City Supporter Hits Back At Boothroyd's Jibe (1 Viewer)

Coventry La La La

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Ann Lucas hits back at City manager
Coventry City Councillor and long standing City supporter Ann Lucas has hit back at comments made by City boss Aidy Boothroyd during Thursday's Press Conference that she had sneaked back into the Ricoh Arena in disguise.

Boothroyd, (and others on the club's payroll, it has to be said) is seen by some as being completely clueless when it comes to the good work being done by City supporters to pay the manager's wages and help the club, is being reported by the CT as saying about Marlon King who was the reason that Cllr Lucas was not going to matches: "I dont' think there was ever any doubt from the fans about him. They have been right behind him from day one.

"There was one lady, a local councillor who I think wasn't and I believe she has been seen trying to sneak back in disguise after saying she would never come again but that's fine.

"At the time, she got a little bit of publicity. I don't know whether it has worked for her in terms of getting votes - I hope it has - but the bottom line is he wants to play football and I am a football manager and I have to make decisions like that.

"Sometimes you have been very single-minded in what you do. I will always ask people opinions because I think that is important, but at the end of the day, you have to take risks if you want to be successful."

Ann Lucas hit back, saying to the CT: "It will be a long time before I go to the Ricoh again. "How dare he? After votes? He's obviously a stranger to Coventry.

"I'm well known here and people know that I will stand up for my principles. "It's not political It's moral and it's something I feel very strongly about. "King's got two goals, one that hit him and went in and a penalty that Gary McSheffrey won and he took just to get his name on the scoresheet.

"I might not go any more but I still know my football. "I would have more respect for the man if he held his hands up, said he had done it and apologised to the young lady he has disfigured.

"I think it is appalling. I do a lot of work with domestic violence victims and some things I cannot take. This is one of them.



What a silly woman.

Like you say if she wasnt after publicity and a reaction then why go to the Press at every given chance?

She is so much of a City fan she thinks King has got 2 goals? Obviously knows her football.


New Member
if she was such a fan she wouldn't let one player stop her from going to support the other 10 lads out there
fair play aidy


New Member
So ... is she saying ....

That Marlon King, and I presume anyone else convicted of a similar crime, should never be employed by anyone for the remainder of their lives? ...... Who's gonna foot the benefits bill?


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Don't u wish some times u could turn urself into a 50 yr old women, go up to Anal lucas and slap that silly bitch for being the only negative vibe in this otherwise positive period!


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He scores goals Marlon, he scores goals. Ohhh Marlon he scores goals.

Obviously we all know what he did (or if he did) is wrong but who is she to say that he is guilty? We are all football fans at the end of the day and not enforcers of the law or justice system. I love AB for saying she has been seen sneaking into the Ricoh in disguise, Ann Lucas you need to get a sense of humour! I love being a City fan now more then ever and Marlon is part of that now, he works for the team and it's there for everyone to see his touch is a class above this level - so Ann sorry but you don't know football as well as you think you do and any football fan knows you can't comment on a players footballing ability unless you have seen him play a few times, so unless you have actually been to the Ricoh in disguise then hush and go and play for votes somewhere else!

Aidy Boothroyd's Sky Blue Army!


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He comes across as a nice bloke the few times I've spoken to him after games, and like you all say, if she wasn't after publicity she wouldn't have gone to the press in the first place! I don't have a problem being female and supporting Marlon King, he's served his sentence that was handed to him within the guidelines of British law, so who are we to moan?


Facebook User
Don't u wish some times u could turn urself into a 50 yr old women, go up to Anal lucas and slap that silly bitch for being the only negative vibe in this otherwise positive period!

WE could get Marlon to do it??



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I have to say King probably isn't the sort of bloke I'd have as a mate but as Kay said, whenever he talks at the moment he comes across as a nice guy. I just hope he doesn't get into any more trouble while he's at our club.


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A friend of mine, who had a pretty hard life wen he was younger, foster homes and such, did a lot of bad shit. Nowadays he's a great bloke and wen I think of the way he was its pretty remarkable. No one knows Wat demons king has in his cupboard and all we can say now is he's trying to be better!


well known in Coventry ... never heard of her before!!

King's only scored 1 goal but his performances are good ... at Reading he looked best player on the pitch and you can tell hes had premiership experience .... Marlon King is a great signing by Aidy.


New Member
Makes me smile, in my line of work I know alot of people who are in similar situations. They work in pubs, supermarkets and for councils. Will she be getting a list of these people and boycotting their bread and milk supplies too? Should we boycott the council on the history of a roadsweeper/ binman/ tax collector......


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If it had been a one off for King, I could accept all this talk about paid his debt - but it wasn't a first offense, he has history, and he obviously has issues.

Football is not just any job - nobody walks about with my name on their back, or chants my name.


New Member
It's his career, he doesn't ask people to wear his name, they choose to. The issue isn't a Marlon King or Cov City one, it's a football one. The governing bodies should male guidelines for this sort of thing. Players have killed people and come back!!!

If FIFA, UEFA and the FA set rules in stone then each individual case can be dealt with inside strict rules, like NFL, Aussie rugby etc.

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