Christmas coming early apparently? / Dale Evans... (8 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
Egg on my face. I take it all back.

The proof is here and is as clear as day. Thanks Nick.

We all need to apologize to Mr. Evans.


Egg on my face. I take it all back.

The proof is here and is as clear as day. Thanks Nick.

We all need to apologize to Mr. Evans.

Especially you, all those threats and the vile abuse to him and his family.

If we take the piss, is it going to work like the time I was hammering Jordan Clarke then he scored just after?


Well-Known Member
Especially you, all those threats and the vile abuse to him and his family.

If we take the piss, is it going to work like the time I was hammering Jordan Clarke then he scored just after?

and you talk about me and jones/davies....

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
"Court is in session.

Your first charge - being mean about Dale on the internet.


Thats how it's going to go down. twelvty billion hours community service followed by being hung drawn and quartered.


Well-Known Member
This was his reply after me and a few others told him the evidence we have against him.

" I'm sorry you feel this way but your threats to me are nothing new that I've not already had.
Everything that is directed at myself that could have any impact to our consortium and Gary Hoffman in particular is taken seriously and our legal team is informed and provided with the relevant evidence to further any potential discrimination case against an individual or as a whole collective.
At this time I cannot respond to your previous statement to neither confirm or deny any allegations with reference to your personal threat towards myself but our legal team will endeavor to investigate further to your allegations upon valid receipt of admissible evidence.""

I love how he said threats against him, they're not threats, they're his own doing where he's been caught out. :)

Borrowing from skyblueduff - this really does warrant a second view. DE actually emailed the following to sbd:

" I'm sorry you feel this way but your threats to me are nothing new that I've not already had.
Everything that is directed at myself that could have any impact to our consortium and Gary Hoffman in particular is taken seriously and our legal team is informed and provided with the relevant evidence to further any potential discrimination case against an individual or as a whole collective.
At this time I cannot respond to your previous statement to neither confirm or deny any allegations with reference to your personal threat towards myself but our legal team will endeavor to investigate further to your allegations upon valid receipt of admissible evidence.""

Put aside the totally ridiculous implied threat of legal action and spurious accusations of "threats" (real name - someone pointing out inconsistencies that are a provable matter of public record) - this reads like it has been written by a 9 year old.

Rambling, incoherent, badly/barely punctuated. If my 10 year old niece brought that home for me to look at, I'd have a stern word to tell her to start again, this time switching off the TV cartoons and paying attention to what she was doing.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Borrowing from skyblueduff - this really does warrant a second view. DE actually emailed the following to sbd:

" I'm sorry you feel this way but your threats to me are nothing new that I've not already had.
Everything that is directed at myself that could have any impact to our consortium and Gary Hoffman in particular is taken seriously and our legal team is informed and provided with the relevant evidence to further any potential discrimination case against an individual or as a whole collective.
At this time I cannot respond to your previous statement to neither confirm or deny any allegations with reference to your personal threat towards myself but our legal team will endeavor to investigate further to your allegations upon valid receipt of admissible evidence.""

Put aside the totally ridiculous implied threat of legal action and spurious accusations of "threats" (real name - someone pointing out inconsistencies that are a provable matter of public record) - this reads like it has been written by a 9 year old.

Rambling, incoherent, badly/barely punctuated. If my 10 year old niece brought that home for me to look at, I'd have a stern word to tell her to start again, this time switching off the TV cartoons and paying attention to what she was doing.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Especially you, all those threats and the vile abuse to him and his family.

If we take the piss, is it going to work like the time I was hammering Jordan Clarke then he scored just after?

the ancient art of forum voodoo - don't mess with that shit.


Well-Known Member
I said when this first broke that it sounded like bullshit and the guy seemed very dodgy.

A month ago when people were still buying his crap, I said politely that I thought they might want to reconsider.

If anyone is now still is buying his crap, they should be set on fire with him in Broadgate.


Well-Known Member
" I'm sorry you feel this way but your threats to me are nothing new that I've not already had.
Everything that is directed at myself that could have any impact to our consortium and Gary Hoffman in particular is taken seriously and our legal team is informed and provided with the relevant evidence to further any potential discrimination case against an individual or as a whole collective.
At this time I cannot respond to your previous statement to neither confirm or deny any allegations with reference to your personal threat towards myself but our legal team will endeavor to investigate further to your allegations upon valid receipt of admissible evidence.""

I know as a fully paid-up member of the Grammar Police it's not a popular profession. However the incorrect use of the reflexive 'myself' (twice!) in this text does my head in. I get that many people don't understand how to use apostrophes with words ending in an 's' or how to decline the verb 'to be' - but that's just a lack of education and I can shrug it off. What gets my goat is people using the words 'myself' and 'yourself' incorrectly because they think it sounds 'posh'. It isn't posh, Dale - it just makes me think you are both pretentious and uneducated.


Well-Known Member
What gets my goat is people using the words 'myself' and 'yourself' incorrectly because they think it sounds 'posh'. It isn't posh, Dale - it just makes me think you are both pretentious and uneducated.

I agree 100% but that's the least of his problems.....what a wally.


Well-Known Member
I know as a fully paid-up member of the Grammar Police it's not a popular profession. However the incorrect use of the reflexive 'myself' (twice!) in this text does my head in. I get that many people don't understand how to use apostrophes with words ending in an 's' or how to decline the verb 'to be' - but that's just a lack of education and I can shrug it off. What gets my goat is people using the words 'myself' and 'yourself' incorrectly because they think it sounds 'posh'. It isn't posh, Dale - it just makes me think you are both pretentious and uneducated.

I thought the same about the 'myself'. You often see it in formal letters written by idiots.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Borrowing from skyblueduff - this really does warrant a second view. DE actually emailed the following to sbd:

" I'm sorry you feel this way but your threats to me are nothing new that I've not already had.
Everything that is directed at myself that could have any impact to our consortium and Gary Hoffman in particular is taken seriously and our legal team is informed and provided with the relevant evidence to further any potential discrimination case against an individual or as a whole collective.
At this time I cannot respond to your previous statement to neither confirm or deny any allegations with reference to your personal threat towards myself but our legal team will endeavor to investigate further to your allegations upon valid receipt of admissible evidence.""

Put aside the totally ridiculous implied threat of legal action and spurious accusations of "threats" (real name - someone pointing out inconsistencies that are a provable matter of public record) - this reads like it has been written by a 9 year old.

Rambling, incoherent, badly/barely punctuated. If my 10 year old niece brought that home for me to look at, I'd have a stern word to tell her to start again, this time switching off the TV cartoons and paying attention to what she was doing.

I suspect the original has been through Google translate.


Well-Known Member
Yet if true, he still didn't listen to the advice Hoffman gave to keep his trap shut.

If something IS happening on Friday, then please just let it happen ON Friday and don't say anything now, because if it IS happening on Friday, it's only Tuesday at the moment and that means it is three days BEFORE the thing that is happening actually happens and therefore the thing on Friday may not actually happen at all as a result.
It's Friday eve, eve, eve

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
I know as a fully paid-up member of the Grammar Police it's not a popular profession. However the incorrect use of the reflexive 'myself' (twice!) in this text does my head in. I get that many people don't understand how to use apostrophes with words ending in an 's' or how to decline the verb 'to be' - but that's just a lack of education and I can shrug it off. What gets my goat is people using the words 'myself' and 'yourself' incorrectly because they think it sounds 'posh'. It isn't posh, Dale - it just makes me think you are both pretentious and uneducated.
Absolutely spot on . I'm a bit of an old bugger who was taught such simple things at school like "Timmy and I" not "Timmy and me", nor "me and Timmy." However, I'd rather any of those than "Timmy and myself.
As for apostrophes, kids are putting them after anything ending in "s" simply because they are being taught how to use it before they are ready, and when they are too young. They can't even use full stops and capitals and yet it's time to move on to apostrophes. Nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Nutter update... Dale says on Facebook: "I've sent an official offer through my solicitors today, an offer in the region that they asked for."

Hope he didn't fax it, use non-letterhead paper or indeed draw his letter with wax crayons.


Well-Known Member
Nutter update... Dale says on Facebook: "I've sent an official offer through my solicitors today, an offer in the region that they asked for."

Hope he didn't fax it, use non-letterhead paper or indeed draw his letter with wax crayons.
Which region was that? Northern Hemisphere? Europe?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Nutter update... Dale says on Facebook: "I've sent an official offer through my solicitors today, an offer in the region that they asked for."

Hope he didn't fax it, use non-letterhead paper or indeed draw his letter with wax crayons.
He's sent an official letter? That doesn't make sense. He's supposedly part of a consortium. Why on earth would he be making the offer?



Well-Known Member
No mention of why he'd imply a few days ago that a deal was due to be announced if he now says an offer was only made today..... Unless he is an attention whore


Well-Known Member
No mention of why he'd imply a few days ago that a deal was due to be announced if he now says an offer was only made today..... Unless he is an attention whore
Err.... do I have to answer that one?

So biggest news in CCFC history ......oh, hang on, I'd better put the offer in first hadn't I.

Hoffman needs to shut him down and shut him down now!!!


Well-Known Member
Which region was that? Northern Hemisphere? Europe?

Strictly speaking this is Facebook and thus in the cloud, not any continent. But i think all this is in his imagination. Proper Walter Mitty stuff....


Well-Known Member
Nutter update... Dale says on Facebook: "I've sent an official offer through my solicitors today, an offer in the region that they asked for."
This is like when he was first on CWR saying everything was agreed and SISU had accepted his offer only for it to turn out he'd had an email forwarded and that was it.

Once again obvious holes in his story. He's supposed to be part of Hoffs consortium so why would he be putting in an offer through his own solicitor. Yesterday it was a done deal and ready to announce before Xmas and now its he's made an offer.

Its sad really. He must have some sort of mental issue. This is way past Dhinsa style attention seeking or someone mouthing off and getting a bit carried away. Its a fantasy that he's maintained over months constantly changing his story and having a go at anyone who points out the inconsistencies.

I'd love to know what evidence he gave to Hoff to make him believe he had the money.


Well-Known Member
Err.... do I have to answer that one?

So biggest news in CCFC history ......oh, hang on, I'd better put the offer in first hadn't I.

Hoffman needs to shut him down and shut him down now!!!

It's like watching a really simplistic and stupid film like Tango and Cash, you leave wondering whether adults worked on it any any point at all....
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