Comment A Go-Go: (13 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Otis has alluded that something must have changed recently as Robins is an honest geezer, etc etc. Maybe he wasn't being backed he said, maybe promises were broken he said.

Now this is a quote from Robins on Thursday

"I am more than happy as manager of Coventry City.”

With tongue firmly in cheek, he joked: “If Manchester United came calling... but they have a manager,” adding, “I have been here for five months, so we’re getting dangerously close to the 11th-month average for Coventry managers.

“But, in all seriousness, I had a meeting with some of the board on Wednesday and spoke to the owner about other things planning for the future, so that should tell you a story."

Yesterday, the day Robins suddenly didn't seem quite so happy at Coventry City we signed a player on loan to cover for the injured Adams. He stated on Thursday he'd already had a meeting with the board the day before so despite Otis' insistence that it was the board that gone and done it, that doesn't seem to add up for me.

Since Robins was made manager he has signed:

Jamie Reckford, Franck Moussa, Conor Henderson (all on the same day), James Bailey, Blair Adams, Leon Clarke, Danny Philliskirk and yesterday Carl Dickinson. Four of those signed permanently. He has also gotten rid of players fans didn't like such as O'Donovan and Hussey. Not backed?

If all this had blown up at the end of January then fair enough you could say he wanted someone but he couldn't get him. However, he said was apparently as happy as Larry less than a week ago. What has happened since then? All I can think of is the defeats against Crewe and YT. Is it simply that Robins doesn't like losing? Does he not have faith in himself or the players that he can turn round this mini-losing streak?

I just can't see how the board can be held responsible. They've backed him with signings - loans and permanents - they praised him to high heaven in the press. They rejected HTFCs original approach and only caved in once MR said he wanted to talk to them.

Will Robins do this throughout his career? There are many quitters in football who can't seem to hack it, maybe he's just one of them? Who knows? And, probably after today, who cares?

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Well-Known Member
Normally agree with you Torch but I don't buy the notion that he doesn't like losing and that might be the reason he's off. I suspect its financial and the board can't be blamed for that as they offered Robins a contract knowing that we're not in a position to pay what a host of other clubs can. He agreed to that amount of money and put pen to paper. The one thing they might be guilty of is not putting in a stringent enough release clause.



Well-Known Member
I'm sure you're right, WM. Just thinking aloud really. Obviously not the Board as he met them the day before. And he stated he was "happy" after that.

Like I say, after today it won't matter anyway.

Normally agree with you Torch but I don't buy the notion that he doesn't like losing and that might be the reason he's off. I suspect its financial and the board can't be blamed for that as they offered Robins a contract knowing that we're not in a position to pay what a host of other clubs can. He agreed to that amount of money and put pen to paper. The one thing they might be guilty of is not putting in a stringent enough release clause.



Well-Known Member
Torch if he is told in the summer he can't sign anyone else.

Then after 15 games were are not in or around the play offs what would our board do.

They would show MR no loyalty.

He is potentially going to a club where the owner of the club is a fan of the club so will do everything in his power to make them successful.

He will be dealing with one bloke directly.

Not various different levels of management hierarchy.

His current bosses are reneging on a legally binding contract. They were doing this to try and force another business into administration.

MR is not thick he has made a wise call


Well-Known Member
Dongo, I think you live in a parallel fairy nether world of marshmallow clouds and chocolate streams.

YOu don't know they wouldn't show him any loyalty. You don't know that can't sign anyone in the summer. You don't know that MR wouldn't have been successful here. You don't know he will be dealing with one bloke directly. You don't know how the internal structure of CCFC works and who he speaks to on a daily basis.


New Member
I'd go along with yr comments Torchy. The club have made statements. They've been quite open. Initially rebuffed Huddersfield, and talked again with Robins. But he wanted to go. And yes he's had player support - for the level we're at - nobody can question that. They've even taken the sensible compensation clause option.
Nigel Adkins in and we'd be happy again - instead of grumpy.


Well-Known Member
Torch if he is told in the summer he can't sign anyone else.

Then after 15 games were are not in or around the play offs what would our board do.

They would show MR no loyalty.

That's a risk faced by 99% of managers everywhere. Let's not forget he's in talks with Huddersfield who got rid of Lee Clark while they were very much set for promotion, which is way more trigger-happy than we've been in recent times.


Well-Known Member
Also when SISU took over this club.
Then knew all that had gone on in the past.

Despite this they promised to deliver premiership football and ownership of the Ricoh.

We are now further away from the premiership than we were when they took over.

We are also further away from owning the stadium as they are now untrusted by the key stakeholders.

We are in league one due to the key decision they made last January.

We are untrusted by the Higgs charity and the Council as they tried to force ACL out of business.

These were decisions made by SISU directly last season.

SISU are solely responsible for their actions under their tenure.

You can't keep excusing them by making reference to shocking decisions from the past.

They knew all that assessed the business model and said stadium ownership and premiership in three years.


Well-Known Member
That's a risk faced by 99% of managers everywhere. Let's not forget he's in talks with Huddersfield who got rid of Lee Clark while they were very much set for promotion, which is way more trigger-happy than we've been in recent times.

Exactly so if owners will rip up contracts willy nilly.
Why are managers not expected to behave in the same way when it suits them.

You are better getting sacked in the championship than league one.


Well-Known Member
Dongo, I think you live in a parallel fairy nether world of marshmallow clouds and chocolate streams.

YOu don't know they wouldn't show him any loyalty. You don't know that can't sign anyone in the summer. You don't know that MR wouldn't have been successful here. You don't know he will be dealing with one bloke directly. You don't know how the internal structure of CCFC works and who he speaks to on a daily basis.

Mark Robins does not speak to Joy unless it is crisis time.

He and no one other than Joy gets to speak to the real owners.

Loyalty 12 managers 11 years?

I would hedge my bets if he was not in or around the play offs next season.

Whatever SISU did in the summer.

If they put us into a transfer embargo whatever.

He would be the fall guy


New Member
I'm sure you're right, WM. Just thinking aloud really. Obviously not the Board as he met them the day before. And he stated he was "happy" after that.

Like I say, after today it won't matter anyway.

Just maybe, he went away and thought about it and changed his mind !? Maybe he just thought fuck me, this club is up shit creek, debts are growing, court cases are coming to a head, its 120 miles from home anyway, I lost my best player in January and his replacement is causing some cause for concern..................and anyone who doesn't think that third parties cannot tap up clubs, managers, players etc on behalf of people is living in cloud cuckoo land. Its all conjecture of course but our situation utterly stinks !


Well-Known Member
Oh, I see. So although he said he was happy, he really wasn't? Or maybe he was happyish, but not as happy as he said he was to the press and the supporters of Coventry City?

Yep, you're right, I've changed my mind. It is SISUs fault, after all.

Just maybe, he went away and thought about it and changed his mind !? Maybe he just thought fuck me, this club is up shit creek, debts are growing, court cases are coming to a head, its 120 miles from home anyway, I lost my best player in January and his replacement is causing some cause for concern..................and anyone who doesn't think that third parties cannot tap up clubs, managers, players etc on behalf of people is living in cloud cuckoo land. Its all conjecture of course but our situation utterly stinks !


New Member
Statements such as 'I'm happy at [insert club name]' etc really need to be taken with a huge vat of salt.

In your job, if you knew a different company were interested in headhunting you, but nothing was guaranteed and someone asked you, in public and knowing your boss would hear what you said, whether you wanted to leave etc, who in their right mind would say 'Oh yeah, I'm not happy here and really like the look of that other place"?

Peter Odemwingie that's who...and look what happened there.


Well-Known Member
Again it's all conjecture and fiction. You don't know when he speaks to Joy S.

You don't know what would happen if we hadn't have reached the play offs or what the budget would be in the summer. YOU. DON'T. KNOW.

As for the old chesnut, 12 managers in 11 years stuff, they weren't here for five of those, don't forget. We won't let that get in the way though, eh?

Mark Robins does not speak to Joy unless it is crisis time.

He and no one other than Joy gets to speak to the real owners.

Loyalty 12 managers 11 years?

I would hedge my bets if he was not in or around the play offs next season.

Whatever SISU did in the summer.

If they put us into a transfer embargo whatever.

He would be the fall guy


New Member
I've never said everything is SISU's fault but I find it difficult also to not pass comment whilst others seem to shoot down anyone who points out that their tenure in CV6 has been nothing short of a disaster and that the club is in a worse state arguably then when they arrived. One disappointment has led to another or maybe I should have said one appointment has led to another. They're all we've got I know.............but they're still shit !!


Well-Known Member
I think it's simple. I think it is a case of black and white. Robins wants out because he'll get more money, a bigger budget and he'll be closer to home. Fair enough.


Well-Known Member
I think it's simple. I think it is a case of black and white. Robins wants out because he'll get more money, a bigger budget and he'll be closer to home. Fair enough.

I agree, with the above

If Huddersfield thought Coventry were not in financial disarray do you think they still would have felt confident about going after our manager.
Considering we are on the edge of the play offs and can and have attracted a 30k crowd?


Well-Known Member
Also when SISU took over this club.
Then knew all that had gone on in the past.

Despite this they promised to deliver premiership football and ownership of the Ricoh.

We are now further away from the premiership than we were when they took over.

We are also further away from owning the stadium as they are now untrusted by the key stakeholders.

We are in league one due to the key decision they made last January.

We are untrusted by the Higgs charity and the Council as they tried to force ACL out of business.

These were decisions made by SISU directly last season.

SISU are solely responsible for their actions under their tenure.

You can't keep excusing them by making reference to shocking decisions from the past.

They knew all that assessed the business model and said stadium ownership and premiership in three years.

It beggars belief that there are STILL those that blame everyone except those in charge.
Are they for real?


Well-Known Member
You're still trying desperatly to bring in the "financial disarray", etc Players and managers leave clubs all the time whether the clubs are in trouble or not. Almost without exception they go for one thing. Money.

Robins knew the score when he became manager, it's not like it was a big secret and all of us knew apart from him, is it?

To be honest, I'm past caring now. He's going/gone so let's move on.

I agree, with the above

If Huddersfield thought Coventry were not in financial disarray do you think they still would have felt confident about going after our manager.
Considering we are on the edge of the play offs and can and have attracted a 30k crowd?


Well-Known Member
Lets face it Robins knew what type of club he was walking into from day one, a club that he would have to sell players before he could bring new ones in. He wasnt promised millions to spend but they did allow him to shape the squad with any available resources they had. Could they afford more, we will never know.

This is the first time that we have lost a manager to another club in so many years (way before my time anyway) and it hurts. Fans understandably look for someone to blame but my view that isnt SISU on this occasion. They have been guilty of various things during their tenure but they could not have stopped MR leaving the Ricoh. Why he left, we will have to wait and see. I doubt he will say its money (but obviously it will bea major factor), managing a championship club or inspired by the gaffers vision etc etc blah blah.


Well-Known Member
I agree, with the above

If Huddersfield thought Coventry were not in financial disarray do you think they still would have felt confident about going after our manager.
Considering we are on the edge of the play offs and can and have attracted a 30k crowd?

Yes I do.

We aren't on the verge of a play off place, they are in the league above.

The 30k crowd is a complete red herring - it was a semi final £5 per ticket, 11,200 turned up to the next league home match.


Well-Known Member
You're still trying desperatly to bring in the "financial disarray", etc Players and managers leave clubs all the time whether the clubs are in trouble or not. Almost without exception they go for one thing. Money.

Robins knew the score when he became manager, it's not like it was a big secret and all of us knew apart from him, is it?

To be honest, I'm past caring now. He's going/gone so let's move on.

As I say I agree with all of the above robins increasing his wages would be a massive factor for him. Don't blame him.

However you did not answer my direct question.

Do you think if we are not seen across the football world as a club in financial meltdown. Would Huddersfield have bothered to approach Mark Robins.


CCFC Finance Director
Doubt we will ever really know what went on and what caused MR to walk away torch .............. probably a mixture of all the theories being put forward, but it suits no one actually involved to come clean

CCFC ...... more mysteries than the Cathedral !


Well-Known Member
Hudderfield wanted Robins because they have seen the superb job he has done with us, reputation and no more in my opinion.


New Member
I agree with Dong and the utterly depressing thing is this situation looks like its never ending..........making us an easy target for clubs to come and cherry pick what they want, when they want.


New Member
As I say I agree with all of the above robins increasing his wages would be a massive factor for him. Don't blame him.

However you did not answer my direct question.

Do you think if we are not seen across the football world as a club in financial meltdown. Would Huddersfield have bothered to approach Mark Robins.

As Robins has a release clause in his contract it doesn't matter what state we are in - they trigger it he's off. Like it or not they are a step up from us, they get bigger crowds (the JPT was a one off) and have a lot of money behind them.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I do. He's a good manager and has proved that this season taking us from the relegation zone to three points from the play-offs at one point. I don't think our financial position has anything to do with it. Else, SISU wouldn't have rejected the approach in the first instance.

However you did not answer my direct question.

Do you think if we are not seen across the football world as a club in financial meltdown. Would Huddersfield have bothered to approach Mark Robins.


Well-Known Member
That has happened at Coventry City for forty years. And other lower league clubs constantly.

We were an "easy target" in the top flight too. Gillespie, Danny Thomas through to Keane.

I agree with Dong and the utterly depressing thing is this situation looks like its never ending..........making us an easy target for clubs to come and cherry pick what they want, when they want.


Well-Known Member
Otis has eluded that something must have changed recently as Robins is an honest geezer, etc etc. Maybe he wasn't being backed he said, maybe promises were broken he said.

Now this is a quote from Robins on Thursday

"I am more than happy as manager of Coventry City.”

With tongue firmly in cheek, he joked: “If Manchester United came calling... but they have a manager,” adding, “I have been here for five months, so we’re getting dangerously close to the 11th-month average for Coventry managers.

“But, in all seriousness, I had a meeting with some of the board on Wednesday and spoke to the owner about other things planning for the future, so that should tell you a story."

Yesterday, the day Robins suddenly didn't seem quite so happy at Coventry City we signed a player on loan to cover for the injured Adams. He stated on Thursday he'd already had a meeting with the board the day before so despite Otis' insistence that it was the board that gone and done it, that doesn't seem to add up for me.

Since Robins was made manager he has signed:

Jamie Reckford, Franck Moussa, Conor Henderson (all on the same day), James Bailey, Blair Adams, Leon Clarke, Danny Philliskirk and yesterday Carl Dickinson. Four of those signed permanently. He has also gotten rid of players fans didn't like such as O'Donovan and Hussey. Not backed?

If all this had blown up at the end of January then fair enough you could say he wanted someone but he couldn't get him. However, he said was apparently as happy as Larry less than a week ago. What has happened since then? All I can think of is the defeats against Crewe and YT. Is it simply that Robins doesn't like losing? Does he not have faith in himself or the players that he can turn round this mini-losing streak?

I just can't see how the board can be held responsible. They've backed him with signings - loans and permanents - they praised him to high heaven in the press. They rejected HTFCs original approach and only caved in once MR said he wanted to talk to them.

Will Robins do this throughout his career? There are many quitters in football who can't seem to hack it, maybe he's just one of them? Who knows? And, probably after today, who cares?

Torch, nowhere have I said it is the board's fault. Nowhere.

I have consistently said we do not know what happened. Everyone seems to be keen to blame Robins but we still don't know why he left.

Yep, probably because of money, but we simply do not know that. That is pure conjecture. Nowhere have I blamed the board.

I have merely said you cannot say Sisu are to blame, and you cannot say they are not to blame. We simply do not know the back story here or what went on.

We don't know. I have not said anywhere that it was the board that caused this.

I know your tongue is in your cheek for much of your post, but my standpoint is that I will wait and see what transpires before I blame anyone.

Might be all down to Robins, might be unfulfilled promises, I don't know and nor does anyone else.

I'm waiting for the dust to settle and comments from both sides before I make my judgment and I suggest everyone else does the same.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, I do. He's a good manager and has proved that this season taking us from the relegation zone to three points from the play-offs at one point. I don't think our financial position has anything to do with it. Else, SISU wouldn't have rejected the approach in the first instance.

I don't mean regarding SISU wanting the money I have no doubt even they could see keeping Robins is worth more.

I mean a club coventry size and stature who had 30k last week.

Who are just in the verge if the play offs.

Who Mark Robins only joined 5 months ago.

If you do not think that Huddersfield felt our perception as a club in financial melt down gave them impetus to approach Robins.

Then I think you either know this to be true but do not want to accept it as you inadvertently would have to criticise SISU for their handling of the rent situation. You would also have to accept that that has indirectly affected us as we have lost our manager.


It is you who are living in the fluffy clouds.

BTW Last person who told me I was on the fluffy clouds was Otis when I said this team should reach the top six by the end of the season.

Due to our owners IMO OTIS may end up having the last laugh on that one. However I think to get within 3 points shows it was a very realistic suggestion.


Well-Known Member
Coventry City reglardless of it's size and stature are in the third tier, they are in the league above us. They have a megabucks owner.

I have absolutely no problem in criticizing SISU, but feel that they are not to blame in this instance.

Robins is a good young manager. No more than that.

I don't mean regarding SISU wanting the money I have no doubt even they could see keeping Robins is worth more.

I mean a club coventry size and stature who had 30k last week.

Who are just in the verge if the play offs.

Who Mark Robins only joined 5 months ago.

If you do not think that Huddersfield felt our perception as a club in financial melt down gave them impetus to approach Robins.

Then I think you either know this to be true but do not want to accept it as you inadvertently would have to criticise SISU for their handling of the rent situation. You would also have to accept that that has indirectly affected us as we have lost our manager.


It is you who are living in the fluffy clouds.

BTW Last person who told me I was on the fluffy clouds was Otis when I said this team should reach the top six by the end of the season.

Due to our owners IMO OTIS may end up having the last laugh on that one. However I think to get within 3 points shows it was a very realistic suggestion.

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