Club or country (2 Viewers)


New Member
I'm a part of Britain as much as I'm a part of Europe. I'm from England, I support England.

Coventry City has the majority of my heart and I have to say, I think I would probably enjoy club success more than international success and would pick promotion over Euros any day of the week. City need promotion more than Engand need a trophy.

I've always financially got behind City more, only been to one England match. During that match, I heard one solitary song about the IRA that was inappropriate sang by about 20 pissed up lads. Not once did I hear songs about the war etc.

Scotland can keep Colin Hendrie and bitterness, I'll keep my over expectation, thank you very much.


Well-Known Member
The media frenzy that would follow any England major triumph, the retail tat that would be on sale EVERYWHERE for literally years to come, and the 100s of thousands of people who have never been to a game suddenly claiming to be massive football fans.................probably the biggest reason why England winning anything leaves me feeling less than ecstatic.


Well-Known Member
haha have to say that made me smile :) It just screams "Im Scottish!!" Im yet to speak to a Scotland fan who doesnt sound massively jealous of the England team.

Nobody i know expect us to win anything, but we do expect to qualify, which if youre honest isnt an unfair expectation. And we do have a rivalry with Germany, and it works both ways. My phone hasnt stopped beeping whilst england and germany games are one because i have a number of German friends, its all football related and the war is never mentioned once. The "goal" that stood when it shounldnt, Lampards goal that didnt stand when it should, 5-1, 4-1...all adds to the friendly rivalry. I also went to the 2006 world cup and had some great banter with the German fans.

Britian? Union Jack? Who cares about that! England and St Geroge is all i care about for the next week (or possibly day). Youll never see my wave a Union Jack!

1966....1987...whats the difference? Its a one time sucess that were entitled to look back on fondly. Chin up fella theres a good chance well be out of the competition tomorrow so you can put your St Geroge flag and lighter away for another 2 years.

Every single word he said.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
66 is definitely a media thing, yes. I was reffering to the fact that for decades England fans flew the Union Jack instead of the St George's cross. The war is always mentioned, England fans have about half a dozen songs about it. But there is a general arrogance that it's your game and you are Britain with most English people. Maybe ignorance is a better word for it as most of it isn't vindictive just general, well, ignorance. Believe me I can take a bit of banter, as you have to, supporting Coventry and Scotland. Maybe I just pick up on the things you don't because I have more of an outside perspective on things.

Having lived in Scotland for 3 years (with another to follow), the number of times I've been labelled a 66 obsessed England fan doesn't bear thinking. Your tabloids bleat incessant Anglophobic nonsense that is at best exaggerative and at worst slanderous. Scots have an outdated view of the way English people think of themselves and constantly stereotype us as arrogant folk clinging to the WC 46 years ago. I couldn't stress enough how big a chip you as a nation have on your shoulders. Get over it.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
The thing that most Scottish and Welsh fans hate about England is the unbelievable arrogance. For instance you invented football, yes the FA was the first to be founded and the first to decided the rules but football was played all over Britain for centuries and the way it's played today i.e you can pass forwards, 4-4-2 formation instead of 2 defenders and eight up front was originally pioneered by teams like Queen of the South, Queens Park, Aberdeen etc. Also you all seem to believe that Britain = England, hence flying the Union Jack at England games, advertisments and television reminding people to support England throughtout the whole of the U.K, singing the "RAF from England" constantly going on about the Second World War as if you won it single handed, by the way it always makes me laugh that England fans think they have a massive rivalry with Germany. 1966 is ALWAYS fucking mentioned and, although attitudes have changed at this Euro's you always think you're a massive footballing power who deserves to win it.

Yes Scotland are piss poor but at least we know we are.

Do you not think this obsessive hatred of England holds you back as a nation? Scotland, Wales, and (to a lesser extent) Ireland build up their national identity on hating the folk east or south of the border; and where does it get you? Wales haven't qualified for any tournament since the '70s, Scotland haven't qualified since 1998, and prospects for 2014 don't look fantastic either. Before you point to the old favourite 'Yes but we're a small nation, so we don't expect to do as well as the bigger countries', look at the likes of Uruguay-dwarfed by their neighbours in size but sitting proudly above them all in the rankings. It's not a valid excuse. I've had some great banter and debates with Scotland fans over the years, and I respect them a lot for it-perhaps because they recognise that England is not the source of all things wrong with your own game. You get the feeling with some others though that they'd rather England lose than their own team win...


New Member
I would say I'm jealous of any team that qualified for Euro 2012, but I'm no more jealous of England than I am Russia or Ireland. As for Scotland's hatred of England holding us back, does England's hatred ofGermany hold them back? You accuse me of stereotyping England fans with out-dated views, yet my views come from living in England in 2012, and you bring out the "bitter", "jealous" Scot stereotype

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I would say I'm jealous of any team that qualified for Euro 2012, but I'm no more jealous of England than I am Russia or Ireland. As for Scotland's hatred of England holding us back, does England's hatred ofGermany hold them back? You accuse me of stereotyping England fans with out-dated views, yet my views come from living in England in 2012, and you bring out the "bitter", "jealous" Scot stereotype

Strangely enough, I actually agree with you on one point-but then again, Germany is to England what England is to Scotland; a team you see as a bigger rival than they see you. I've lived in Scotland long enough, had enough insults from pissed Scots in the pub, and seen enough crap written in your newspapers to know that on the whole, you have a mighty great chip on your shoulder.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Agree with pretty much all that.

Don't consider myself Britisih, I'm English. And I'm sure if you asked any Scot what they are they would say Scottish ahead of British every time too.

This will upset the "Andy Murray-Wimbledon Champion" fans then!! :D


New Member
at least your not worried about covs terrible pre season,as long as england are doing well!

poor fans.

think its more a case of a welcome distraction for most people. But honestly for me, at the moment im more interested in tonights results than anything else! If that makes me a poor city fan the so be it. We all have our preferences.


Well-Known Member
a distraction is fine,ill be willing england on tonight like veryone else

but fans that say they would rather an england win than city? fuuk them,shit fans

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