree with chanting 'sisu out' during a game. Why cant we leave it until half time or after the full time whistle? OK our players arent the best but its not their fault SISU wont go! And its obvious us fans need to do something! I think the people with the flag deserve credit, bringing it out when they did, i.e. 5 minutes before the end as apposed to mid-game and they followed the instructions of the stewards by putting it on the seats!

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
SympatheticSaint, if you're ever over here (on the Isle of Wight) I'd like to have a pint with you! A true gent and football fan if ever there was one. Isn't this what a fan is being all about? Support your team but watch out for your "brother" teams who need a bit of moral support now and again. Thank you so much for taking the time to post on here. It really was appreciated (as you will see from all the "likes" you received!) :claping hands:
SympatheticSaint, if you're ever over here (on the Isle of Wight) I'd like to have a pint with you! A true gent and football fan if ever there was one. Isn't this what a fan is being all about? Support your team but watch out for your "brother" teams who need a bit of moral support now and again. Thank you so much for taking the time to post on here. It really was appreciated (as you will see from all the "likes" you received!) :claping hands:

many thanks for the kind invitation! Where about on the Island are you?


Well-Known Member
Can't like on my iPhone. But if I could I would. Regarding the pubs. I don't see why we don't make the casino bar more of a sports bar and publicise it to both sets of fans, might do wonders for the atmosphere


Well-Known Member
good lord an intelligent football fan! Seriously a very thoughtful post which I am sure is much appreciated by us all. Always seen Southampton as a similar club to us and nice to see them doing well. Gives us hope!

P.S I preferred The Dell!


New Member
Thank u 4 taking ure time & effort to write the post. Very heartening to see something like this in these dark times. Personally I fear 4 us due 2 the economic climate, that we cud get relegated & possibly into admin at the worst time. I remember when we last got relegated, the following year itv digital went bust which affected us greatly financially. Blues went up at the right time. We got relegated the worst time (not that there is ever a goog time). We had to give Hughes back to WBA I recall.

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