So what will be the price paid by the multi millionaire Blairs ?
Saw C4 documentary "Blair Rich Project" Monday, Blair’s property portfolio is worth estimated worth £25M, later they show a clip of Blair claiming to an audience he isn't worth even £10M.
Like it's 1999?He and the lovely Cherie (they come as a pair) were in office for two reasons. Money and his ego.
I couldn't watch that programme the other night as it'd just wind me up more as I hate them both with a passion.
People were celebrating when Margaret Thatcher died. Well, I can promise you that I'll be taking a week off when these leaches die and I will party like never before.
a rich onewhat sort of sociopath do you have to be to be able to live with yourself with so much blood on your hands?
So was the upshot that TB is to blame for all of this???
when plans go wrong eh??Pretty much so. The report appears to say that he 'pushed' for war and forced the cabinet into the decision and it looks like he dressed up evidence to suit his agenda of becoming worlds number 1 good guy. How wrong he was.
Line on the left, one cross eachCrucifixion's too good for him
maybe he has no intention of resigning as he was elected by a massive majority of the party membership. Maybe he couldn't give a fuck what the PLP think!Corbyn is currently tearing Blair a new arsehole in PMQT!
Some think he's delayed resigning until after having chance to denounce Blair in parliament.
If anyone has a few hours I would recommend 'The Power of Nightmares'. It explains a lot of what was going on.
There's three parts. This is the first part.
I've still have to watch Bitter Lake but part 3 is interesting and been waiting for Chilcot to see how much is accurate.