Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (22 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I guess it's because Starmer knows that Johnson will steam in with the 'He doesn't care about education! He wants to close schools! The unions blah blah'. Ultimately though, if the situation calls for it, Starmer should change his stance and support school closures.

If he did that he'd be accused of a U-turn and lacking leadership (which I know coming from the Tories is the pot calling the kettle black but somehow it'll stick more on Starmer than it does to Teflon Boris).


Well-Known Member
It is a hell of a dilemma and one I'm glad i don't have to consider. I guess the older a person is the more likely people are to risk it because there's more chance there might not be more Christmases to enjoy with them anyway. People with family in their early 70's may be more willing to make the difficult decision not to see them this year because there's a decent chance they'll have a few more to enjoy with them in the future.


Effectively it's been a countrywide lockdown since November but Boris and his pals in London have had a couple of weeks off to get some cash in.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate all families are different but it’s one day. Won’t be seeing my 90 year old grandad. He said sound no bother and agrees. Done.

That's what I like to hear, everyone's safety is the most important thing. There will be a lot of people wishing they could turn the clock back come January. My grandparents are 90 and 95 and have yet to see my 1 year old Daughter. Due to other circumstances they were unable to meet before lockdown and since then we have been using whatsapp video to keep in touch. Hopefully a few months down the line things will be heading back to normal and they can meet.

Deleted member 5849

My brain is doing that thing now where I can't really process the sense in relaxing measures for Christmas if we need to close schools 2 or 3 days before they break up. Yet I can't imagine anything worse than not seeing family at Christmas. It's fucking tough going.
As mentioned, if my parents were by themselves, and also feeling down and lonely, I'd understand. They would then be in a bubble with meanyway if that were the case, mind.

I'm hoping people will be responsible. It's not what they do among themselves I care about, but afterwards when they come into contact with everybody else.


Well-Known Member
So if we go to Tier 2.

What's the rules on going to the pub?

The rules are basically still can only go in the boozer with your household/bubble & you've gotta eat a pickled egg minimum.

You can still be under the good old rule of 6 for outside hospitality you & 5 mates can get pissed in the beer garden/car park provided you all eat a picked egg....or scotch egg I suppose....we're not racist.


Well-Known Member
Matt hancock says there is nothing to worry about with the new variant of Corona that has been discovered. Vaccine should still work.


Well-Known Member
The rules are basically still can only go in the boozer with your household/bubble & you've gotta eat a pickled egg minimum.

You can still be under the good old rule of 6 for outside hospitality you & 5 mates can get pissed in the beer garden/car park provided you all eat a picked egg....or scotch egg I suppose....we're not racist.

...although I believe you can also exploit the "business meeting" angle if you have more than 5 mates who still actually bother going the pub.....I don' fact Im glad there is no rule of 8 otherwise it may start to get a bit embarrassing


Well-Known Member
I guess it's because Starmer knows that Johnson will steam in with the 'He doesn't care about education! He wants to close schools! The unions blah blah'. Ultimately though, if the situation calls for it, Starmer should change his stance and support school closures.
Starmer is too busy giving racists some free airtime on LBC to care about schools and the spreading of Cov-ID.


Well-Known Member
Funny guy.... ;)

He was on with Nick ‘Gammon’ Ferrari. To be fair to Starmer he had no idea what the caller was going to say - but once they started he should have shut them down.
I haven't heard what happened on that one. I sometimes listen to a bit of Ferrari to see what is going on with that crowd. It's always just having a go at Sadiq Khan and Cycle lanes though. Oh and anti-vax nutters.


Well-Known Member
Causes quite the moral dilemma. One of my grandparents is 84 and is really losing it, guidance is that she should be isolating but she’s on her own and for all we know this could be her last Christmas (horrible way to think about it, but having lost one grandparent back in October it makes you realise). Kind of want to spend it with her rather than leave her shacked up alone but equally we will have more than one household at our house anyway so probably for the best we don’t.

Nobody can blame you whichever decision you make Andy. Everyone’s circumstances are different and individual to them.

It goes without saying but if people are catching up with elderly relatives they can reduce the risks by self isolating as much as possible on run up to visit, meeting outside or well ventilated indoors, even potentially have a test (bit naughty but I would if I was seeing someone high risk). Not foolproof but may all help a little


Well-Known Member
I would take that with a pinch of salt, I think Nick was onto something and this was dropped in to take the focus on the shitshow that London has been.

Wouldn’t be surprised. Also heard quite a few people travelling down to London for day trips (going to pubs etc) probably not helped

I was hoping Birmingham would sneak back into T2 on Wednesday. Think the London situation makes it less likely as politically would’ve been difficult not to move us down a tier if London was in T2 still.

Shame all round but sounds like the right decision


Well-Known Member
Matt Hancock highlighting the governments own incompetence live on TV by announcing we've spent more money than any other country on dealing with the virus... ...


Well-Known Member
I would take that with a pinch of salt, I think Nick was onto something and this was dropped in to take the focus on the shitshow that London has been.
It seems very convenient that after the government was criticised for treating London and the south differently to the rest of the company, and the potential for that to result in rising cases, it now turns out its not the packed shops, bars and restaurants we've all seen the pictures of on social media are not the cause of rising cases but a new variant.

What we need to know is what exactly he is referring to. We already know there are lots of different strains. That's how recent studies here have traced the majority of cases we currently have to a strain picked up by Brits holidaying in Spain and elsewhere in Europe over the summer.
Similarly Iceland traced the source of infections coming into the country.
Worth remembering there is already numerous variants out there so the chances of this impacting on the vaccine program are minimal.

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