SISU are now involved in a court case stating that CCC, unfairly, pumped £14million into ACL with the intent of sending them, SISU, out of business. So what do SISU do? They move out of ACL's stadium and to a ground 35 miles away. How does this look with 2 scenerios to the judge - (1) Stay in Northampton (thus homeless) pleading to be the victim. (2) Go back to the Ricoh, having crowds of 15,000 and looking like our relationship with ACL is now settled. - which looks more appealing to SISU's case? - If the judge judges CCC's action unfair that may mean ACL has to be sold, or the judge may offer compensation to SISU thereby helping finance the building of their new stadium. If, on the other hand, the judge deems CCC's action fair then SISU can either negotiate with ACL to return or go ahead with the new stadium.