club shop a joke (6 Viewers)

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Yes, like with the stadium...... Can you explain the sudden interest in Stadiums as reported? I thought that the stadium was well on the way to being built for around 30m. Just the small problem of the site - although that will be solved shortly in ........ wait for it.................... 3 weeks. ROFL Why start looking at stadiums when you are so far advanced with P.i.t.S. Stadium?

It is advanced all they were looking at was walls,stands,roofs,offices,seats,toilets you know that sort of thing everything is sorted.


Well-Known Member
Yes, like with the stadium...... Can you explain the sudden interest in Stadiums as reported? I thought that the stadium was well on the way to being built for around 30m. Just the small problem of the site - although that will be solved shortly in ........ wait for it.................... 3 weeks. ROFL Why start looking at stadiums when you are so far advanced with P.i.t.S. Stadium?

Remind me, what does that stand for again? I've forgotten. Is it "Put In The Sticks"? "Poor Infrastructure, Tiny Space"? "Parking Is Thankfully Spacious"?

EDIT: "Proof In Three Seven-day-periods"?


Well-Known Member
You read all this and want to weep again......................Just fuck off SISU and let someone else who may have a slight incline as to how to run the club come in, I think I'd rather we were owned by Wasps than these utter clowns !


Well-Known Member
spoilt for choice..... I take it äs The Pie in the Sky Stadium....

I genuinely don't know! "Please Insult The Supporters"?


Well-Known Member
And yet here they are... Running one.

Not what they planned though. They'd have been out of here in 3-5 years at the very most with a nice profit if they'd carried out their supposed plan. But it went so arse over tits that they're still here.


Well-Known Member
Not what they planned though. They'd have been out of here in 3-5 years at the very
most with a nice profit if they'd carried out their supposed plan. But it went so arse over tits that they're still here.

Well obviously. Christ on a zipwire.


Well-Known Member
Not what they planned though. They'd have been out of here in 3-5 years at the very most with a nice profit if they'd carried out their supposed plan. But it went so arse over tits that they're still here.
And why did it go arse over tit?.........because they didn't invest when they should have!"


Well-Known Member
Posted this on the other thread before I realised it was being discussed in here. I can't work out if that article is genuine or a piss take!

Assuming it is genuine a couple of things that may have passed them by, the Amex cost over £90m and if memory serves me correctly didn't the owner put about £20m in and fund the rest interest free? Liberty Stadium was cheaper I think and probably about the right capacity but I think you'd struggle to expand it. Hopefully one day we might start doing well and need to get more than 20K in the ground.

That article does read like they are at the very start of the project rather than getting on for 2 years into it.


Well-Known Member
I've been in and it's all cheaply made and expensively priced.
I'll continue to wear my old 10 year old stuff which still looks as good as when I bought it.

Nice if they surprise us next week and the stadium shop is full of CCFC and Wasps stuff.

Could get a few City bits and bobs when I pick up my new wasps shirt ;)

Jack Griffin

Of course that's absolute drivel. How on earth is China such a player in the global economy with lead times like that? Why wouldn't you source from home if that were the case?

Edit that's in response to RFC

Indeed, first google turns up links with 4-8 week lead time on customised shirts, and CCFC shirts have been manufactured before, it is not as if the makers would have to start from scratch.
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Well-Known Member
Indeed, first google turns up links with 4-8 week lead time on customised shirts, these are shirts which have been manufactured before, it is not as if the makers would have to start from scratch.

Container ship from India around 8 weeks max .


Well-Known Member
Thought occurs to me that in a worse case scenario we could end up with 2 relatively new stadiums in Coventry not being used. If we move out and try and finance a new ground there is a risk it could be unsustainable and be the end of the club at some point down the line, at the same time us moving out might drop Wasps in it and they abandon the Ricoh. Would need a lot of things to go wrong but who would have thought we'd be in this situation now 10 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Thought occurs to me that in a worse case scenario we could end up with 2 relatively new
stadiums in Coventry not being used. If we move out and try and finance a new ground there is a risk it could be unsustainable and be the end of the club at some point down the line, at the same time us moving out might drop Wasps in it and they abandon the Ricoh. Would need a lot of things to go wrong but who would have thought we'd be in this situation now 10 years ago.

Well I wouldn't worry too much chief, they are as likely to build a stadium as I am to become a rock star. (although I can carry a tune)

Jack Griffin

Just listening to CWR, presenter asked club marketing officer "When will you have home kits in by", his reply "That's not something I'm.. I don't have an exact date when they're due in as obviously we're due a change in home kit also".


Well-Known Member
Nick as the majority of stock comes from the Far East I'm aware that the lead-time when placing an order is between 16 & 26 weeks! (From placing an order to delivery)

Understand and very much sympathise with everyone but like most problems and situations it's not as straight forward and simple as you'd think.

Guess when we were at Sixfields plenty of stock but then we also had the break-in, not a great situation but with everything else that's happened (much of which is out of the hands of CCFC & the Club Owners), not an ideal situation but things will change.

4weeks from the east coast of India by sea. The company I work for Imports from India and I handle the bills of lading so yes, I do know what I'm talking about.

The goods we buy are made to order and technical specialised equipment and are 5 weeks ex works, 1 week by road to port, 1 week at port for customs/loading, multiple ships leaving weekly for the UK, 4 weeks by sea. Not 16-26 weeks.

We also do a simple exersize called ordering in advance.


New Member
And yet here they are... Running one.

I thought the sisu early years was the one bit of the saga that wasn't disputed ie they bought ccfc pre crash when sisu were awash with money to the extent that seppala wasn't even involved in the decision to buy; as recession deepened and sisu's money was fast disappearing, joy looked at things a bit more carefully and saw ccfc was losing money hand over fist; there's then the weird dream board phase but doesn't take her long to get rid of that shower and bring in Tim with the remit of stemming losses and identifying ways of making some money out of ccfc. We then see sisu acting as the asset stripping, court battering hedge fund it is. Personally, returning to earlier posts in this thread, the sisu as aliens theory would also explain a lot - joy can only maintain human form for a limited amount of time hence her inability to be in public for long; labovitch was certainly a poor imitation of a human being; hector is the brains of the operation, and as for RFC...


Well-Known Member
I thought the sisu early years
was the one bit of the saga that wasn't disputed ie they bought ccfc pre crash when sisu were awash with money to the extent that seppala wasn't even involved in the decision to buy; as recession deepened and sisu's money was fast disappearing, joy looked at things a bit more carefully and saw ccfc was losing money hand over fist; there's then the weird dream board phase but doesn't take her long to get rid of that shower and bring in Tim with the remit of stemming losses and identifying ways of making some money out of ccfc. We then see sisu acting as the asset stripping, court battering hedge fund it is. Personally, returning to earlier posts in this thread, the sisu as aliens theory would also explain a lot - joy can only maintain human form for a limited amount of time hence her inability to be in public for long; labovitch was certainly a poor imitation of a human being; hector is the brains of the operation, and as for RFC...

Ah right, an invasion of the body snatchers scenario? They seem incapable of immitating anything that's any good.


Well-Known Member
Nick as the majority of stock comes from the Far East I'm aware that the lead-time when placing an order is between 16 & 26 weeks! (From placing an order to delivery)

Understand and very much sympathise with everyone but like most problems and situations it's not as straight forward and simple as you'd think.

Guess when we were at Sixfields plenty of stock but then we also had the break-in, not a great situation but with everything else that's happened (much of which is out of the hands of CCFC & the Club Owners), not an ideal situation but things will change.

With everything else that has happened much of which out of the hands of our owners, means we have no stock in the shop and people wanting to buy stuff so the club can make money?
Please explain what has happened aside the break in that has not been created by our owners. I am struggling to think of anything
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Well-Known Member
but with everything else that's happened (much of which is out of the hands of CCFC & the Club Owners), not an ideal situation but things will change.

I have never seen a company where so much is "out of their hands"

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Went into the club shop today to buy lad some city training gear and a hoody as part of his Christmas only to see there is nothing in there unles your xxxl I asked and got told they won't be getting anything else in this side of Christmas. Don't these arse holes want to make any money.

XXXL eh? :thinking about: Nah! Far too small for me!


Well-Known Member
absolute embarrassing shop it has virtually nothing in it and even worse 2 people on tills and nothing to sell ...........sums up sisu


Well-Known Member
absolute embarrassing shop it has virtually nothing in it and even worse 2 people on tills and nothing to sell ...........sums up sisu

The office, club shop and team are all run so that there wouldn't be too many complications if they ran out on the club. That's why the 4 year contract for SP baffled me so much, it didn't seem to fit the rest of the plan?!


Well-Known Member
The office, club shop and team are all run so that there wouldn't be too many complications if they ran out on the club. That's why the 4 year contract for SP baffled me so much, it didn't seem to fit the rest of the plan?!

not a problem for sisu as they don't honour contracts


Well-Known Member
I really don't know what they are playing at. It is the time of year that people can be buying their kids stuff, kids who will grow up as a fans. They can sell bloody sky blue santa hats and crap like that and people will buy it, it will make them money. It will get people in the shop so they can be upsold.

They could put something on at the club shop in that massive space by the TV with a santa or something for the kids while they tell the adults about a great deal on tickets they can buy. Few mince pies and a cup of coffee or tea and get people in there.

It wouldn't have to be about a new stadium, it wouldn't have to be a Q and A just people going in there because they support the club. Have Sky Blue Sam walking around Gallagher while people are going into Argos / TK Maxx and stuff handing out a flyer to say come and have a mince pie. It is basics.

How much would it cost to have somebody dressed as Sky Blue Sam walking around the Retail Park around Christmas when it is busy? 60 quid a day max surely? Have him have his picture taken with the kids and tell them about the special offer on Sky Blue Sam teddies, lunchboxes and stuff like that. For a 4-10 year old they would be sold.

We could sit here all day handing them basic ideas like that, it makes you wonder if they do actually have a person internally who does that sort of stuff. What does that Tynan bloke actually do?? Just did a google and found these -

Makes you wonder what they actually do all day other than send out an email to everybody in their database every time we have a game on.

Nick I think you are confusing SISU with people who now how to run a football club. You know, things like engaging fans, making them feel wanted and welcome.


Well-Known Member
i was going to buy my lad a kit this year.

they are out of stock, so bought an England one instead

Tried Ebay, but none his size
Nick as the majority of stock comes from the Far East I'm aware that the lead-time when placing an order is between 16 & 26 weeks! (From placing an order to delivery)

Understand and very much sympathise with everyone but like most problems and situations it's not as straight forward and simple as you'd think.

Guess when we were at Sixfields plenty of stock but then we also had the break-in, not a great situation but with everything else that's happened (much of which is out of the hands of CCFC & the Club Owners), not an ideal situation but things will change.

Again you are talking with no knowledge. I am involved with a company and we ordered some very specialist material from China in early November, had it air freighted in and it was here last week. What saddens me is that If the imbeciles cared for the fans, the future or had one once of business sense they could have found a way around this, after all shirts are not exactly high tech and change overtimes from one product to another is virtually seamless (Just like some of the shirts that we have been sold)

But what saddens me more are the apologists who stand up for this sort of nonsense, and give praise. You really must be labo.
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