I am glad they have said something even if it raises more questions than the "answers " it apparently provides.
IF the owners are providing monthly funding on what basis? Structured loans or is it pay day loans meaning they get there money back sooner than later, both ways carry high interest rates .
Also suggests to me the first people paid on any material sale is the owners to get their short term funding back if not more.
They have to make sure that the day to day costs are met don't they ? Alternative is they make losses on their investment possibly even lose it all. So don't dress it up as doing us a favour
The statement makes sound like the increased overheads have hit but surely those are budget figures for the season just like player costs. Surely they budgeted for a lot of it months ago particularly the wages costs .... it hasn't suddenly happened. They call it business management.
Clear that hyams sale didn't have a lot to do with pitch costs. They were in a hole long before now and gambled on there being a sale of one of the "big three" it hasn't happened. Can't help thinking the increased player contracts were done to prove higher value and they expected sales..... backfired as of now
Does sound to me like there is another player sale coming
I know it's not cash flow as not paid but if you wanted to improve profitability for sale you might waive the interest charges
Tonight's fans forum is a bit pointless after this. Allows them to deflect any sharp questions.
I fully appreciate we have sell to survive, I appreciate the model they try to use but look behind the first 11 (partly other clubs players) and just how successful is the model if there is not a lot coming through that can play this level and no ones been that interested in what we have since January 2020 to really test the clubs resolve. The model works on player sales not just for new players but for the wages the overheads
Overall thanks for the update but a whole lot of smoke and mirrors. As usual "not our fault", the usual default position from Boddy upwards
As for the new stadium update