The Mirror usually get stories regarding City because the Telegraph is part of the Trinity Mirror Group so they use us for the local news. ANything that is in the Mirror usually hits the CET website within 24 hours.
Missing paymnets is one reason another are things like accounts not filed at companies house and ours are currently ywo weeks overdue. I'm sur ethey would have these signed off and diarised, or you would hope nothing more than a simple admin oversight - especially as they relate to the last financial year and not this one when things were not as 'sticky' as they are now.
An embargo at the moment outside the windows is meaningless as nobody can transfer players, but what it does mean as I understand it, is that we also can't offer any new contracts. So for those who thought there was a slim possibility that Marlon or Westy would resign, then if true means that spark has been extibguished.
Certainly worrying times and would explain the goings on with RR, the board and the information flow that is even slower than normal, not to mention the dealinhs in allowing plaers to leave, loaning out/selling CT and not even bringing in an emergency keeper.