Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (10 Viewers)

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
If true they should be forking out significant sums in international reparations, not for the leak itself but the cover up and delays in responses caused by it. Not only might it have been better contained (long shot due to highly contagious nature of virus) but providing specifically what had been leaked and the data behind it, might’ve enabled pharmaceutical companies to produce quicker and better vaccines. Not doing so has probably lead to hundreds of thousands or millions more deaths, not to mention 100s billions in the cost of lockdowns. They and Russia are perfect bedfellows
If their data was that helpful, surely they'd have been able to produce better vaccines themselves.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Can’t say I’m surprised. I read an article last year about scientists being unable to find a single case in wild animals thought/suggested to be behind the original outbreak.

If true they should be forking out significant sums in international reparations, not for the leak itself but the cover up and delays in responses caused by it. Not only might it have been better contained (long shot due to highly contagious nature of virus) but providing specifically what had been leaked and the data behind it, might’ve enabled pharmaceutical companies to produce quicker and better vaccines. Not doing so has probably lead to hundreds of thousands or millions more deaths, not to mention 100s billions in the cost of lockdowns. They and Russia are perfect bedfellows
Shows how grateful we should be to have genuinely world class scientific expertise in this country.


Well-Known Member
If their data was that helpful, surely they'd have been able to produce better vaccines themselves.

As BSB indicates, depends on the quality of their scientists, what restrictions they’ve been working under etc. I’m no scientist (obviously) but id be shocked if exactly what had been released/leaked was immediately shared with scientists around the world, vaccines couldn’t have produced even quicker (it was a miracle what they did anyway).

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
As BSB indicates, depends on the quality of their scientists, what restrictions they’ve been working under etc. I’m no scientist (obviously) but id be shocked if exactly what had been released/leaked was immediately shared with scientists around the world, vaccines couldn’t have produced even quicker (it was a miracle what they did anyway).
Besides the limitation of technology, I'd say the biggest barrier to scientific progress is people not sharing when experiments don't work. This is like that but on a far more damaging scale. If they had shared all their data it could have made governments (at least those who were interested) implement more appropriate safeguards from the beginning and accelerate the time taken for a vaccine to come.


Well-Known Member
Besides the limitation of technology, I'd say the biggest barrier to scientific progress is people not sharing when experiments don't work. This is like that but on a far more damaging scale. If they had shared all their data it could have made governments (at least those who were interested) implement more appropriate safeguards from the beginning and accelerate the time taken for a vaccine to come.

Very wonky but I’d love to see some higher standard of academic release that included stuff like hypothesis and key variables stated from the beginning, replicable by another source if reasonable, fully open source data and code.

Some kind of funded journal that can become the gold standard for publishing.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Very wonky but I’d love to see some higher standard of academic release that included stuff like hypothesis and key variables stated from the beginning, replicable by another source if reasonable, fully open source data and code.

Some kind of funded journal that can become the gold standard for publishing.

I would like to see a high impact scientific journal that focuses on original ideas and experiments that were just unsuccessful. Avoid duplication of labour and encourage people to share what they did even if it didn’t work. My own work falls into that category-saw another group publish something years later that was basically the same and also didn’t really work.

But our prof only wanted to publish successes


Well-Known Member
I would like to see a high impact scientific journal that focuses on original ideas and experiments that were just unsuccessful. Avoid duplication of labour and encourage people to share what they did even if it didn’t work. My own work falls into that category-saw another group publish something years later that was basically the same and also didn’t really work.

But our prof only wanted to publish successes

That’s why preregistration is important I think, then at least if the authors disappear into the ether there’s evidence and some caution can be applied or enquiries made.


Well-Known Member
Johnson’s having a mare this week. What was hancock thinking releasing a load of what’s app messages to a journalist (well, we all know, pure greed/self publicity)



Well-Known Member
But but but Boris lad was doing his best and that’s all what matters. Would you rather live in Italy. Boris is really a very intelligent man, it’s all an act etc. etc.

Worst PM in living memory. Said all along he’ll end up being held in the same regard as Blair.


Well-Known Member
And as for MHancock, what an absolute dumb ass. I want to write a book about my time as health minister in a pandemic where I’m the hero. One problem, I’m so stupid I can’t write it on my own, I need a ghost writer but who? Oh I know, that right wing conspiracy theorist who just so happens to be an anti vaxxer, Covid sceptic, lockdown hating nut job who hates everything that I did during the pandemic will do, here have a load of WhatsApp government messages that I don’t have permission to share with you from any of the other recipients. Now you won’t use them to sell your own lunatic agenda will you. Cheers, here you go then.


Well-Known Member
But but but Boris lad was doing his best and that’s all what matters. Would you rather live in Italy. Boris is really a very intelligent man, it’s all an act etc. etc.

Worst PM in living memory. Said all along he’ll end up being held in the same regard as Blair.
It should really be a non-contest. But somehow they decided to let Liz Truss have a go.


Well-Known Member
Just been reminded that it was Isobel Oakenshot who was behind the story/leaks that got Sir Kim Darroch sacked for observing Trump and his team for exactly what they are.


Well-Known Member
Woke up Sunday and felt like I’d been hit by a bus!!! Thighs killing, knees felt like they’d been smashed with a hammer and wanted to puke all day.

Went to sleep that night and woke up absolutely drenched in sweat. Sheets and quilt cover were sopping.

Felt a bit better but still rough yesterday and because of various reasons decided to take a test and has come up positive.

Missus has woke up today coughing and aching and is currently fast asleep on the sofa (she’s got two days holiday as well bless her) so guessing she’s got it as well.

Weird this time as it’s more of a wet cough although every time I cough it feels like I’m being punched in the ribs.

Teach me for sharing my beers with pissed up women on the train on Thursday.


Well-Known Member
Woke up Sunday and felt like I’d been hit by a bus!!! Thighs killing, knees felt like they’d been smashed with a hammer and wanted to puke all day.

Went to sleep that night and woke up absolutely drenched in sweat. Sheets and quilt cover were sopping.

Felt a bit better but still rough yesterday and because of various reasons decided to take a test and has come up positive.

Missus has woke up today coughing and aching and is currently fast asleep on the sofa (she’s got two days holiday as well bless her) so guessing she’s got it as well.

Weird this time as it’s more of a wet cough although every time I cough it feels like I’m being punched in the ribs.

Teach me for sharing my beers with pissed up women on the train on Thursday.
Nice present !


Well-Known Member
Still got this Long COVID which is an absolute bitch. Muscle fatigue, low energy etc disrupts everything - limited to working from home office. At least the heart palpitations etc have gotten more infrequent. Was shocked to read that nearly 2m in UK are suffering from it.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
My daughter and wife had it three weeks ago, my wife was really ill and had a week off work ( who were very unsympathetic typical nhs). My daughter has ds so we were very worried she has had worse colds and sailed though it again.

Must have been a female only strain as me and the boys didn’t catch it.


Well-Known Member
Still got this Long COVID which is an absolute bitch. Muscle fatigue, low energy etc disrupts everything - limited to working from home office. At least the heart palpitations etc have gotten more infrequent. Was shocked to read that nearly 2m in UK are suffering from it.
Sorry to hear that. My wife has a friend going through the same as you. She managed to get some hyperbaric therapy which helped her no end, especially the constant fatigue. If you haven’t had or been offered any it might be worth talking to your GP about it. I think she went private but I understand it is available through the NHS.

Some of the other long term effects are really bad too. I have a mate who lost his sense of taste and smell completely, it will be 3 years in the summer and his smell has never returned, his taste has partially returned but he essentially only has two tastes, sweet things just taste like raw white sugar and everything else tastes like charcoal. To cap it all off he’s now going deaf to the point that he needs hearing aids and it seems it’s all connected to the first time he had covid. The rates in people going deaf are apparently on the increase well above average in people who’s taste and smell were lost with covid.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that. My wife has a friend going through the same as you. She managed to get some hyperbaric therapy which helped her no end, especially the constant fatigue. If you haven’t had or been offered any it might be worth talking to your GP about it. I think she went private but I understand it is available through the NHS.

Some of the other long term effects are really bad too. I have a mate who lost his sense of taste and smell completely, it will be 3 years in the summer and his smell has never returned, his taste has partially returned but he essentially only has two tastes, sweet things just taste like raw white sugar and everything else tastes like charcoal. To cap it all off he’s now going deaf to the point that he needs hearing aids and it seems it’s all connected to the first time he had covid. The rates in people going deaf are apparently on the increase well above average in people who’s taste and smell were lost with covid.
Not sure Hungarian NHS can even spell "hyperbaric". 😁 All the docs I've seen said basically patience and do the most you can then rest.:confused:


Well-Known Member
This sounds awful ! My wife has been coughing for 4 months - she needs to go to the doctor but is very stubborn


Well-Known Member
Was shocked to read that nearly 2m in UK are suffering from it.
Friend of mine is a couple of months into long covid. Probably one of the fittest and healthiest people I know. First time round no issues, second time getting covid totally wiped out.

Months later doesn't seem to be getting much help past just wait it out and hope it goes away eventually.


Well-Known Member
Friend of mine is a couple of months into long covid. Probably one of the fittest and healthiest people I know. First time round no issues, second time getting covid totally wiped out.

Months later doesn't seem to be getting much help past just wait it out and hope it goes away eventually.

Again,what more can he do? What help can he possibly get? Can’t believe people are still posting in this thread about their different ailments etc - move on


Well-Known Member
Again,what more can he do? What help can he possibly get? Can’t believe people are still posting in this thread about their different ailments etc - move on
Move on? How do you suggest that's done when we're talking about someone previously fit & healthy who now struggles to even make it out of bed most days?


Well-Known Member
Move on? How do you suggest that's done when we're talking about someone previously fit & healthy who now struggles to even make it out of bed most days?

We should start a thread about more serious illnesses then in that case…geeeez

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