Confirmation of why I want to get out of this place (1 Viewer)


New Member
If I ever needed a reason to get out of this hole of a city, my walk though town today provided more than enough evidence.

1. I walk past Dietchmann shoes, a fat woman with a baby in it's buggy running down the precinct towards M & S with the shop assistant in tow, catches her and the inevitable scuffle ensues (over a pair of crap wellies).

2. I walk 100 yards further and there are 2 blokes arguing outside carphone warehouse on the corner by the fountain, which escalates into one bloke grabbing the other by the throat.

3. I turn towards debenhams and on the benches by the library there are a group of blokes with pit bulls drinking special brew being rowdy.

All in the space of 2 minutes this occurred. I hate this city more and more every day!!


Super Moderator
Was it a.m. or p.m.? Cause as long it was afternoon that's perfectly acceptable behaviour in any city or town in the UK (including Gibraltar).

Why didn't you just walk down past the market and Then you wouldn't have seen any of the aforementioned issues. ITS ALL YOUR OWN FAULT


New Member
I prefer to mingle with the 99p, Poundland and CEX crowd up in Hertford street usually. Lovely people hanging around there most days.


New Member
Oh, and it was 12.00ish today. I could understand it if i'd seen it over the course of an entire day, but I reckon it was less than 60 seconds from me walking down past Dietchmann to by the entrance of Debenhams. Add to that the 3 big issue sellers I encountered (I'm not slating them, good for them for trying to earn a living, but they just give off a particularly low image of the town, in my opinion).


Super Moderator
I prefer to mingle with the 99p, Poundland and CEX crowd up in Hertford street usually. Lovely people hanging around there most days.

So what your saying is that it was you dressed up as a fatty and tried to rob some wellies, you then grabbed some blokes neck cause you wanted his can of Special brew, which you then preceeded to drink whilst betting your mate that the pit bull that you dressed as a baby just minutes earlier will kill his pit bull first.


If only there was a 98p shop, they would take so much business from the 99p stores. I think i may go on dragons den.
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I doubt they were pit bulls... I don't bother with town, no need to go there really!


New Member
Not much need to dress up as a fatty, I have a bit of podgy muscle around the waist already. Did you know we used to have a 95p shop down by the Tesco Express (Smithford Way?). It closed because no one used it. I'm guessing they probably didn't trust a shop that was so cheap.
My all time favourite Coventrian was a pissed up guy who always used to get on a certain bus (i wont say which one in case there's an unlikely chance he's a reader of this forum). One journey, after several minutes rambling and pacing of the upstairs aisle, he dashed to the front windows, wrote "UFO's are coming" in the condensation, ran down the stairs screaming wildly, was heard shouting at the driver to open the doors, and then barrel rolled out of the bus, dusted himself down and ran/staggered down the middle of the road.

His autobiography will be available in all good book stores this Christmas.


Super Moderator
My all time favourite Coventrian was a pissed up guy who always used to get on a certain bus (i wont say which one in case there's an unlikely chance he's a reader of this forum). One journey, after several minutes rambling and pacing of the upstairs aisle, he dashed to the front windows, wrote "UFO's are coming" in the condensation, ran down the stairs screaming wildly, was heard shouting at the driver to open the doors, and then barrel rolled out of the bus, dusted himself down and ran/staggered down the middle of the road.

His autobiography will be available in all good book stores this Christmas.

That'll be Andy thorn in a few months time.


Well-Known Member
My all time favourite Coventrian was a pissed up guy who always used to get on a certain bus (i wont say which one in case there's an unlikely chance he's a reader of this forum). One journey, after several minutes rambling and pacing of the upstairs aisle, he dashed to the front windows, wrote "UFO's are coming" in the condensation, ran down the stairs screaming wildly, was heard shouting at the driver to open the doors, and then barrel rolled out of the bus, dusted himself down and ran/staggered down the middle of the road.

His autobiography will be available in all good book stores this Christmas.

Titled, 'John Clarke - What PR Can Do To You'


Well-Known Member
Add to that the 3 big issue sellers I encountered (I'm not slating them, good for them for trying to earn a living, but they just give off a particularly low image of the town, in my opinion).

I made a similar observation in the Telegraph's forum once and got slated by a Green Party candidate. When confronted by several Big Issue sellers in the space of a few minutes, (my personal record is five!), what is one supposed to do? Buy one copy from the first then studiously snub the others as I walk past them or buy a copy from each of them?

Then there are the unlicensed beggers who loiter around the strategic choke points in the city centre.

Overall it feels as if I'm paying a 'highway tax' for the 'privilege' of even entering the city centre and is yet one more expense in these austere times.


Well-Known Member
My all time favourite Coventrian was a pissed up guy who always used to get on a certain bus (i wont say which one in case there's an unlikely chance he's a reader of this forum). One journey, after several minutes rambling and pacing of the upstairs aisle, he dashed to the front windows, wrote "UFO's are coming" in the condensation, ran down the stairs screaming wildly, was heard shouting at the driver to open the doors, and then barrel rolled out of the bus, dusted himself down and ran/staggered down the middle of the road.

His autobiography will be available in all good book stores this Christmas.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, what a great story.

I don't like the city centre much myself, it's bland and just looks so dated now, would be best off tearing it down and rebuilding, the highlighted problems stated earlier in the thread are present in all city/town centres, just be greatful you're not one of these low life scum who pollute the gene pool.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
It can get all a bit hairy here on the West Wight as well! Why, just a couple of weeks ago I saw a pensioner drop a ciggie butt on the promenade in Totland Bay! Damned inconsideration and nearly caused another elderly lady to stub it out! Good job a decent sized wave came along and swept it away or there would have been a jolly good arguement I can tell you!

Do I miss Cov City centre? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! :D
Coventry I am afraid contains the same sort of "humanity" that exists in most similar towns.

From ladies with more girth than a Canadian redwood tree to the resident winoes, the pitbull owners and the gaunt faced hoodies that pollute our streets plus masses of tattoos'r'us miscreants - all make up what this country has descended to.

A cross-section of life that appears to be the norm and sadly untouchable in this day and age - and that is during the daylight !!!



New Member
Have not been down the town at night for twenty years (I live away but go back to see mam and dad etc). It's not the best of places but far from the worst.


New Member
Try Birmingham City centre - gangs of youths on every corner - usually racially seperated - White one corner - Jamaican another, Indian another. Or London if you want beggars, had to tell one middle European woman exactly what to do with her baby she was shoving at whilst shouting "Baybee" at me. Or Glasgow, there's a cultural oasis for you, or Leeds, or Manchester - or Cardiff - dear God Cardiff ~ coventry is a veritable city of peace and reconciliation.

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