Promotion creditionals or not. Nearly everyone seemed to agree by the end of our season that the players that were list in the summer were not adequately replaced. Well now you can add another 5 to that. Hence anyone suggesting we could do anything this season without signing at least 8 replacements for the exiting players over the summer. That person either is on cloud cuckoo land. Or they dislike Andy Thorne that much. They know you won't achieve success without the signings, but by saying you can will set AT up for a fall.
IMO give the man the replacements for the lost players then judge him. Do the same as last summer. Assets strip and don't replace, we will never know for sure if Thorn is a good manger or not.
If the 3 missing signings from last season happen plus every player that leaves this summer is replaced with a player nearly as good. If cov then do nit perform. I think the blame will lie with thorn. That's the shades if grey dominant factor blame.
I would struggle to fault sisu if they do that