Well-Known Member
The problem as everis where's the incentive? Problem is now the 'where's the incentive' switches the other way. If the Ricoh's occupied for three years while a rival ground goes up, it stops them finding a long term future for themselves so... in those circumstances, why would you accept a deal with CCFC unless calling *their* bluff and assuming a ground will never happen?
Trying to be the optimist.....
Perhaps they could take the view that if the club comes back on a short term deal, it gives the opportunity to rebuild relationships and perhaps try things without the "hardball" tactics?
Perhaps they could take the view that if the club comes back on a short term deal, it gives ACL a bit of breathing space to put together a Plan B for the Ricoh ready to swing into action when the club downsizes to its new stadium?
I'm looking for straws to clutch at here........