Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (62 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
It is using a bad situation like we are now in to have a go at someone.

Have seen the buildup on here. The same ones that attacked Boris before are using it as an excuse again. Yes he isn't the person to lead the UK. But it is the experts that have been guiding him. Yet some in here kniw much more than the experts. Yet when you question what they say you never get a straight answer.

So why are none of the other parties having a go?

It is sick the way that some seem to be celebrating another chance to Boris bash. And it doesn't matter that thousands of people are dead.
Like it or not we will witness a massive change in society when normality, whatever that is returns something after the Tory landslide in December we would never have believed. The words “key worker” will become significant. The list of key workers almost all have the same thing in common, lowly paid, poor employment rights. When you start getting Tories hard line Brexiteers such as Ian Duncan Smith and Patrick Jenkin telling, demanding the PM and Chancellor to throw huge amounts of money at this which they are now being forced to tells us everything. It isn’t Boris bashing we are and will witness, fundelmental change to our lives in the future.


Well-Known Member
Never understood how people can be so passionate about politics.

I mean football where they have grown up, usually watching their dad's love of it and then joining him as a kid. I get very passionate.

Getting all passionate about Johnson or Corbyn, nah I'm alright. Wouldn't trust either of them to babysit.
Nope. Corbyn would just fall asleep and Johnson would eat them.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
TBF any healthcare system would fail what’s about to come. They have underfunded but that’s like blaming Browns minor spending increases on why we didn’t survive the GFC. My issues with the government are very much immediate.

but you have to ask why the 4th biggest economy in the world has 29 ICU beds per 100,000 and the 6th biggest economy has 6.

Any one saying this isn't political is an absolute weapon.
Strangely, when Steve put a graph up the other evening showing Boris's handling of the situation had a high approval rating not one of them said don't show that, this isn't political.
He may yet get this right and you can guarantee they'll be blowing smoke up his arse, it will all be about politics then.
The reason they're saying it's not political is because the early signs are there that their posh boy man crush is going to be exposed for the fraud he is.

Deleted member 2477

Truth hurt? If you think anyone gets actual pleasure out of watching this disaster unfold you’ve got a twisted brain. There is no way on this planet that the state of the NHS is not a political issue or that it is highly relevant to this discussion. If you don’t agree with that then you’re the grade a c**t.

I apologise for going off on one in the original post, but it was all true and I can assure you the NHS has gone to shit over the last ten years and I’ve watched it from a far closer viewpoint than I’d have chosen. It’s beyond frustrating to witness doctors and nurses pleading with people not to vote for the party that made their jobs so difficult, only for them to then have to risk their lives saving those same people with inadequate equipment to even do their jobs while the politicians bullshit everyone about sourcing ventilators from car part factories. But if you want to believe them, carry on.
First class cock womble

Deleted member 2477

Yeah but we can’t have bad things said about good ol’ Boris can we. No politics allowed and no criticising the government. I’m certain those banging on about other making things ‘political’ would of course keep their mouthes shut if Labour were in power and making a mess of things right now....

Johnson was an absolute fucking disgrace earlier by the way. Worldwide pandemic that will have dire consequences both here and abroad and our supposed leader is complaining about having to give briefings and sounding bored the entire time he actually is. No wonder we can’t get people to take this thing seriously when the Prime Minister doesn’t sound like he’s taking it seriously whenever he opens his mouth and refuses to put actual restrictions in place.
Perhaps we should have had comrad corbyn who would still be sitting on the fence thinking how to protect his terrorist friends from getting it and Dianne Abbot counting the hospital beds.
Seriously why do you think Labour have just suffered the worst election result in over 60 years and dont have a cat in hells chance of running this country for many years to come.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Perhaps we should have had comrad corbyn who would still be sitting on the fence thinking how to protect his terrorist friends from getting it and Dianne Abbot counting the hospital beds.
Seriously why do you think Labour have just suffered the worst election result in over 60 years and dont have a cat in hells chance of running this country for many years to come.

that's the sort of nonsensical thinking that's gotten us into this mess.
Remember before Corbyn there was a campaign, (tinged with antisemitism I might add), that said if we voted for Miliband we'd get chaos, well look at what's happened since then.

Fence sitting? We have a government telling us not to use pubs and restaurants but not instructing said pubs and restaurants to close. Hence all sorts of idiots posting pictures of themselves sat in the boozer with a load of mates. It's the epitome of fence sitting.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Perhaps we should have had comrad corbyn who would still be sitting on the fence thinking how to protect his terrorist friends from getting it and Dianne Abbot counting the hospital beds.
Seriously why do you think Labour have just suffered the worst election result in over 60 years and dont have a cat in hells chance of running this country for many years to come.

We have underfunded the NHS for a decade and are now trying to manage a pandemic disease. Those are both undeniable facts.


Well-Known Member
but you have to ask why the 4th biggest economy in the world has 29 ICU beds per 100,000 and the 6th biggest economy has 6.

Any one saying this isn't political is an absolute weapon.
Strangely, when Steve put a graph up the other evening showing Boris's handling of the situation had a high approval rating not one of them said don't show that, this isn't political.
He may yet get this right and you can guarantee they'll be blowing smoke up his arse, it will all be about politics then.
The reason they're saying it's not political is because the early signs are there that their posh boy man crush is going to be exposed for the fraud he is.

To be fair Clint I was trying to reflect some balance. There had been a constant stream of negative messages, my point was that the wider country (currently) has a different view - for example PVA (who does make some interesting comments) was ranting about Johnson as soon as he appeared on the press conference (if it was at the end fair enough !)

The fact is I’ve highlighted concerns about government communication, ventilation machines and testing (genuine issues) on the odd post but I try to maintain and reflect some balance especially when people still insist on including factual inaccuracies about the governments approach (some intentionally so) or framing things in an intentionally negative way. I’m seeing this in the media as well (both left and right wing). Don’t people realise that these cause causal readers more people anxiety and concern in an already stressful time ?

My final comment is try to keep an open mind about what’s happening and the governments response (good and bad) and if you have time to watch the video I attached (around pg 130/131) which was goes though the scientific approach, rightly or wrongly, the governments advisors have taken

ps I signed up to the government email updates recently so even though I think the basic communication with the public hasn’t been clear/great, I have seen (through 20+ updates/communications per day) there is a still a hell of a lot of work going into it.

I’d also promised myself to stay off this it’s just gone 7am, that’s obviously gone well !

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
To be fair Clint I was trying to reflect some balance. There had been a constant stream of negative messages, my point was that the wider country (currently) has a different view - for example PVA (who does make some interesting comments) was ranting about Johnson as soon as he appeared on the press conference (if it was at the end fair enough !)

The fact is I’ve highlighted concerns about government communication, ventilation machines and testing (genuine issues) on the odd post but I try to maintain and reflect some balance especially when people still insist on including factual inaccuracies about the governments approach (some intentionally so) or framing things in an intentionally negative way. I’m seeing this in the media as well (both left and right wing). Don’t people realise that these cause causal readers more people anxiety and concern in an already stressful time ?

My final comment is try to keep an open mind about what’s happening and the governments response (good and bad) and if you have time to watch the video I attached (around pg 130/131) which was goes though the scientific approach, rightly or wrongly, the governments advisors have taken

ps I signed up to the government email updates recently so even though I think the basic communication with the public hasn’t been clear/great, I have seen (through 20+ updates/communications per day) there is a still a hell of a lot of work going into it.

I wasn't having a go at you for posting it, your points, though I may not agree, were valid.
My point is this whole thing is political, it's nonsense to say otherwise. But the people who are saying don't make it political don't say that when something positive is said about the government.


Well-Known Member
So you stand by what you said? That if somebody votes Conservative then they “deserve the next pandemic”?
Ok, may have been drinking at time. Might have said things I didn’t literally mean. Apologies. Still think the NHS would be in a better place if differently funded but will refrain from calling people cunts in future ;)

* until I’ve had a few later

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Ok, may have been drinking at time. Might have said things I didn’t literally mean. Apologies. Still think the NHS would be in a better place if differently funded but will refrain from calling people cunts in future ;)

* until I’ve had a few later

HAHA! You made some valid points mate, interspersed with some offensive outburst!

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Perhaps we should have had comrad corbyn who would still be sitting on the fence thinking how to protect his terrorist friends from getting it and Dianne Abbot counting the hospital beds.
Seriously why do you think Labour have just suffered the worst election result in over 60 years and dont have a cat in hells chance of running this country for many years to come.
Fuck off mate you utter c**t.


Well-Known Member
Never understood how people can be so passionate about politics.

I mean football where they have grown up, usually watching their dad's love of it and then joining him as a kid. I get very passionate.

Getting all passionate about Johnson or Corbyn, nah I'm alright. Wouldn't trust either of them to babysit.
Are you really that facile?


Well-Known Member
I wasn’t/am not a fan of the government mainly due to their Brexit stance and conduct during the election and I was willing to give them a chance based on the hope their tone would be somewhat more professional than it was during the election campaign. In fairness apart from a few aspects I think they’ve handled the crisis relatively well so far.

HOWEVER to say it isn’t political or to rush to complain about people criticising the government after they have clearly left us severely lacking in ICU beds is ridiculous. By many metrics the NHS looks in terrible condition relative to the rest of the developed world. The first responsibility of a government is to look after its people. It seems the first responsibility of some people here is to look after the government. Noted that most of those people are the ones who have just spent months frothing about labour.

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
I’ll take it. Been called worse. :)
Mate I guess the p after Marcus stands for prick-faced-c**t.

I bet he's the kind of wonky chair leg that stands up for the queens speech, smashes up pubs when England loses and is suspicious about Imran from number 44.
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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
To be fair, Imran is round his house every time he goes to work. I'd be suspicious too.
He shouldn't have such a shall dick, then his misses would have no need with Imran.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It is sick the way that some seem to be celebrating another chance to Boris bash. And it doesn't matter that thousands of people are dead.

Do you not think that people aren't Boris bashing in spite of thousands of dead, but rather because thousands of people are dead?

This is a global crisis with thousands dead and maybe some of us don't want a lying, incompetent, disgraced journalist who has been sacked from just about every job he's held running the country during a time when thousands are dying.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Do you not think that people aren't Boris bashing in spite of thousands of dead, but rather because thousands of people are dead?

This is a global crisis with thousands dead and maybe some of us don't want a lying, incompetent, disgraced journalist who has been sacked from just about every job he's held running the country during a time when thousands are dying.
I'll give boris his dues he is just letting phe call the shots but his handling of the economic issues is criminal

Deleted member 2477

Mate I guess the p after Marcus stands for prick-faced-c**t.

I bet he's the kind of wonky chair leg that stands up for the queens speech, smashes up pubs when England loses and is suspicious about Imran from number 44.
Oh dear have I upset you. Keep voting Labour mate someone has to but youve just shown your intelligent side


Well-Known Member
but you have to ask why the 4th biggest economy in the world has 29 ICU beds per 100,000 and the 6th biggest economy has 6.

Any one saying this isn't political is an absolute weapon.
Strangely, when Steve put a graph up the other evening showing Boris's handling of the situation had a high approval rating not one of them said don't show that, this isn't political.
He may yet get this right and you can guarantee they'll be blowing smoke up his arse, it will all be about politics then.
The reason they're saying it's not political is because the early signs are there that their posh boy man crush is going to be exposed for the fraud he is.

You do, but we can’t fix that now. I’m OK with putting the past behind us for now as were in the middle of a crisis.

My main worry is Johnson and co are showing themselves to be absolutely unsuitable for this job. He’s still making shit jokes, rambling bollocks, when we need seriousness and clarity. Their ideology right now is stopping them taking the steps needed in terms of closing things and compensating workers.

Those are pressing issues. We can argue about what they’ve done to the country for the last ten years later.

I’m no Corbyn fan, but I will say that Labour didn’t just kick out all the adults in the party. If we had the likes of Clarke and Gauke and Hammond available right now I’d feel a lot safer. At least with Labour we’d have the option of adults in the room and some experience from the 2008 crash and previous public health crises.
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Well-Known Member
Do you not think that people aren't Boris bashing in spite of thousands of dead, but rather because thousands of people are dead?

This is a global crisis with thousands dead and maybe some of us don't want a lying, incompetent, disgraced journalist who has been sacked from just about every job he's held running the country during a time when thousands are dying.

He’s trying to take both sides here. Those in favour of Boris and those in favour of Boris.

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Oh dear have I upset you. Keep voting Labour mate someone has to but youve just shown your intelligent side
The gammonista has awoken from his slumber.

Marcus mate you're a banker detping on about terrorists and diane abbot like the sun reading c**t you are mate.

You keep being a tiny man who blames his own catalogue of short comings on other people,


Well-Known Member
Johnson was an absolute fucking disgrace earlier by the way. Worldwide pandemic that will have dire consequences both here and abroad and our supposed leader is complaining about having to give briefings and sounding bored the entire time he actually is. No wonder we can’t get people to take this thing seriously when the Prime Minister doesn’t sound like he’s taking it seriously whenever he opens his mouth and refuses to put actual restrictions in place.

This is what annoys me the most. Just comes across as total laziness and disregard for the situation.

Saying he doesn't want to answer many questions 'because we've done 4 or 5 of these' (we haven't, we've done 3) and then asking the journalists if we even need to do them. I mean FFS, you're the Prime Minister and you're suggesting you don't need to address the public during a global health crisis. Do your fucking job.

Oh and calling an emergency COBRA meeting… for 3 days time so that it disn't spoil his weekend.

I think the problem is he's dreamed of becoming PM his whole life, it's been his life long ambition to emulate his hero Churchill and lead the country. Finally he gets the chance, and even better he gets the chance to 'get Brexit done' and make a name for himself, which is what it's all about for him. Maybe get a bridge named after him or something.

But not this. This is not what he signed up for. Now he's completely in the shit, doesn't know what to do, and is being exposed as a total fraud.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
I also think he's translating PHE messages into what he thinks is more palatable to the public. I doubt very much the experts would use such permissive language given the chance.
Yeah, sad thing is Chris Witty and Patrick Vallance are both very articulate men who would be better at fielding g those questions.


Well-Known Member
The gammonista has awoken from his slumber.

Marcus mate you're a banker detping on about terrorists and diane abbot like the sun reading c**t you are mate.

You keep being a tiny man who blames his own catalogue of short comings on other people,

We might not agree on how to read a graph but we do agree on this.

I am no fan of Corbyn or Abbott at all, but it is no use blaming them now. And the whole 'Corbyn is a terrorist and Abbott is thick' stuff is tedious bullshit that's spread like wildfire amongst the gammon on Facebook.

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