CET: Nene park a potential new "home" (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I live in northampton. So SISU, making this decision would suit me.
I am all for it fairplay to SISU.


Super Moderator
Personally I think this is just the club being sensible. There is every chance that the negotiations may not be complete by Boxing Day, but still ongoing. If this was the case CCFC could need to find a temporary ground whilst the negotiations are completed at the Ricoh.

We have seen in the past that some clubs have had to play games away as home grounds were not complete by the start of the season. So it could be that it's too late in the day to arrange for matches to be played away or we have already played the away fixture against some clubs.
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New Member
It all gets more laughable as each day passes. problem is the longer these SISU shits keep taking this stance the more ridiculous they will look when they inevitably have to climb down. They should take the offer on the table with some clauses for future success/failure. They can't have a brand new Mercedes for the price of a clapped out old Ford. Concentrate on winning games and the Ricoh will more than pay for itself with the increased gate revenue, especially at the 400K mark.
If they did take the football club out of the City, I and probably 70% of others would tell them to shove it.............final straw.


New Member
It all gets more laughable as each day passes. problem is the longer these SISU shits keep taking this stance the more ridiculous they will look when they inevitably have to climb down. They should take the offer on the table with some clauses for future success/failure. They can't have a brand new Mercedes for the price of a clapped out old Ford. Concentrate on winning games and the Ricoh will more than pay for itself with the increased gate revenue, especially at the 400K mark.
If they did take the football club out of the City, I and probably 70% of others would tell them to shove it.............final straw.

I'm not laughing!


Well-Known Member
Tickets have just gone on sale for the Shrewsbury game on Jan 1st at the Ricoh.


New Member
F*ck the Council and the Ricoh. The council only have the interest of the taxpayer not CCFC. The Ricoh has never been home and never will be. Let it go to ruin which it would. If it means me travelling 45 miles a game so be it im sure a few people would organsise coaches from various pubs it would be fine.

The burden of the Ricoh would be off our neck and im sure we could build a more competitive squad . Look at what Brighton have been through over the years there fans stood loyal and they got their in the end, i dont care how long it takes.


New Member
Hi, First Post, Long Time lurker.

I realise this is probably just posturing but I don't understand the point of it at all. Surely the 2 options are

1) we reach an agreement on rent by boxing day
2) we get wound up.

I don't see that there is a 3rd option where we don't reach an agreement, we move out of the home where we are contractually obligated to pay rent and carry on.

Since option 3 can't happen what is the point of the posturing? it annoys the fans and can't have any affect on ACL because they know the club moving out is irrelevent to weather they force liquidation.

Not to mention it's simply a stupid idea anyway even if were an option, surely 400k rent and 11k fans is better than small rent and 6k fans


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Well-Known Member
if they think im travelling 45 miles to watch us at some scummy ground,they can think again.


CCFC Finance Director
and yet the CT doesnt question whether it is actually viable ? :thinking about::facepalm: More bluster spin and deception from TF & co. There is taking a bargaining position (fair thing to do ) and there is bullshit (which this is )

As DTD says earlier on this thread due to the small capacity at Nene Valley compared to the Ricoh a move there will cost the club 10's of 1000's every game in ticket sales alone. Say the Walsall game had been there - assume we got a sell out at Nene Valley(i doubt it but just say for now) that is 4500 fans that could not have got in at £15 average that would be at least £67500 lost ticket sales. Rent still due on the Ricoh (still got old contract remember), Rent to pay for Nene Valley, Costs of opening a closed stadium, less match day income in respect of posh seats, parking, advertising etc ......

The apparent difference between them is £230k (ignore the £1.1m owed to start of December for now that can be negotiated later - and so long as there are valid discussions about it and a commitment to resolve it the clock on the statutory demand stops running). So in just 2 or 3 games or so (after the new costs of set up) CCFC would have cost themselves that amount in lost income........ which of course puts pressure on their own cashflow, puts pressure on the FFPbudget, increases the need to sell on players (only the better ones will get a decent fee), stops the signing of any new players etc .........

In January there are 3 home fixtures.......... if this Nene Valley option went through to cover those matches the club in just one month would have cost its self in lost income and additional costs up wards of £300k (lost ticket income is at least £200k !). Even TF & SISU must be able to do a simple cash flow - mind you on past experience i might be wrong in that assumption. :thinking about:

The report is complete nonsense

Shrewsbury tickets being on sale for the Ricoh in January tells you all you need to know about a move to Nene Valley when we get "locked out"

But half year season tickets have been withrawn is the cry ........ well we have 23 home games we have 10 games left .... do the maths as to why half season tickets are not available.

And yet people still believe without question what TF says :whistle:. I have no problem with the club trying to get the best deal it can for itself ........... but come on we keep getting statements from TF and others at the club that simply do not add up when you question it......... treat us all as idiots. Does it not make you think about all the stuff that TF has said ?
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Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
It takes anyone with a calculator to realise a groundshare is not in the club's interest, and by extension SISU's, so won't happen. For a start-where would the club offices/club store go on to be based?

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
It all gets more laughable as each day passes. problem is the longer these SISU shits keep taking this stance the more ridiculous they will look when they inevitably have to climb down. They should take the offer on the table with some clauses for future success/failure. They can't have a brand new Mercedes for the price of a clapped out old Ford. Concentrate on winning games and the Ricoh will more than pay for itself with the increased gate revenue, especially at the 400K mark.
If they did take the football club out of the City, I and probably 70% of others would tell them to shove it.............final straw.

This stance? The stance that has forced ACL to make many concessions? Their 1st offer was 400k with other concessions, we on track for further concessions... Glad you aren't part of the negotiating! :thinking about: :whistle: :facepalm:

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
It takes anyone with a calculator to realise a groundshare is not in the club's interest, and by extension SISU's, so won't happen. For a start-where would the club offices/club store go on to be based?

They wouldn't move away from the RICOH, it's a scare tactic, to give us the upper hand in negotiations.


CCFC Finance Director
I doubt that was their first offer SBT - apparently they have all been talking for months so it is reasonable to assume that they must have had something to talk about. It was reported in the CT via the council that a 50% reduction offer was made previously for example.

Certainly is their last offer though. After which ACL said enough is enough.

Scare tactics only work if they are believable ........ think the financial case for moving away has been disproven (quite easily)


New Member
Sisu are applying the pressure on ACL and I would not be surprised if they had had dialogue with the FA already about moving.
If Sisu said to the FA if we dont move then the club will be liquidated then the FA would probably sanction the move on a temporary basis until the end of the season.
Should this happen then Sisu would negotiate with ACL for a much lower rent and not paying back any rent arrears, confident that if push comes to shove ccfc could stay at Rushden
for another season. Surely the rent should be a percentage of the gate? I smell Franchise 2 - Rushden and Sky Blues umm!! :eek:


New Member
If we move we are liquidated too, moving doesn't save us, reaching an agreement or paying ACL is the only way to save us


New Member
Fair play to Sisu. They are just scaremongering ACL to offer us a better deal. It's a case of you need us more than we need you.
It will never actually come to anything. But personally I'd rather watch CCFC in Northampton than not at all!!


CCFC Finance Director
Why do people think that running away to Northampton will save us from potential action under the Statutory demand. If the club has left or CCFC stay and refuse to pay then either way ACL get no rental income. So why let that continue - wouldnt have any choice but to issue winding up proceedings if club moves out imo. Might find the FA /FL legally challenged as well for allowing a club to evade/defraud creditors by the simple ruse of playing elsewhere - huge implication if ACL successful in that action :thinking about:


CCFC Finance Director
Fair play to Sisu. They are just scaremongering ACL to offer us a better deal. It's a case of you need us more than we need you.
It will never actually come to anything. But personally I'd rather watch CCFC in Northampton than not at all!!

Agree with that sentiment but personally i think that if they went there then that it is just a step to not at all

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