Think this will be aimed at supermarket owners/managers to get them to try to enforce distancing. Going back a few months they were limiting numbers, plenty of sanitiser to wipe your trolley down on the way in, more staff on tills to process customers shopping quickly (and stop unnecessary queuing) and in turn a better respecting of distancing.
In recent weeks you can rock up, no queue, no limiting of numbers, empty sanitiser bottles, less staff on tills so more congregating. Supermarkets basically trying to short cut the rules. It’s right that they should be reminded of their responsibility (it’s up to senior management to implement the systems/processes so shop floor don’t even need to get involved ! Most have security guards so they can enforce rules if required)
ps I’d have supermarket workers up the vaccine priority list by the way, along with teachers (ie below health workers/very high risk but before general population under 55)