Completely agree with that. Also jordan clarke and conor thomas have had unfair stick at times. I would say being a Cov kid adds expectations rather than shields players from criticism.
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I'm not so sure, lots of players have been protected by the status. Either that, or we're just really bad judge of characters when it comes to home grown players.
Montgomery. We thought he was decent when he played for us. His next club was a cricket club. We really finished his career, so much so he completely changed sport after he left us
Ashley Cain. Had pace and would run at the opposition. More recently been on the books of Cov Sphinx when he's not appearing on MTV on some beach somewhere.
Kevin Thornton. Was he really that good to warrant playing so many games? Another who dropped down leagues quicker than a sack of spuds falls to the ground. Some fans still kept calling for him to be played.
Quirke (Michael was it? So good, I've forgot!). Another home grown keeper who we rated. Did he ever get another club after leaving us?