Yeah but there was no real ending to it. Nothing was cleared up or progressed.
Just a massive circle
That's the whole point of the show though is it not? They more they try to extricate themselves from the situation, the more entrenched they become.
No matter what they try, they cannot escape. It sort of mirrors life in many ways, but you are always rooting for them and there is just that tiny bit of hope that the nightmare one day will end.
If they keep going down this path with it, it will not have that much more longevity I wouldn't have thought, but I think it is just fine for now and for me, this season seemed really fresh, because the son is growing up to be an adult and just like his dad and the wife has suddenly grabbed the reins of power and in trying to make the situation better for the family, has only made things worse.
The amazing performances keep it fresh for me too and I think Ruth Langmore is such a brilliant character too. Such depths of confusion and internal turmoil, yet, a feisty, witty, potty-mouthed ball of fire.